22,045 research outputs found

    A distributed scheme to detect wormhole attacks in mobile wireless sensor networks

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    Due to mostly being unattended, sensor nodes become open to physical attacks such as wormhole attack, which is our focus in this paper. Various solutions are proposed for wormhole attacks in sensor networks, but only a few of them take mobility of sensor nodes into account. We propose a distributed wormhole detection scheme for mobile wireless sensor networks in which mobility of sensor nodes is utilized to estimate two network features (i.e. network node density, standard deviation in network node density) through using neighboring information in a local manner. Wormhole attack is detected via observing anomalies in the neighbor nodes’ behaviors based on the estimated network features and the neighboring information. We analyze the performance of proposed scheme via simulations. The results show that our scheme achieves a detection rate up to 100% with very small false positive rate (at most 1.5%) if the system parameters are chosen accordingly. Moreover, our solution requires neither additional hardware nor tight clock synchronization which are both costly for sensor networks

    Il fenomeno del giudicato nella vicenda del non luogo a procedere

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    La tesi, dopo aver ripercorso l'introduzione e l'evoluzione dell'udienza preliminare nel nostro sistema processuale penale e i suoi possibili epiloghi decisori, analizza in particolare l'istituto della revoca della sentenza di non luogo a procedere e i riflessi sul giudicato e sul principio del ne bis in idem. L'elaborato mette in luce come il giudicato allo stato degli atti, caratteristico della sentenza di non luogo a procedere, abbia una pregnanza maggiore se letto conformemente all'orientamento ormai consolidato della giurisprudenza di legittimitĂ  per la quale gli elementi utilizzabili ai fini della revoca non dovranno essere procurati dal pubblico ministero ma potranno essere solamente quelli acquisiti aliunde nel corso di indagini estranee al procedimento giĂ  definito o siano provenienti da altri procedimenti, ovvero reperiti in modo casuale o spontaneamente offerti

    Revocation of a License Acted Upon - Mayor and City Council Of Baltimore v. Brack

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    ViotSOC: Controlling Access to Dynamically Virtualized IoT Services using Service Object Capability

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    Virtualization of Internet of Things(IoT) is a concept of dynamically building customized high-level IoT services which rely on the real time data streams from low-level physical IoT sensors. Security in IoT virtualization is challenging, because with the growing number of available (building block) services, the number of personalizable virtual services grows exponentially. This paper proposes Service Object Capability(SOC) ticket system, a decentralized access control mechanism between servers and clients to effi- ciently authenticate and authorize each other without using public key cryptography. SOC supports decentralized partial delegation of capabilities specified in each server/- client ticket. Unlike PKI certificates, SOC’s authentication time and handshake packet overhead stays constant regardless of each capability’s delegation hop distance from the root delegator. The paper compares SOC’s security bene- fits with Kerberos and the experimental results show SOC’s authentication incurs significantly less time packet overhead compared against those from other mechanisms based on RSA-PKI and ECC-PKI algorithms. SOC is as secure as, and more efficient and suitable for IoT environments, than existing PKIs and Kerberos

    Sull\u2019ammissibilit\ue0 e i limiti della revoca dell\u2019esclusione del socio moroso nelle societ\ue0 cooperative

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    Intervenendo sulla questione della esclusione del socio moroso dalla societ\ue0 cooperativa, la sentenza in epigrafe afferma che, rientrando l' esclusione tra le competenze dell' assemblea (ovvero del consiglio di amministrazione, ove previsto dallo statuto), l' eventuale revoca della delibera di esclusione, che abbia acquisito efficacia con l' iscrizione nel libro dei soci, non pu\uf2 che essere assunta dal medesimo organo e con le stesse forme di quella revocata, non essendo ipotizzabile la revoca tacita di un atto formale. Pur condividendo la soluzione accolta dalla Suprema Corte, l' A. muove diversi rilievi critici alla motivazione, che si snoda, egli rileva, attraverso una serie di assunti che lasciano perplessi. Approfondisce, in particolare, le seguenti questioni: se sussista un potere di revoca dell' esclusione del socio; eventualmente, quali siano i soggetti legittimati all' esercizio di tale potere; entro quali limiti sia legittimamente esercitabile tale potere; quali forme debba rivestire la revoca dell' esclusione

    In re Edwin L.: When Process Isn\u27t Due

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    Brevi riflessioni sullo statuto pubblicistico degli amministratori nel Testo Unico

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    In this article, by examining some regulatory profiles concerning the directors of publicly owned companies in the light of the Consolidated Law and relative jurisprudential applications, the Author picks up on a contradiction in the normative data and therefore a systematic inconsistency with respect to the possibility of configuring the by-laws applicable to them in strictly public or private terms (despite the approach in this sense, as laid out in art. 1, paragraph 3 of the TUSP, which subjects public companies to the code of law on capital companies). In this perspective, the provisions relating to the appointment and revocation of publicly appointed directors are taken into consideration, as well as the specific legal regime envisaged for in-house companies
