14 research outputs found

    Modeling Growth Rate of Nile Rat using Morphometric Traits Parametes

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    The Nile rat, Arvicanthis niloticus has value in laboratory research in medicine, physiology, behavior, and other related fields. However, there exists a paucity of information on the impact of captive feeding on the morphometric traits of these rats. This study seeks to evaluate the quantitative traits of Arvicanthis niloticus under five feed treatments with a view of modeling its body weight from it. Eighty rats divided into twenty rats per treatment were used for the study. Data collected include Head Length (HL), Tail Length (TL) and Total body length (TBL) and Head Girth (HG) and Weight gained (TBW). Data obtained were analyzed using correlation, ANOVA, while cubic, quadratic, simple, and multiple regressions were used in modeling growth. The results obtained indicated no significant (p<0.01) difference in all the growth parameters assessed for all the treatments. However, among the treatments used, grower mash had the highest value across all the parameters assessed. Phenotypic correlation (r) among all the assessed parameters in T2, T3, T4, and T5 had no significant (p>0.01) correlation with TBW but were significant (p<0.01) and highly correlated (r > 80%) with TBL. Across the treatments, coefficient of determination (R2) for all the models ranged from 0.004 to 0.832, while multiple linear equations (MLR) and simple linear equations were considered as the best models as they accurately and relatively estimated the actual bodyweight of Arvicanthis niloticus. The study recommends the use of grower mash and sorghum seed in feeding the rats in captivity as it will bring about improvement in their quantitative traits, thereby ensuring its sustainable production

    Determinants of Structural Change in the Dairy Sector

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    Even though the dairy products are not a staple food item, but they are necessary for humans as an excellent source of protein. The consumption of dairy commodities began a long time ago, and over time there has been an improvement in the processing to match the changes in the tastes. Small scale dairy production was the root of today’s dairy sector. However, now it is going on a large scale. This changed gradually through a process accompanied by different factors. This study aimed at identifying and understanding existing determinants and their role behind the change in the dairy sector. For this, peer-reviewed articles published by researchers around the world were obtained with all possible search combinations from reputed online databases. Statistical data were collected from reliable statistical data providers, and all activities were done focusing on the determinants of changing the dairy sector. The regulatory policy framework of dairy-producing countries, change in farm size, shift in consumption pattern, etc. were found as the most crucial factors behind the change. Possible suggestions required to keep pace with this massive change were discussed

    A Review of Recent Studies on The Phytochemical and Pharmacological Activity of Annona Muricata

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    Medicinal plants have been used to treat illness and disease for thousands of years. Bioactive principles present in medicinal plants attribute to the therapeutic efficacy and it can be incorporated into modern medicine systems for the development of newer drug formulation for therapeutic ailments. Even now they are economically important, being used in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, perfumery, and food industries. Screening of medicinal plants for antimicrobial activities and phytochemicals is important for finding potential new compounds for therapeutic use. In the present review, an attempt has been made to congregate the traditional, phytochemical, and pharmacological studies done on an important medicinal plant Annona muricata. Cyclo hexapeptides, acetogenins, annonaceous acetogenins were the major phytochemical compounds studied from this medicinal plant. The fruit is of economic value and hence cultivated and used widely as edible food. The plant possesses the major pharmacological activities includes Anti-viral activity, Anti-oxidant Activity, Larvicidal activity, Anti-inflammatory activity, Antipediculicidal activity, Anti-bacterial activity, and wound healing. It also has an anti-carcinogenic and cytotoxic effect

    Characterizing Rainfall and Temperature Variability in Deder District, Eastern Oromia, Ethiopia

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    The main objective of this study was to assess the rainfall and temperature variability in Deder District, Eastern Oromia, Ethiopia. Historical climate (1989-2018) data were obtained from the National Meteorological Agency (NMA). Rainfall and temperature variability and trend analyses were carried out using Instat (v3.37) and XLStat statistical software. Seasonal and annual rainfall totals and numbers of rainy days were highly variable. Belg (Short season) (FMAM) and annual rainfall totals showed a decreasing trend by the factors of -8.2 and -6.25 mm per year respectively but, kirimt (long season) (JJAS) rainfall total increased with 6 mm per year. The average belg onset date, kiremt cessation date, and length of growing (belg-kiremt) period were 15 April, 26 October, and 174 days respectively and fewer variables. Monthly, seasonal, and annual mean minimum and maximum temperatures were fewer variables. Belg, kiremt and annual maximum mean temperatures were 23.87, 22.56, and 22.75°C respectively, and had increasing trend by the factors of 0.07, 0.02, and 0.01°C per year respectively. Belg, kiremt, and annual mean minimum temperature were 13.65, 14.81, and 13.18°C respectively and kiremt and annual mean temperatures showed increasing trend by the factors of 0.01 and 0.01°C per year respectively. But belg mean minimum temperature showed a decreasing trend by the factors of -0.02°Cper year

    Compositional Changes in Colostrum of Crossbred Dairy Cow

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    The research was conducted to examine the day-to-day variation in colostrum composition at the udder quarter level. For this purpose, a total of 3 Holstein Frisian crossbred cows were selected from Bangladesh Agricultural University Dairy Farm. Colostrum samples were collected both as mixed and separately from different teats. The concentration of major colostrum constituents (fat, protein, lactose, total solids, solids-not-fat, ash, pH, specific gravity) changed significantly (p≤0.05), the levels on day 4 were found similar to those of normal milk. The highest mean value of fat, protein, total solid, SNF, ash and specific gravity in colostrum was observed on 1st post-partum day as 6.02±0.70, 14.20±0.18, 23.88±1.25, 17.94±0.42, 1.03±0.05% and 1.05±0.00, respectively and later on, decreased as postpartum days advanced. Minimum average fat, protein, total solid, SNF, and ash content in colostrum was observed on 5th postpartum days as 3.75±0.11, 3.24±0.08, 12.00±0.20, 8.27±0.16% and 0.695±0.01, respectively. But lactose percent and pH showed an increasing trend from 1 to 5 postpartum days. Minimum average lactose and pH was observed on 1st and 5th postpartum days as 2.42±0.06%; 6.03±0.04% and 4.26±0.15; 6.30±0.04, respectively. The quality of colostrum produced by udder quarters was found significantly different (p<0.05). The rear quarters produced colostrum, which was significantly richer in fat, proteins, TS, pH compared to forequarters colostrum. The forequarters produced colostrum which was significantly richer in lactose, ash, SNF compared to forequarters colostrum. In conclusion, the results showed that colostrum composition was significantly changed up to 5 days post-partum

    Effects of Climate Change and Variability on Coffee Yield in Deder Woreda, Eastern Oromia, Ethiopia

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    The agricultural sector is a pillar of the Ethiopian economy, but a range of factors including climate change and variability constrain the production of different crops including coffee in many parts of the country. The impact of climate change and variability on important cash crops has not been well assessed at the local scale. Therefore, the main objective of this study was to assess the effects of climate change and variability on coffee yield in Deder District. Historical climate and coffee yield for data 2004-2018-year intervals were obtained from the National Meteorological Agency (NMA) and Deder District Agricultural Office respectively. Rainfall and temperature parameters were characterized using Instat v.3.37. Pearson correlation revealed that belg rainy day (r = 0.55) had a positive strong correlation with coffee yield. belg rainfall total (r = 0.49) and kiremt rainy day (r = 0.31) had a positive moderate correlation with coffee yield. Kiremt rainfall total (r = 0.11), kiremt end date (r = 0.11), onset date of the belg rainy season (r = 0.02) and length of growing period (r = 0.04) had weak positive correlations with coffee yield. Moreover, belg mean temperature (r = -0.3) revealed a moderate negative correlation with coffee yield while kiremt mean temperature (r = -0.16) showed a weak negative correlation with coffee yield. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed the influence of climate variables on the yield of coffee are statistically significant (p = 0.025). Therefore, there is a need for more research on suitable coffee shade trees, exploring moisture stress and high-temperature resistant varieties, more attention to water conservation strategies, and moving coffee establishments at higher elevations

    Economic and Social Benefits of Growing Peanut Instead of Boro Rice in a Sweet Water Scarce Area of Coastal Bangladesh

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    This study assessed the relative profitability and social impact of peanut cultivation over Boro rice production in a polder of coastal Bangladesh where there is a scarcity of sweet water for crop cultivation in the Rabi season. Sixty samples from a village namely Sekendarkhali of Amtali Upazila under Barguna district were randomly selected for the study. Data were collected through face-to-face interviews, focus group discussion, and key informant interviews, and different quantitative and qualitative methods were used to explain the data. Cost and return analysis was performed to assess the relative profitability of the two crops. Major findings of the study show that per hectare total costs, gross return, gross margin, and net returns for peanut and Boro production were Tk. 116170 and Tk. 91632;  Tk. 132648 and Tk. 52419; Tk. 28540 and Tk. -27628; and Tk. 16478 and Tk. -39203, respectively, which indicate that peanut was more profitable than Boro rice. Moreover, benefit-cost ratios (BCR) of peanut and Boro rice production were found 1.14 and 0.57, respectively indicating peanut production is profitable for farmers in the study area but not the Boro rice production. It was also found that peanut cultivation has some positive social impacts. Adoption of peanut cultivation as a Rabi crop increases the cropping intensity of the study area, creates employment opportunities for both men and women, helps to ensure better nutritional status and better health of the farmers, helps the farmers to stay in the village and to build a better social relationship, increases the income of the farmers, and ensures a better standard of living. The study also identified some problems and constraints faced by the peanut growing farmers and suggested some recommendations to improve the present production of peanuts so that adoption and per hectare yield of peanut would possibly be increased

    Scénarii de Réduction des Emissions liées à la Déforestation et la Dégradation forestière en fonction du Niveau des Emissions de Référence pour les Forêts (NERF)

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    A country with very high forest cover and very low deforestation (High Forest Cover, Low Deforestation "HFLD"), the Republic of Congo presented its Forest Reference Emissions Level (NERF) in 2016. This NERF, approved by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in June 2017, is set at 35.5 million teCO2/year. It is organized around the estimate of historical emissions from 2000 to 2012 and future emissions from 2015 to 2020, related to Deforestation and Forest Degradation. The article proposes three (03) reduction scenarios, which could be applied by the Republic of Congo, to reduce its emissions related to Deforestation and Forest Degradation, in connection with its NERF. Scenario 1 involves a reduction of 8.3 million teCO2/year. Scenario 2 aims to increase this reduction to 4.2 million teCO2/year and Scenario 3 involves a reduction of 2.8 million teCO2/year. Scenario 2 is perfectly suited to the national circumstances of the Republic of Congo, which has embarked on a sustainable development approach. The national REDD strategy, validated by all stakeholders in July 2016, stipulated that the impact of deforestation and forest degradation be limited on the basis of five (05) strategic axes: (i) strengthening sustainable governance and financing, (ii) sustainable management and development of forest resources, (iii) improvement of agricultural systems, (iv) rationalization of the production and use of wood energy and the promotion of other clean energy sources and (v) the development of a green mining sector. Pays à très forte couverture forestière et à très faible taux de déforestation (High Forest Cover, Low Deforestation « HFLD »), la République du Congo a présenté en 2016, son Niveau des Emissions de Référence pour les Forêts (NERF). Ce NERF, approuvé par la Convention Cadre des Nations-Unies sur les Changements Climatiques (CCNUCC) en Juin 2017, est établi à 35,5 millions teCO2/an. Il est organisé autour de l’estimation des émissions historiques de 2000 à 2012 et des émissions futures de 2015 à 2020, liées à la Déforestation et la Dégradation Forestière. L’article propose trois (03) scénarii de réduction, susceptibles d’être appliqués par la République du Congo, pour réduire ses émissions liées à la Déforestation et la Dégradation Forestière, en lien avec son NERF. Le scénario n°1 porte sur une réduction de 8,3 millions teCO2/an. Le scénario n°2 vise à porter cette réduction à 4,2 millions teCO2/an et le scénario n°3 porte sur une réduction de 2,8 millions teCO2/an. Le scénario 2 est parfaitement adapté aux circonstances nationales de la République du Congo qui s’est engagé dans une approche de développement durable. La stratégie nationale REDD+, validée par l’ensemble des parties prenantes en Juillet 2016, à prescrit de limiter l’impact de la déforestation et de la dégradation forestière en se fondant sur cinq (05) axes stratégiques : (i) le renforcement de la gouvernance et des financements durables, (ii) la gestion durable et la valorisation des ressources forestières, (iii) l’amélioration des systèmes agricoles, (iv) la rationalisation de la production et de l’utilisation du bois énergie et la promotion d'autres sources d'énergie propres et (v) le développement d’un secteur minier vert

    Assessment of Forest Personnel Performance in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria

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    This study assesses the performances of forest personnel in Akwa Ibom State in meeting their target revenue for the state using qualitative and quantitative approaches. The primary data were obtained using a structured questionnaire, oral interviews, and direct observation, while the secondary data were obtained from all the 31 Divisions and the Directorate of Forestry in Akwa Ibom State. Data collected were analyzed using the descriptive and stochastic frontier analysis to assess efficiency The results obtained showed that the majority of the respondents were male (59.50%), in their economically active and productive age bracket (50.41), attended tertiary education (79.33%), were married (69.42%), had a family size of fewer than 5 members (71.90%), and received a monthly income of ₦41,000 - ₦50,000 (42.15%). Also, the majority of the respondents had been in service for 11 – 15 years (30.23%), resided in their stations (72.09%), and received various forms of in-training (65.12%) to enhance their effectiveness or performance. Most of the Uniformed Field staff patrolled their divisions daily with their superior visiting their divisions more than once a month. The majority (53.84%) of the Forest Officers had less than 10 years' experience and their technical efficiency ranged from 0.35 to 0.97. The study, therefore, recommends that a more conducive working environment should be provided for the forest personnel to be able to optimize their performances which would translate to increased revenue generation for the state

    Assessment of Gender Priority on Groundwater Utilization in Northwestern Bangladesh

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    The present study was undertaken to find out gender-specific priorities in groundwater utilization for crop production and domestic uses, and also to identify various problems and constraints faced in groundwater utilization. A total of 60 farm households were selected randomly for empirical investigation from two northwestern districts of Bangladesh. Among these selected households, both husband and wife were interviewed separately. Both descriptive and econometric (logistic regression) analyses were performed. Groundwater is the main source of irrigation and household water and it is supplied by both public and private enterprises. The availability of water is scarce in the study location hence people use irrigation water for most of their domestic activities. Barind Multipurpose Development Authority (state-run) operated tube wells that contributed 87% of the domestic water uses in the study area. Logistic regression results confirm that priorities of groundwater utilization vary across gender. Females have a greater preference for domestic uses of groundwater while males have a preference for crop irrigation. One of the major factors of preference variation is that female has to spent a good amount of time in fetching water for domestic uses. Water management policies should consider these utilization preferences to avoid extra burden on women in fetching water from away. The study suggests better institutional arrangements for groundwater availability for crop production and domestic uses towards ensuring food security and health benefits