Collaborative Exploration between NIAS Genebank and USDA ARS (U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service) for the Collection of Genetic Resources of Fruit and Nut Species in Hokkaidō and the Northern Tōhoku Region


From 7 to 25 September 2009, a collaborative exploration between NIAS Genebank and USDA ARS to collect genetic resources in Hokkaidō and the Northern Tōhoku region was performed. The investigated areas were mainly upper deciduous forest and subalpine conifer forest zones. The vegetation was mainly forests, but we also visited upland bogs and coastal vegetation to collect some particular plants. The expedition obtained 147 seed and plant samples representing 20 genera and 53 species. Collected genera were Actinidia, Chaenomeles, Corylus, Crataegus, Empetrum, Gaultheria, Humulus, Fragaria, Lonicera, Lycium, Malus, Mentha, Prunella, Potentilla, Pyrus, Ribes, Rubus, Sorbu, Vaccinium and Vitis.農業生物資源研究所ジーンバンクと米国農務省研究局との共同事業として,2009年9月7日から25日まで,北海道及び北東北地域の果樹遺伝資源の探索を行った.調査地域の植生は,上部温帯から亜寒帯針葉樹林帯にあたる.主として森林地帯で調査を行ったが,立地条件の特殊な種の探索のため,高山湿原や海岸周辺部も巡った.この結果,以下の20属53種について計147点を収集した:マタタビ属,ボケ属,ハシバミ属,サンザシ属,ガンコウラン属,アカモノ属,カラハナソウ属,イチゴ属,ウグイスカグラ属,クコ属,リンゴ属,ハッカ属,ウツボグサ属,キジムシロ属,ナシ属,スグリ属,キイチゴ属,ナナカマド属,スノキ属,ブドウ属である

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