11,711 research outputs found

    Improved Purely Additive Fault-Tolerant Spanners

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    Let GG be an unweighted nn-node undirected graph. A \emph{β\beta-additive spanner} of GG is a spanning subgraph HH of GG such that distances in HH are stretched at most by an additive term β\beta w.r.t. the corresponding distances in GG. A natural research goal related with spanners is that of designing \emph{sparse} spanners with \emph{low} stretch. In this paper, we focus on \emph{fault-tolerant} additive spanners, namely additive spanners which are able to preserve their additive stretch even when one edge fails. We are able to improve all known such spanners, in terms of either sparsity or stretch. In particular, we consider the sparsest known spanners with stretch 66, 2828, and 3838, and reduce the stretch to 44, 1010, and 1414, respectively (while keeping the same sparsity). Our results are based on two different constructions. On one hand, we show how to augment (by adding a \emph{small} number of edges) a fault-tolerant additive \emph{sourcewise spanner} (that approximately preserves distances only from a given set of source nodes) into one such spanner that preserves all pairwise distances. On the other hand, we show how to augment some known fault-tolerant additive spanners, based on clustering techniques. This way we decrease the additive stretch without any asymptotic increase in their size. We also obtain improved fault-tolerant additive spanners for the case of one vertex failure, and for the case of ff edge failures.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, ESA 201

    Optimal Euclidean spanners: really short, thin and lanky

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    In a seminal STOC'95 paper, titled "Euclidean spanners: short, thin and lanky", Arya et al. devised a construction of Euclidean (1+\eps)-spanners that achieves constant degree, diameter O(logn)O(\log n), and weight O(log2n)ω(MST)O(\log^2 n) \cdot \omega(MST), and has running time O(nlogn)O(n \cdot \log n). This construction applies to nn-point constant-dimensional Euclidean spaces. Moreover, Arya et al. conjectured that the weight bound can be improved by a logarithmic factor, without increasing the degree and the diameter of the spanner, and within the same running time. This conjecture of Arya et al. became a central open problem in the area of Euclidean spanners. In this paper we resolve the long-standing conjecture of Arya et al. in the affirmative. Specifically, we present a construction of spanners with the same stretch, degree, diameter, and running time, as in Arya et al.'s result, but with optimal weight O(logn)ω(MST)O(\log n) \cdot \omega(MST). Moreover, our result is more general in three ways. First, we demonstrate that the conjecture holds true not only in constant-dimensional Euclidean spaces, but also in doubling metrics. Second, we provide a general tradeoff between the three involved parameters, which is tight in the entire range. Third, we devise a transformation that decreases the lightness of spanners in general metrics, while keeping all their other parameters in check. Our main result is obtained as a corollary of this transformation.Comment: A technical report of this paper was available online from April 4, 201

    Additive Spanners: A Simple Construction

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    We consider additive spanners of unweighted undirected graphs. Let GG be a graph and HH a subgraph of GG. The most na\"ive way to construct an additive kk-spanner of GG is the following: As long as HH is not an additive kk-spanner repeat: Find a pair (u,v)H(u,v) \in H that violates the spanner-condition and a shortest path from uu to vv in GG. Add the edges of this path to HH. We show that, with a very simple initial graph HH, this na\"ive method gives additive 66- and 22-spanners of sizes matching the best known upper bounds. For additive 22-spanners we start with H=H=\emptyset and end with O(n3/2)O(n^{3/2}) edges in the spanner. For additive 66-spanners we start with HH containing n1/3\lfloor n^{1/3} \rfloor arbitrary edges incident to each node and end with a spanner of size O(n4/3)O(n^{4/3}).Comment: To appear at proceedings of the 14th Scandinavian Symposium and Workshop on Algorithm Theory (SWAT 2014

    Light Spanners

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    A tt-spanner of a weighted undirected graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E), is a subgraph HH such that dH(u,v)tdG(u,v)d_H(u,v)\le t\cdot d_G(u,v) for all u,vVu,v\in V. The sparseness of the spanner can be measured by its size (the number of edges) and weight (the sum of all edge weights), both being important measures of the spanner's quality -- in this work we focus on the latter. Specifically, it is shown that for any parameters k1k\ge 1 and ϵ>0\epsilon>0, any weighted graph GG on nn vertices admits a (2k1)(1+ϵ)(2k-1)\cdot(1+\epsilon)-stretch spanner of weight at most w(MST(G))Oϵ(kn1/k/logk)w(MST(G))\cdot O_\epsilon(kn^{1/k}/\log k), where w(MST(G))w(MST(G)) is the weight of a minimum spanning tree of GG. Our result is obtained via a novel analysis of the classic greedy algorithm, and improves previous work by a factor of O(logk)O(\log k).Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure, to appear in ICALP 201

    Volumetric Spanners: an Efficient Exploration Basis for Learning

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    Numerous machine learning problems require an exploration basis - a mechanism to explore the action space. We define a novel geometric notion of exploration basis with low variance, called volumetric spanners, and give efficient algorithms to construct such a basis. We show how efficient volumetric spanners give rise to the first efficient and optimal regret algorithm for bandit linear optimization over general convex sets. Previously such results were known only for specific convex sets, or under special conditions such as the existence of an efficient self-concordant barrier for the underlying set