2,153 research outputs found

    A case of anomic aphasia with various paraphasic errors : Focusing on phonological anomia

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    This article reports a case of 70-year-old right-handed woman who made various naming errors because of anomic aphasia that developed after hemorrhage in the left temporal lobe. She was fluent in spontaneous speech with no signs of dysarthria, and despite occasional word-finding difficulties, she had almost no paraphasic errors. Auditory comprehension was preserved for short sentences. Comprehensive examination during the chronic phase revealed, in addition to semantic errors, many phonological errors such as formal paraphasia and phonological fragments which are normally absent in classical anomic aphasia. However, word-level repetition was excellent with no phonological paraphasia. A detailed cognitive neuropsychological investigation of the patient’s ability to name objects to confrontation was carried out in an attempt to determine where her cognitive deficits might lie. Based on analysis of these oral naming errors, we suspected that she could not select appropriate lexical items from the lexicon and, moreover, that she had difficulty retrieving complete phonological forms of the items

    Asian Banks in the Russian Market: An Overview

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    This paper provides an overview of foreign entry of Asian banks from China, Japan, and South Korea into the Russian banking market, particularly focusing on the analysis of their business activities. The author demonstrates that despite relatively high positions of Asian banks in the global rankings, the scope of their activities in Russia remains rather limited. Historically, it is possible to define three stages of foreign entry of Asian banks, namely, 1990s, 2007-09, and 2011-14, however, the majority of banks has entered Russia in 2000s, following Russia’s high economic growth. Chinese banks entered as pioneers; nevertheless, Japan is currently leading in terms of number of domestic subsidiaries. The analysis of credit and deposit portfolios, allowed to identify the following market segments in which Asian banks operate: support to their domestic clients under the follow the customer approach, corporate loans to both Russian and large foreign companies, corporate loans to Russian SMEs, and investment into federal bonds of Russia’s government. The retail banking is mostly comprised of automobile loans with the Japanese banks having the leading positions in this market segment. The paper also highlights the fact that the quality of the current credit portfolio structure is highly concentrated, industry-biased, and short-term. Thus, Asian banks can hardly be regarded as the providers of the manufacturing FDI that are crucial for Russia’s economy

    Ryokan's Short-Poems and their Musical Composition (IV)

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    Harmful Effects of Import Restrictions and Non-Market Measures

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    The administration of U.S. President Donald Trump imposed import tariffs of 25% on steel and 10% on aluminum under Section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962 on the grounds that steel and aluminum imports are impairing national security by weakening the domestic industries and released a plan to slap a 25% tariff on Chinese products worth $50 billion under Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974 for what it sees as intellectual property infringement by China. The United States’ unilateral actions are unacceptable under WTO rules, even though the existing WTO rules are deemed insufficient as rules governing multilateral trade activities including those involving China in terms of correcting distortions in the global market and protecting intellectual property rights. Trying to solve a bilateral trade conflict by power with no judge to referee is a recipe for an economic tailspin, prompting retaliation from the other party, causing a contraction in trade not only between the two conflicting parties but also across the world, resulting in a loss in global economic welfare. All trading countries, including the United States and China, should work to improve the functioning of the market mechanism by eliminating non-market measures and enhancing intellectual property protection under a set of multilateral trade rules, in order to prevent the United States from taking unilateral import restrictions and its trade partners, such as China, from taking retaliatory measures

    Suite Forms of the Bon Festival Dance's Epics (I)

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    Manichaeology since 1737

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    The Russian movie “Sadko” and bylinas about Sadko (2)

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    Havelange Isabelle, Huguet Françoise, Lebedeff-Choppin Bernadette. NISARD Jean Marie Napoléon Désiré. In: , . Les inspecteurs généraux de l'Instruction publique. Dictionnaire biographique 1802-1914. Paris : Institut national de recherche pédagogique, 1986. pp. 524-525. (Histoire biographique de l'enseignement, 11

    「相加平均」操作に焦点を当てた内包量の学習支援方略の研究 Ⅱ

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    算数(数学)教育において、『外延量』と『内包量』について、その性質の理解が重要となる。両者とも、実際的な量であるが、両者はその性質を異にする。その一例が「加法性」である。内包量は、言わば「割合」であり、「加法性」を満たさない。内包量は非加法性のため、「相加」平均できないはずである。しかし、大学生において内包量が「非加法量」とわかっていても相加平均はするという結果が見られる(斎藤2015 2016)。今回は、その改善を図る一連の研究である。具体的な目標は前回の研究(2016)を発展させたもので、Ⅰ調査;比較する量の大小で、或は比較する量が「土台量、全体量」で判断に差異が生ずるか、を調べ、Ⅱ教授方略の探求;内包量の意味(求め方と性質)を「速さ」「密度」を例に説明し(事例の拡大)、Ⅲ調査課題及びテキストにおいて示される図を明確化、を行い、内包量で求める「平均」は「相加」ではないやり方という教示の有効性確認、となっている。結果、(1) 種別;『平均』が問われているにも関わらず、「濃度」「密度」では“加法”誤答が散見される。また、“相加平均”誤答は、すべての種類で約50%を占める。種別は異なっても、「平均とは“相加平均”だ」と多くの学生が誤認識している。(2) 比較量の「差異」及び「質」;比較する量・質とも、3 種類においてその回答傾向に明確な差は見られない(完答を見ると、どの種類も“全体量”がやや低い)。「量・質」に関係なく、「平均とは“相加平均”だ」という意識が勝っている。(3) 教授-学習の効果:両群とも、事前から事後へ正答率が上昇している。「完答」も増加傾向ではあるが、不十分。どの種類も“全体量”提示問題がやや低い。「計算」が難しいことが反映しているのだろう。「内包量」を求める場合、「計算力」が求められることが明白となった

    Individual characteristics, behavioral biases, and attitudes toward immigration:Evidence from a survey in Japan

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    This study examines individual attitudes toward immigration jointly with their trade policy preferences based on a survey of more than 10,000 respondents in Japan. Our bivariate probit estimation results show that people influenced by status-quo bias or risk aversion tend to have significantly lower probability of supporting both immigration and import liberalization.Anti-immigration individuals tend to have pessimistic views of the national economy’s prospects and no personal acquaintance with foreigners. These findings suggest that wide-ranging measures are required for expanding support for immigration. In addition, we confirm the effects of standard variables, such as education and occupation