Preliminary Field Observation of Cultivated Crops and Useful Plants in Northeast India and adjacent northern Sagaing Region of Myanmar


This is a preliminary report of a field observation of cultivated crops and useful plants in marketplaces and of farmers in Meghalaya State, Assam State, and Nagaland State of India in 2013, and in northern part of Sagaing Region where the Naga people inhabit in 2014. The field observation team focused on the areas, because they are located adjacent to the places where series of field studies on plant genetic resources were made recently, e.g. Kachin State and Chin State of Myanmar, northern Lao PDR and northern Thailand. The plants used traditionally for food and agriculture in the target areas might provide valuable information for strategic conservation of plant genetic resources for the future and to understand agriculture basic complex in Southeast Asia and South Asia. Both non-glutinous and glutinous rice were sold in the marketplaces of Assam, Meghalaya and Nagaland States of India and in Sagaing Region of Myanmar. Glutinous rice is specific to Southeast Asia and East Asia of which Lao PDR has its abundant cultivation area, while it has not been cultivated mostly in countries west of South Asia. Worldwide crops such as radish, broccoli, cabbage, carrot, common pea, eggplant, ginger, and others were also common there. In addition to such popular crops, various shallot plants and other different Allium spp., rice bean with various surface colors, Centella asiatica, Elsholtzia blanda, Zanthoxylum sp., and perilla seed were sold in a certain quantity at marketplaces in Dimapur and Kohima, Nagaland and in Homalin, Sagaing. Indian gooseberry, foxtail millet, hog plum and holy basil were also seen in Nagaland. Through interviews, various vernacular names were recorded in Northeast India and in Sagaing Region of Myanmar for certain crops, which were different from area to area in most cases, and from Hindi words widely used in North India. Traditional uses of rice bean, Centella asiatica, Elsholtzia blanda, Zanthoxylum sp., and perilla and fermented soybean suggested cultural similarity in the range including Nagaland of India and mountainous parts of Myanmar and Lao PDR. The field observation team concluded that minor crop varieties of those areas need to be studied, particularly in scattered Naga villages in Sagaing Region of Myanmar as soon as possible.本報は,2013年にインドのメガラヤ州,アッサム州,ナガランド州,ならびに2014年にミャンマーのザガイン地方域の地方市場と農家を対象に実施した現地観察記録の予備的報告である.これらの地域を対象に選んだのは,今までに現地調査を行なってきたミャンマー,ラオス,タイなどを含む東南アジアの丘陵および山間部の一部であり,東南アジアや南アジアの作物遺伝資源の多様性を考える上で調査が十分とはいえないためである.さらに作物遺伝資源を通じて地域の伝統的な農耕文化複合を理解することは,調査地点の選定や現地における農業生物多様性の保存戦略の策定にも有意義である.アッサム州,メガラヤ州およびザガイン地方域で訪れた市場ではウルチイネとモチイネの両者が売られていた.モチイネは東南アジアや東アジアに特異的であり,南アジアではめったに見ることができない.それらの市場ではダイコン,ブロッコリー,キャベツ,ニンジン,エンドウ,ナス,ショウガなどの世界中で見られる作物も一般的であった.それらに加えてさまざまな色のタケアズキ(ツルアズキ),ツボクサ,Elsholtzia blanda(ナギナタコウジュの仲間),サンショウの仲間,エゴマなどが相当量売られていた.さらにユカン,Spondias cytherea(ホグプラム),ホーリーバジルなども散見された.いくつかの作物についてはインタビューを通じて作物の方名を記録したが多くの場合に地域ごとに異なり,また,東北インドでは北インドで広く使われているヒンディー語の単語とも異なっていた.ザガイン地域の大きな町ではミャンマーの他の都市と同様であるが,山村では全く異なる呼称で呼ばれていた.ツルアズキ,ナギナタコウジュ属のElsholtzia blanda,サンショウ類,エゴマ,ダイズ等の発酵食品などの伝統的な利用はこれらの山地における農耕文化複合の共通性を暗示している.近代化は急速に進みつつあり,東北インドから東南アジア山地,とくにミャンマー・ザガイン地方域に点在するナガ族村落の伝統的な作物の調査を急ぐ必要がある

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