881 research outputs found

    非ダウン症小児急性巨核芽球性白血病にみとめられた新規GATA1 インフレーム変異

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    ダウン症児は巨核芽球性白血病(DS-AMKL)のリスクが高い.DS-AMKL ではほぼ全例でGATA1 遺伝子変異があり,N 末端領域を欠くGATA1s だけが発現する.非ダウン症例(non-DS-AMKL)にはこの変異は稀である.最近我々は,19 例中1 例のnon-DS-AMKL にインフレーム欠失を見出した.患児は出生時より白血球増多を認め,生後1 ヶ月時にAMKL と診断された.芽球の核型は46,XY であった.変異確認の際,第3エクソンのスプライシングを起こす別の欠失を認め,両変異は同アレルに座位していた.この変異体(#135)の転写活性化能は60%に減弱していた.完全長GATA1発現レトロウィルスの導入でDS-AMKL 細胞株KPAM1 の増殖が著しく抑制されたが,GATA1s や#135 では緩やかな抑制だった.これらの結果は#135 変異体がnon-DS-AMKL 発症に関与していることを示している.出版社版 http://repository.ul.hirosaki-u.ac.jp/dspace/handle/10129/543

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    Relationship between quality of life and restless legs syndrome among a community-dwelling population in Japan.

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    掲載誌 Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment, 12, p.809-15, 201

    Teeth and physical fitness in a community-dwelling 40 to 79-year-old Japanese population

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    High Osteogenic Potential of Adipose- and Muscle-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Spinal-Ossification Model Mice

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    【Objective】This study attempted to grasp how incidents happen in nursing jobs, and focused on drug administration, during which incidents happen most frequently. In order to clarify the causes of incidents in the different drug administration processes, depending onthe years of experience as a nurse, and years spent in the ward at the time of the incident, two studies were conducted. StudyIClarifying the situations where incidents occur 【Method】For the advanced treatment hospital A in Japan, the study analyzed reports on 5357 incidents submitted by the ward nursing staff between 2012 and 2014, and conducted analysis for different work contents, on incident situation and the cause of incident, according to the nurse’s years of work experience and the years spent in the ward when the incident occurred. 【Result】Out of the 5,357 cases, 38.5% of the incidents occurred pharmaceutical services an 25.9% drainage tube related services. For all years of work experience, “insufficient checking”was the most frequent cause of incident. For those with less than 2 years of work experience as a nurse the most frequent cause was “psychological state”, and for those with more than 11 years experience “misjudge.” The most common points with insufficient checking were, for pharmaceutical ervices, “prescription and order sheet,” for drain related services, “the connecting parts.” Study ⅡClarifying the causes for incident occurrence for drug administration processes 【Method】Out of the 1,173 incident reports related to oral medicine, the study analyzed 510 cases where nurses used drug distribution carts for administering medicine after meals. The study divided the drug administration process into 4 stages and for each stage, analyzed the incident frequency according to years of experience as a nurse and years spent in the ward, and causes on the part of the involved party. 【Result】Many incidents occurred in the preparation stage, and the cause for incident in all processes were related to “insufficient checking.”For those with more than 11 year experience as a nurse, occurrence was strongly related to “physical state”at the preparation and drug administration stage, and for those with less than 2 years spent at the ward, occurrence was strongly related to “psychological state.” Regardingcauses on the part of the involved party, occurrence was related to “assumption” for all stages, and instruction receipt stage “overlooking,” for preparation stage "failure to take notice" for drug distribution stage “forgetfulness,” and for drug consumption stage “lack of confirmation.” 【Conclusion】Incidents occurred frequently in drugs and drain related tasks, one of the reasons likely being that the study took place in an advanced treatment hospital. Incident frequency for “insufficient checking”was 60%, suggesting the need for immediate measures. Regarding drug administration, incidents were related to the nurse’s psychological state in cases where the nurse transferred from a different ward shortly before the incident. This suggests that improvement of such working environment would be an effective measure. Additionally, it is also necessary to simplify the complicated drug administration procedures and to alleviate the nurses’ psychological burden