2,578,409 research outputs found

    Separation simulator

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    Separation simulator, consisting of a control panel and an electromechanical simulator unit, simulates electrical separation of space flight vehicle stages. Simulation is accomplished by electrically inserting the simulator between the normal interstage couplings of the vehicle. Actual separation is accomplished by energizing two solenoids

    Single-shot layered reflectance separation using a polarized light field camera

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    We present a novel computational photography technique for single shot separation of diffuse/specular reflectance as well as novel angular domain separation of layered reflectance. Our solution consists of a two-way polarized light field (TPLF) camera which simultaneously captures two orthogonal states of polarization. A single photograph of a subject acquired with the TPLF camera under polarized illumination then enables standard separation of diffuse (depolarizing) and polarization preserving specular reflectance using light field sampling. We further demonstrate that the acquired data also enables novel angular separation of layered reflectance including separation of specular reflectance and single scattering in the polarization preserving component, and separation of shallow scattering from deep scattering in the depolarizing component. We apply our approach for efficient acquisition of facial reflectance including diffuse and specular normal maps, and novel separation of photometric normals into layered reflectance normals for layered facial renderings. We demonstrate our proposed single shot layered reflectance separation to be comparable to an existing multi-shot technique that relies on structured lighting while achieving separation results under a variety of illumination conditions

    A parameterization of flow separation over subaqueous dunes

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    Flow separation plays a key role in the development of dunes, and modeling the complicated flow behavior inside the flow separation zone requires much computational effort. To make a first step toward modeling dune development at reasonable temporal and spatial scales, a parameterization of the shape of the flow separation zone over two-dimensional dunes is proposed herein, in order to avoid modeling the complex flow inside the flow separation zone. Flow separation behind dunes, with an angle-of-repose slip face, is characterized by a large circulating leeside eddy, where a separation streamline forms the upper boundary of the recirculating eddy. Experimental data of turbulent flow over two-dimensional subaqueous bed forms are used to parameterize this separation streamline. The bed forms have various heights and height to length ratios, and a wide range of flow conditions is analyzed. This paper shows that the shape of the flow separation zone can be approximated by a third-order polynomial as a function of the distance away from the flow separation point. The coefficients of the polynomial can be estimated, independent of flow conditions, on the basis of bed form shape at the flow separation point and a constant angle of the separation streamline at the flow reattachment point. \ud \u

    Sound Source Separation

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    This is the author's accepted pre-print of the article, first published as G. Evangelista, S. Marchand, M. D. Plumbley and E. Vincent. Sound source separation. In U. Zölzer (ed.), DAFX: Digital Audio Effects, 2nd edition, Chapter 14, pp. 551-588. John Wiley & Sons, March 2011. ISBN 9781119991298. DOI: 10.1002/9781119991298.ch14file: Proof:e\EvangelistaMarchandPlumbleyV11-sound.pdf:PDF owner: markp timestamp: 2011.04.26file: Proof:e\EvangelistaMarchandPlumbleyV11-sound.pdf:PDF owner: markp timestamp: 2011.04.2

    Acoustic particle separation

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    A method is described which uses acoustic energy to separate particles of different sizes, densities, or the like. The method includes applying acoustic energy resonant to a chamber containing a liquid of gaseous medium to set up a standing wave pattern that includes a force potential well wherein particles within the well are urged towards the center, or position of minimum force potential. A group of particles to be separated is placed in the chamber, while a non-acoustic force such as gravity is applied, so that the particles separate with the larger or denser particles moving away from the center of the well to a position near its edge and progressively smaller lighter particles moving progressively closer to the center of the well. Particles are removed from different positions within the well, so that particles are separated according to the positions they occupy in the well

    Separation nut Patent

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    Contamination free separation nut eliminating combustion products from ambient surroundings generated by squib firin
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