Analysis of stretch and stress distribution in pelvic floor structures during vaginal delivery using computer modeling


This work was supported by the project n. 182 Obstetrics 2.0 Virtual models for the prevention of injuries during childbirth realised within the frame of the Program INTERREG V-A: Cross-border cooperation between the Czech Republic and the Federal State of Germany Bavaria, Aim European Cross-border cooperation 2014-2020. The realisation is supported by financial means of the European Regional Development Fund (85 % of the costs) and the state budget of the Czech Republic (5 %).Female pelvic floor dysfunction, such as urinary incontinence, fecal urgency or pelvic organ prolapse, is very often associated with injuries of pelvic floor structures during childbirth. This trauma usually causes lifelong complications leading to poorer social or/and sexual life. The paper from Great Britain published that only 9.6 % of primipara and 31.2 % of sekundipara deliver with intact perineum [5]. In addition, the older study showed that 85 % women are suffering from injury of perineum during vaginal delivery [4]. Therefore, it is essential to understand the anatomy and physiology of these structures to avoid or at least to decrease the trauma of vaginal delivery. The computer modeling is a sophisticated tool how to achieve that

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