Power shifts between interviewer and interviewee: conceptualizing power strategies


The article introduces a conceptualization of power relationship between interviewer and inter- viewee in a qualitative research interview. The pre- sented conceptualization is based on the semiotic triad (syntax, semantics, and pragmatics). For the purpose of analysing interviews, power is defined as an abil- ity to influence and control one of these three dimen- sions of an interview. However, power relationships are not static; rather, they are dynamically negoti- ated within an interaction. Within this context, dif- ferent types of power can be distinguished: (a) power over the rules of interaction (metapower); (b) agenda- setting power; and (c) positioning and othering of par- ticipants (i. e. dominance). The classification of differ- ent types of power can be used for further systematic investigation into possible power strategies. Showing samples of interviews with politicians, the authoress identifies several examples of power strategies (for in- stance, a change of rules, an opening of new top- ics, and “a wise advice”). She points out that these strategies themselves can produce meanings. The au- thoress also argues that reflecting power relationships within interviews can enhance the validity of research. It can also be helpful for better constituting a scenario and a framework of interviews, or for developing a re- searcher’s own performative strategy. This kind of re- flexivity is also beneficial for thinking through ethical questions coupled with qualitative research

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