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    Notes on contributors = 客席編輯與作者簡介

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    Knowledge and Pragmatic Factors

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    The stakes-shifting cases suggest that pragmatic factors such as stakes play an important role in determining our intuitive judgments of whether or not S knows that p. This seems to be in conflict with intellectualism, according to which pragmatic factors in general should not be taken into account, when considering whether or not S knows that p. This paper develops a theory of judgments of knowledge status that reconciles intellectualism with our intuitive judgments regarding the stakes-shifting cases. I argue that pragmatic factors affect only our epistemic perspectives, i.e., the ways in which we evaluate S’s epistemic position. Therefore, pragmatic factors only have an indirect impact on our judgments of knowledge status

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    選擇合宜的植物種類是植生復育的關鍵第一步,利用新興的物種分布模擬 (SDM) 將有助於正確選擇樹種及確定適宜生育地以提供科學決策。本文以臺灣赤楊為例,使用免費易得的全球生物多樣性資訊機構(GBIF) 物種資料庫、最大熵 (MaxEnt) 物種分布軟體進行其生育地適宜度分析,結果顯示預測模型之準確度評估屬於良好等級 (AUC = 0.842),所得之預測出現機率可加以繪製臺灣赤楊之生育地適宜度 (HSI) 分布圖,經9 處崩塌地鄰近區域植群調查資料驗證十分吻合,同時本文對未來物種分布模擬尚待解決之相關議題加以討論,期使本地原生植物在水土保持植生復育中更具科學基礎與發揮其應用潛力。Selecting appropriate species is the first key step for vegetation rehabilitation. Novel species distribution modeling (SDM) can assist in making scientific decisions to support species selection and predict suitable habitat. In this paper, we combine the open-access Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) database and MaxEnt modeling software to predict Alnus formorsana distribution. The results reveal that the accuracy assessment of our model is good within an area of 0.842 according to the receiver operating characteristic curve. We transform the predicted occurrence probability, through ArcGIS, to map the habitat suitability index (HSI) of Alnus formorsana that approximately corresponds with the observed vegetation in 9 nearby landslide areas. Based on our findings, we discuss the future challenges related to SDM. The proposed approach can be used in the future to facilitate proper application of native plants in soil and water conservation


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    本文擬從長期的資料著手,首先以產業內貿易指數觀察兩岸貿易型態與國際分工的變化情形,接著針對產業內貿易指數的缺點提出疑問,並配合貿易專業化係數或質易特殊化係數(Trade Specialization Coefficient, TSC) 重新定義國際分工型態。由TSC值進一步觀察兩岸歷年對全球貿易中,工業部門的國際分工型態,並以「雁行」理論,探討兩岸產業的發展關{系。 本文共分陸節,除前言外,第貳節是圓際貿易與國際分工型態的文獻回顧,第參節敘述貿易資料來源與國際分工指標,第肆富有分析臺灣地區國際貿易與分工型態時間趨勢,第伍節說明臺灣地區產業政策與國際分工型態反轉的形成,最後則是結論


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    1998年3月,中國(海南)改革發展研究院正式提出“關於實行瓊台農業項下自由貿易的建議報告”。 這項建議的提出,曾在海內外產生反響,但由於種種原因,未能實施,今天當中國和中國臺灣先後加入WTO 之後,此項建議,是否還有價值,是否可行,在新形勢下如何推動,本文將對這些問題進行探討

    ゲンダイ タイワンシ ニ オケル カンセイ ナショナリズム ト タイメン コグン イメージ 

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    本文改自筆者參加《第六届現代中國社會與東亞新格局國際研討會》(2012 年8 月於台灣東華大學)的討論稿