487 research outputs found

    Recognition of Plague in the Great Plan-Based Theories : Focusing on "六沴" and Calamity

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    The rituals that worshiped those who have unnatural deaths were held in national rituals of East Asian countries. Among them, the note of "六厲之礼" was annotated to the oldest record. It has not been considered yet what kind of ritual it was. Therefore, this paper first analyzes the relationship between "五事", "五気" and "五行の沴", and reveals the origin of "六沴" and "六厲之礼" that it points to "六沴之礼". Also, after an examination of the disaster records and Wu-hsing Chih, the recognition of plague in the Great Planbased calamity can be seen that because of its indirectness and multiple occurrence, plague has not been regarded as much as other calamity. And its position was ambiguous. In conclusion, in the Great Plan-based theories, the possibility of using six kinds of illness as one idea, the "六厲", was low.文部科学省グローバルCOEプログラム 関西大学文化交渉学教育研究拠点[東アジアの歴史と動態

    Research Note: The Ritual of the Unnatural Dead in Ancient Japan and China

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    This work looks at a relation of ancient Japan\u27s and China\u27s ideas of ritual centering on rei. The etiquette that was inseparable from law should have been transmitted with Chinese legal codes, but the expression wasn\u27t always limited to the legal codes text. Especially in the case of the ideas of ritual, It was considered that fixed change occurred due to the difference in the consept of ghost and god between the two countries. And after examinating of records about rei, it was found that there were rei of the spirit who brought an epidemic and rei of the ghost who had no heir in the ancient China. New development of beliefs to rei in the late of Han Dynasty and the Six Dynasty was a result that these two kinds of rei were connected under the condition of the deaths in hatred. That\u27s the customs which worship the vindictive spirit who was a concrete person to a god. These customs can be considered to have an impact on Japan. In addition, This work also looked at the first Goryō ceremony and subsequent Goryō ceremony and pointed out that the origins of both were different, and speculated that the former possibly imitated Chinese ritual of rei for political purposes.文部科学省グローバルCOEプログラム 関西大学文化交渉学教育研究拠点松浦章教授古稀記念号[研究ノート


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    The Concept of Rei in the Structure of Faith An Analysis of Chinese Ritual Documents

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    This paper discusses the historical development of the Rei ritual by examining the records dealing with rites. Next, utilizing the theories of religious studies and sociology, the existence of Rei, which was not included in the ancestral worship system nor in the traditional Confucian set of values, shall be analyzed structurally. As a result of this analysis it is shown that Rei rituals were regarded as vulgar folk religion. This view may have resulted in the lack of written records in official histories and manuals of rites. This paper also discusses the interaction between the state and the popular level of religious life. It is shown that Rei rituals were very popular among the common people and sometimes acted as models of governance in local societies. Furthermore Rei rituals included ideas about the salvation of the dead that shares commonalities with other organized religious beliefs. Because this it can be seen that both upper and lower levels of society held similar ideas regarding death