127 research outputs found

    Research Notes : Root fluorescence in the Genus Glycine Subgenus Glycine

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    Root fluorescence appears to be a useful trait for the characterization of genetic diversity in Glycine max and G. soja (Broich, 1978; Delannay and Palmer, 1982). The objective of the research reported herein was to determine the diversity of root fluorescence in the seven wild perennial species in the subgenus Glycine (Hymowitz and Newell, 1981). To screen for root fluorescence, 5 or more seeds of each accession were scarified, germinated on moist filter paper in a 100 x 15 tmn petri dish and placed in the dar

    Research Notes : United States : Screening progeny of mutagen-treated soybean seeds for nonfluorescent root mutants

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    Delannay and Palmer (1982) reported four nonallelic mutants, three re-cessive and one dominant, that controlled root fluorescence in soybean. It was during this investigation that we became interested in looking for mutagen-induced nonfluorescent mutants. In the fall of 1980, we wrote to various soybean researchers who were engaged in mutagenesis programs

    Research notes: Soybean linkage tests

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    F2 linkage results are presented in Table 1 with a=XY, b=Xy, c=xY and d = xy for the gene pairs 1 i sted in the form of Xx and Yy. Percentage recombination was obtained from the ratio of products following the method of Inmer and Henderson (1943). Results from testing F3 seeds and seedlings to determine F2 phenotypes indicate possible linkage between seed coat peroxidase (ep) and root fluorescence (fr)

    Regeneration of Somatic Hybrids Between Festuca Arundinacea var. glacescens and Lolium multiflorum LAM.

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    Protoplasts derived from ten suspension cultures of tetraploid Festuca arundinacea var. glaucescens (2n = 4x = 28) and diploid Lolium multiflorum Lam. (2n = 2x =14) were fused to produce somatic hybrids. Regenerated green plants in three fusion combinations were identified as somatic hybrids because they showed characters that were peculiar to both Festuca arundinacea var. glaucescens (hairs on auricle) and Lolium multiflorum Lam. (root-fluorescence). Moreover, the hybrids also had a chromosome number of about forty two

    Research Notes : Four additional lines showing nonfluorescent roots

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    Fluorescence in soybean roots was first described by Chmelar (1934) and by Chmelar and Mostovoj (1934). Reports of nonfluorescing root phenotypes in both Glycine max and G. soja have been made by Grabe (1957), Fehr and Giese (1971) and Broich (1978). Genetics studies by Delannay and Palmer (1982) indicate that absence of root fluorescence in G. max is controlled by four independent genes; three of these genes are recessive (fr1, fr2 and fr4) and one is dominant (Fr3)

    Research Notes : Canada : Linkage tests

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    Results reported by Buzzell (1974) were not conclusive as to whether or not E3 (daylength response) and Ep (seedcoat peroxidase) are independent or loosely linked. Palmer et al. (1984) has shown that Ep is linked with Frl in linkage group 12. Using F2 plants of \u27Minsoy\u27 x \u27Hark\u27 previously reported (Palmer et al., 1984) for seedcoat peroxidase and root fluorescence, we tested for linkage of E3 with Ep and Frl by testing F3 material for response under a daylength extended to 20 h with cool white fluorescent light

    Studies on Root Fluorescence Mutants in Barley

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    Using 10,473 barley accessoins and 16,480 gamma-ray lines, root fluorescence mutants which have been reported in order crops, such as soybean, were screened. No spontaneous mutant was found,but an artificial mutant whose root tips emitted a pink glow under ultraviolet light was obtained by the gamma-ray irradiation. The mutant was controlled by a recessive gene named frp 'fluorescent reaction-pink'. It was poor growth and was lethal. The transmissoin rate of the mutant gene was about 80% of that of the normal allele. Thus the segregation in the heterozygous populations was ca. 4 normal to 1 mutant. The frp gene is located close to gl-3, 'glossy leaf-3' on the 4H chromosome.オオムギ10,473品種およびコムギ1,140品種を供試して根の蛍光変異体を検索したが、変異体を見出すことはできなかった。オオムギ品種ふじ二条にガンマー線を3世代にわたって90KR照射したM8世代16,480系統の中から根端が紫外線によってピンクに発色する変異体が3系統得られた。これらは同一の突然変異に由来する姉妹系統の可能性が高い。この蛍光変異体は劣性1遺伝子frp(fluorecent reaction pink)に支配される。frpは4H染色体のgl-3近傍に座乗し、その伝達率は正常型の対立遺伝子に比べて0.8程度と低い、frpは致死遺伝子であるがヘテロ維持が可能である

    Research Notes : Phytoestrogens in wild perennial relatives of the soybean

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    A systematic survey of phenolic compounds in the leaves of species from the genus Glycine subgenus Glycine Willd. (Hymowitz and Newell, 1981) is currently in progress in this laboratory. Two phenolic compounds, genistin (genistein-7-glucoside) and coumestrol, have long been known to have estrogenic activity (Bickoff et al., 1969) and both compounds have been reported from annual species of the genus Glycine (Wada and Masataka, 1964; Walz, 1931). Coumestrol and genistin were isolated and identified from leaves of Glycine tabacina using the methods of Mabry et al. (1970)

    Research Notes : United States : Genetic studies with two mutagen-induced nonfluorescent root mutants

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    In the preceding article, we described several nonfluorescent root lines that had been obtained from induced mutagenesis. Seeds of the cultivar \u27Williams\u27 had been treated with 20k.R gannna rays. The seeds given to us were a bulk harvest of many M2 plants. Only two nonfluorescent seedlings, desig-nated IL 3-1 and IL 3-2, were found among the 5,262 seeds germinated