[[alternative]]The constitutional role of king Bhumibol Adulyadej in Thailand
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泰王蒲美蓬對於民主政治有自身的看法,並利用身處君主立憲制之政治角色以經營和推動理念。本文將經由多層次的角度探究泰王蒲美蓬在君主立憲體制的角色之走向和變遷過程,綜合政治、經濟、社會和宗教等面向和歷史緣由,了解泰王和政府間與政局發展的相互關係,以及獲取泰王支持的法理關係。最後將針對泰王的家父長角色和國家支柱的角色進行論證,尤其是隨著泰王年事已高及健康因素,將對泰國政局有所衝擊,其對於泰國國王的君主立憲角色或有所影響。[[abstract]]The Thai politics presents a multi-dimensional appearance and mobility that enriched its variety. Many scholars are drawn to conduct research on its diversity. Besides studying the military system, the King Bhumibol Adulyadej holds an unique position in Thai politics that worths its own attention. In addition to his influential power on dictating the direction of the politics, the king provides a fundamental stability in any political situation. However, there has been few studies specifically focused on the King of Thailand.
The king Bhumibol Adulyadej started his ruling since June 9, 1946. During the political development and revolution, his reign embodies an unique political system in modern constitutional monarchy, especially the King''s acting role in tying the political issues with the socio-economical aspects. As time changes, the constitutional role of the King Bhumibol Adulyadej also changes. It is important to realize that the King Bhumibol Adulyadej gives a far-reaching effect that deserves increasing consideration. Although the apparent role of a king seems to binomial, the King Bhumibol Adulyadej exhibits a crucial influence that such role in other constitutional monarchy countries is incomparable.
King Bhumibol Adulyadej has his own views of democratic politics. He uses his political role to promote and exercise such concept. Bringing together analyses on politics socioeconomics, religions, and history, this paper discussed the changes of the constitutional role of King overtime through studying the mutual relationships among the King, government and the state. Furthermore, the paper also discussed the potential impact of the King''s advanced age and deteriorating health to the current political situation and his constitutional role.[[tableofcontents]]目次
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 問題意識陳述 4
第三節 文獻回顧 5
第四節 研究方法與範圍 10
第五節 研究架構 12
第二章 泰國君王政治之源起 19
第一節 歷史背景與地緣政治 20
第二節 歷朝君王制之演變 24
第三節 立憲之爭議 34
第三章 泰王蒲美蓬之政治角色 39
第一節 統而不治 40
第二節 家父長角色 42
第三節 維護君王地位之法制 52
第四章 泰王蒲美蓬之社會經濟與宗教角色 57
第一節 蒲美蓬之自給自足經濟觀 57
第二節 資本主義經濟發展與自給自足經濟的矛盾和調和 68
第三節 佛教保護人與君權神聖化 74
第五章 結論 79
第一節 研究發現 79
第二節 結語 82
參考文獻 85
附錄二--------------------------------------------------100[[note]]學號: 698260121, 學年度: 10