13 research outputs found

    simpcomp -- A GAP toolbox for simplicial complexes

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    simpcomp is an extension (a so called package) to GAP, the well known system for computational discrete algebra. The package enables the user to compute numerous properties of (abstract) simplicial complexes, provides functions to construct new complexes from existing ones and an extensive library of triangulations of manifolds.Comment: 4 page

    Simplicial blowups and discrete normal surfaces in simpcomp

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    simpcomp is an extension to GAP, the well known system for computational discrete algebra. It allows the user to work with simplicial complexes. In the latest version, support for simplicial blowups and discrete normal surfaces was added, both features unique to simpcomp. Furthermore, new functions for constructing certain infinite series of triangulations have been implemented and interfaces to other software packages have been improved to previous versions.Comment: 10 page

    Partitioning the triangles of the cross polytope into surfaces

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    We present a constructive proof that there exists a decomposition of the 2-skeleton of the k-dimensional cross polytope βk\beta^k into closed surfaces of genus g1g \leq 1, each with a transitive automorphism group given by the vertex transitive Z2k\mathbb{Z}_{2k}-action on βk\beta^k. Furthermore we show that for each k1,5(6)k \equiv 1,5(6) the 2-skeleton of the (k-1)-simplex is a union of highly symmetric tori and M\"obius strips.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure. Minor update. Journal-ref: Beitr. Algebra Geom. / Contributions to Algebra and Geometry, 53(2):473-486, 201

    Simple crystallizations of 4-manifolds

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    Minimal crystallizations of simply connected PL 4-manifolds are very natural objects. Many of their topological features are reflected in their combinatorial structure which, in addition, is preserved under the connected sum operation. We present a minimal crystallization of the standard PL K3 surface. In combination with known results this yields minimal crystallizations of all simply connected PL 4-manifolds of "standard" type, that is, all connected sums of CP2\mathbb{CP}^2, S2×S2S^2 \times S^2, and the K3 surface. In particular, we obtain minimal crystallizations of a pair of homeomorphic but non-PL-homeomorphic 4-manifolds. In addition, we give an elementary proof that the minimal 8-vertex crystallization of CP2\mathbb{CP}^2 is unique and its associated pseudotriangulation is related to the 9-vertex combinatorial triangulation of CP2\mathbb{CP}^2 by the minimum of four edge contractions.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figures. Minor update, replacement of Figure 7. To appear in Advances in Geometr

    Stacked polytopes and tight triangulations of manifolds

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    Tightness of a triangulated manifold is a topological condition, roughly meaning that any simplexwise linear embedding of the triangulation into euclidean space is "as convex as possible". It can thus be understood as a generalization of the concept of convexity. In even dimensions, super-neighborliness is known to be a purely combinatorial condition which implies the tightness of a triangulation. Here we present other sufficient and purely combinatorial conditions which can be applied to the odd-dimensional case as well. One of the conditions is that all vertex links are stacked spheres, which implies that the triangulation is in Walkup's class K(d)\mathcal{K}(d). We show that in any dimension d4d\geq 4 \emph{tight-neighborly} triangulations as defined by Lutz, Sulanke and Swartz are tight. Furthermore, triangulations with kk-stacked vertex links and the centrally symmetric case are discussed.Comment: 28 pages, 2 figure

    Combinatorial properties of the K3 surface: Simplicial blowups and slicings

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    The 4-dimensional abstract Kummer variety K^4 with 16 nodes leads to the K3 surface by resolving the 16 singularities. Here we present a simplicial realization of this minimal resolution. Starting with a minimal 16-vertex triangulation of K^4 we resolve its 16 isolated singularities - step by step - by simplicial blowups. As a result we obtain a 17-vertex triangulation of the standard PL K3 surface. A key step is the construction of a triangulated version of the mapping cylinder of the Hopf map from the real projective 3-space onto the 2-sphere with the minimum number of vertices. Moreover we study simplicial Morse functions and the changes of their levels between the critical points. In this way we obtain slicings through the K3 surface of various topological types.Comment: 31 pages, 3 figure

    Combinatorial Seifert fibred spaces with transitive cyclic automorphism group

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    In combinatorial topology we aim to triangulate manifolds such that their topological properties are reflected in the combinatorial structure of their description. Here, we give a combinatorial criterion on when exactly triangulations of 3-manifolds with transitive cyclic symmetry can be generalised to an infinite family of such triangulations with similarly strong combinatorial properties. In particular, we construct triangulations of Seifert fibred spaces with transitive cyclic symmetry where the symmetry preserves the fibres and acts non-trivially on the homology of the spaces. The triangulations include the Brieskorn homology spheres Σ(p,q,r)\Sigma (p,q,r), the lens spaces L(q,1)\operatorname{L} (q,1) and, as a limit case, (S2×S1)#(p1)(q1)(\mathbf{S}^2 \times \mathbf{S}^1)^{\# (p-1)(q-1)}.Comment: 28 pages, 9 figures. Minor update. To appear in Israel Journal of Mathematic

    Combinatorial 3-manifolds with transitive cyclic symmetry

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    In this article we give combinatorial criteria to decide whether a transitive cyclic combinatorial d-manifold can be generalized to an infinite family of such complexes, together with an explicit construction in the case that such a family exists. In addition, we substantially extend the classification of combinatorial 3-manifolds with transitive cyclic symmetry up to 22 vertices. Finally, a combination of these results is used to describe new infinite families of transitive cyclic combinatorial manifolds and in particular a family of neighborly combinatorial lens spaces of infinitely many distinct topological types.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figures. Journal-ref: Discrete and Computational Geometry, 51(2):394-426, 201