152,653 research outputs found

    Connelly\u27s Tavern, Natchez Garden Club, 1946

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    This black and white photograph features a white, two story house with a balcony along the front of the second story. Two chimneys are on either side of the roof and shrubbery is seen along the very front of the house . A brick retaining wall with steps leading to the house is below the shrubbery. A typed label on the back of the photograph identifies the house as being Connelly\u27s Tavern atop Ellicott\u27s Hill and describes it\u27s owners as being the Natchez Garden Club in Natchez, Mississippi. The smae information is handwritten above the lable. The photographer\u27s name is inkstamped in the center.https://scholarsjunction.msstate.edu/mss-lampton-images-ms-ssmag/1026/thumbnail.jp

    Two Schooner Yachts Racing on the Water, 1946

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    This black and white photograph features two schooner yachts racing on the open water. Both schooners have a number of people on them and each schooner is pulling a smaller boat behind it.. A large, puffy cloud can be seen behind the schooners. A typed label on the back of the photograph describes the race as being from New Orleans to the Biloxi harbor. Yachting at Biloxi, Miss. is handwritten across the top of the back of the photograph and the photographer\u27s name is inkstamped on the lower right corner.https://scholarsjunction.msstate.edu/mss-lampton-images-ms-ssmag/1020/thumbnail.jp

    Mimosa Trees at Delta State Teachers College, Cleveland, Mississippi, 1945

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    This black and white photograph features a large Mimosa tree in bloom with people seated beneath it and standing near it\u27s branches. A pathway is seen to the left of the tree and other trees are in the background. The blooms on the Mimosa tree are tinted a light blue. A typed description of the photo identifies the subject matter as being located on the Delta State Teachers College campus. 71070 is handwritten above the lable and there is slight damage at the end of the number.https://scholarsjunction.msstate.edu/mss-lampton-images-ms-ssmag/1012/thumbnail.jp

    Delta State Co-eds at a Barbeque, 1946

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    This black and white photograph features two women seated on a bench with plates of food on their laps. Both women are wearing dresses and holding food in their hands. The edge of other people on either side of the women. A typed label on the back of the photograph identifies the women as being co-eds at Delta State Teachers College in Cleveland, Mississippi.https://scholarsjunction.msstate.edu/mss-lampton-images-ms-ssmag/1031/thumbnail.jp

    The Audubon Tea Room, Audubon Memorial State Park, Henderson, Kentucky, 1946

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    This black and white photograph features a brick two story bulding with a sloped, black roof and white trim on the second story. A chinney is on each end of the roof and a turret is visible on the right side of the building. A brick retaining wall runs along the front and sides of the building. Trees are behind the building and to the right and three cars are parked on the street in front of the building. A typed label on the back of the photograph identifies the building as being the Audubon Tea Room at Audubon State Park.https://scholarsjunction.msstate.edu/mss-lampton-images-ms-ssmag/1023/thumbnail.jp

    Greenville-Lake Village Bridge, Greenville, Mississippi, 1945

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    This black and white photograph is of the Greenville, Mississippi-Lake View, Arkansas Bridge over the Mississippi River near Greenville, Mississippi. The bridge consists of conctrete pillars in the water and intricate metal work up the sides and supports of the bridge. Trees can be seen in the distance on the other side of the river and clouds are overhead. Both a handwritten and a typed label on the back of the photograph identifies the bridge. The photographer\u27s name is stamped in red ink near the center and 7170 to the left of it.https://scholarsjunction.msstate.edu/mss-lampton-images-ms-ssmag/1008/thumbnail.jp

    A House and Yard, 1947

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    This black and white photograph features a small house at the end of a long dirt driveway with trees and shrubs partially obscuring the view of the house. A small shed is seen to the right side of the driveway. A typed label on the back of the photograph describes the scene simply as Early Morn .https://scholarsjunction.msstate.edu/mss-lampton-images-ms-ssmag/1038/thumbnail.jp

    Cypress Trees Growing Out of A Body of Water, 1947

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    This black and white photograph features a group of cypress trees growing in a lake with otherr trees visible on the shoreline in the distance. The trees\u27 reflections are visible in the water. A typed label on the back of the photograph gives a brief explanation of how lakes were formed in the Mississsippi Delta and the types of fish typically found there. The label describes the scene as Fisherman\u27s Paradise.https://scholarsjunction.msstate.edu/mss-lampton-images-ms-ssmag/1039/thumbnail.jp

    U. S. Highway 45 Outside of Meridian, 1947

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    This black and white photograph features a view of a winding highway among thick forest heading toward a city. Three cars are visible on the highway and the cityscape is visible in the distance. A tall pine tree is prominantly visible on right side of the photograph. A typed label on the back of the photograph identifies the highway as being U. S. Highway 45, on the outskirts of Meridian, Mississippi. The label also gives a brief description of Mississippi\u27s highway system.https://scholarsjunction.msstate.edu/mss-lampton-images-ms-ssmag/1040/thumbnail.jp

    Delta Sunset Over a Landscape, 1947

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    This black and white photograph features a sunset over a Delta Landscape of trees and cloudy sky. A typed label on the back of the photograph identifies the location as being in the Delta but does not specify where in the Delta.https://scholarsjunction.msstate.edu/mss-lampton-images-ms-ssmag/1037/thumbnail.jp
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