57 research outputs found

    Between' Poetry and Philosophy: Rene Char and Martin Heidegger

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    Eve, Mary and Magdalene: Stereotypes of Women in Sixteenth-Century Brazil

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    'Uteis a si e a sociedade': creolisation and states of belonging among urban women in nineteenth-century Salvador da Bahia.

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    Recent scholarship from across the Americas has emphasized two general principles for framing interpretations about creolisation in the New World. First, is to understand creolisation as an uneven process of adaptation and change as opposed to a linear route to absorption and acceptance of Christian-European cultural hegemony. Second is the view that Africa was 'rediscovered' or 'recovered' by Africans (and their descendants) in the New World, as they inscribed (and then reinscribed) their own world view on a new and alienating environment. Within these frameworks analysis has addressed a range of issues about the mechanisms of creolisation (demographic, cultural and structural) as well as the pace and extent of creolisation.

    The Dry and the Wet: Cultural Configuration in Clarice Lispector's Novels

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    Child's Play: Baudelaire's Morale du joujou

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    Apollinaire and Cubism?

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    Slavery, Subversion and Subalternity: Gender and Violent Resistance in Nineteenth-Century Bahia

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    The Madness of Lispector's Writing

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    Women in French or the politics of representation

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    The Reception of Clarice Lispector via Helene Cixous: Reading from the Whale's Belly

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