Reproductive health care in the time of COVID-19: Perspectives of poor women and service providers from Rahim Yar Khan, Punjab


This study was conducted by the Population Council in Rahim Yar Khan district of Punjab, with the support of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), to uncover urgently needed evidence about the challenges and needs of poor women and health care providers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Over 200 poor women—beneficiaries of the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP), one of the largest social protection programs in the world—and 60 public and private sector health care providers participated in this investigation of BISP beneficiaries’ knowledge of COVID-19, the effects of the pandemic on their lives, mental health and wellbeing, and their access to reproductive health (RH) and family planning (FP) services, as well as the knowledge, attitudes, practices, and challenges of service providers during the COVID-19 pandemic

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