516 research outputs found

    Pemikiran Politik Imam Al-Mawardi tentang Penganggkatan Imam (Khalifah)

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    al-Mawardi layak dikatakan sebagai politikus yang ulung, dikarenakan hidup di zaman dua khalifah (al-Qadir Billah (381-422 H) dan al-Qa’imu Billah (422-467 H), tepatnya tahun 370-450 H. }}Selain itu kariernya sebagai politikus cukup bagus,khususnya pada masa al-Qadir yaitu menjadi hakim agung (qâdi al-qudât), penasehat raja atau khali>fah di bidang agama (hukum Islam) dan pemerintahan. Karena kepandaian diplomasinya pula ia ditunjuk sebagai mediator perundingan antara pemerintah Bani Abbas dengan Buwaihi yang sudah menguasai politik pada waktu itu. Al-Mawardi berhasil melakukan misinya dengan memuaskan kedua belah pihak. Kecerdasannya dalam dunia politik, beliau torehkan dalam bentuk buku, yang meliputi:al-Ah}ka>m al-Sult}a>niyah, Siya>sat al-Wiza>rati wa Siya>sat al-Maliki, Tas}il al-Nad}ari wa Ta’jil al-D}afari fi Akhla>qi al-Maliki, Siya>sat al-Maliki, Nas}ihat al-Muluk. Kitab-kitabnya menjadi rujukan bagi ulama pada masanya hingga sekarang. Hal yang terpenting dalam pemilihan pemimpin adalah adanya pemimpin dan yang dipimpin sesuai dengan criteria yang ideal. Setelah keduanya sudah ada, maka proses pemilihan pemimpin diserahkan ke ahl –h}all wa al-‘aqd  untuk dibaiat dengan mempertimbangkan pilihan imam sebelumnya. Dalam proses pemilihan itu pula, calon imam diberi kesempatan untuk menjelaskan kontrak sosial selama dia menjabat sebagai imam. Itu sebagai pertimbangan terpilih/tidaknya dia sebagai imam. Apabila dalam perjalanan si imam tidak amanah dalam menjalankan amanahnya, maka rakyat boleh melakukan pembangkangan atau lebih ekstrim pemakzulan

    Reinterpretasi Status Minoritas Dzimmi di Tengah Mayoritas Muslim

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    The territorial of Islamic dominion was become worth to be struggled in the past era of Islamic development. This circumstance divided the territorial of Islamic dominion in to dâr al-Islâm and dâr al-Harb. This divide has conceptualized a new Islamic exclusive school who has assumed that the infidels who have been in the non Islamic territorial could be battled. They think that every infidels look Moslems away and wish to battle them, even contrary, in the actually. This Islamic exclusive school also think that the governance must be led by Moslem and there is no chance for infidel to be a leader in all aspects of Islamic territorial government. The infidels always and still in the second class. Whatever, this classical thinking still alive in the mind (paradigm) of the present fiqh's scholars. If we remind to the Charter of Madinah, we can find that our prophet Muhammad never sub-ordinated the infidel. He made a charter where every Madinah's society had to obey the rules, there is no different between Moslem or infidel. In this contemporary time, where the system of territorial become a state, the sub-ordination to the infidel should be pushed away. The territorial today is stated by escaping the difference status between Moslem and infidel, because they have the same position and right to develop the state and live besides each other

    Transformation of Pesantren in Maintaining Good Character

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    Education is the main pillar of nation building. The success  of a nation’s education is closely related to the progress achieved. Because it is a necessity, so the government and society should prioritize the overall development of the field of education. Especially education that shapes the national character of the nation. Pesantren as one of the indigenous Indonesian National Education sub-systems, has special advantages and  characteristics in applying character education for their students (santri). The writing method this article is writer takes some of schoolars argument  that related with the topic of this articel.“this article try to highlight the pesantren as the root of history of islamic education in Indonesia, the transformation of pesantren education system and the role of pesantren in Indonesia in maintaining the good character of student. And the result of this article show that pesantren has many types of system and it has a big role in maintaining the good character of student

    Studi terhadap Fatwa DSN MUI Nomor 75 Tahun 2009 tentang Penjualan Lansung Berjenjang Syariah (MLM Syariah)

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    Metode penjualan barang dan produk jasa dengan sistem Multi Level Marketing telah dipraktikkan oleh masyarakat, namun belum dapat dipastikan kesesuaiannya dengan aturan fiqh muamalah. Oleh sebab itulah DSN MUI mengeluarkan fatwa NO: 75/DSN MUI/VII/2009 tentang panduan penjualan langsung berjenjang syariah termasuk MLM di dalamnya. Secara umum fatwa tersebut berisi larangan penipuan (gharar), perjudian, riba, dharar, dzulm, maksiat dan ketidakadilan dalam transaksi muamalah. Selain itu produk yang diperjualbelikan harus halal, dalam perekrutan anggota tidak ada unsur yang melanggar aturan Islam dan dalam pengupahan harus sesuai beban kerja serta tidak ada unsur money game di dalamnya. Fatwa DSN MUI ini memiliki peran penting dalam menjamin kenyamanan, keamanan dan kehalalan bertransaksi via MLM karena masyarakat akan merasakan kepastian hukum dan aman dari transaksi yang merugikan

    Peran Zakat dalam Menumbuhkan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat

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    Zakat is a responsibility for Muslims. Zakat can cleanse of the soul and give a big income for Muslims community's economyc strenght. So it can be said that zakat is the main indicator for community welfare in poverty alleviation. The Purpose of this study to explain the role of zakat to grow community welfare by using the case study BAZNAS East Java and providing an explanation of the Welfare Index for BAZNAS East Java. This study uses a quantitative approach. Data obtained through questionnaires and measured using the Welfare Index for BAZNAS to see the impact of zakat distribution conducted by BAZNAS East Java to their mustahiq. The results of this study explained that zakat has a big role in fostering this social welfare as evidenced by the very IKB 2018 value which is 0.95 and has increased significantly compared to the previous year

    Tipologi Kepemimpinan dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Kinerja

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    Leadership basically deals with the skills, abilities, and level of influence a person has; so that he is able to influence others to jointly carry out certain activities to achieve certain goals. The difference between managers and leaders in general is that a manager only deals with objects, structures, systems and efficiency. Whereas a leader deals with effectiveness, people, empowering and channeling the potential possessed by others. An important factor that determines employee performance is leadership. Because Leadership describes the relationship between the leader and the leader & how a leader directs followers will determine how far the follower reaches the leader's goals or expectations

    Imamah dalam Pemikiran Politik Syi’ah

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    Dalam pandangan politik Syi’ah Imamah bukanlah masalah kepentingan pribadi yang diberikan kepada pilihan publik, akan tetapi adalah salah satu pilar agama atau asal-usul dan dasar perinsip agama. Syi'ah memiliki sejumlah doktrin penting, doktrin Imamah menempati kedudukan sentral dalam aspirasi politik Syi'ah. Hak politik adalah mutlak dimiliki oleh kalangan Ahlul Bait. Bagi kaum Syi’ah, konsep Imâmah adalah kelanjutan dari konsep nubuwwah. Kriteria Imamah: Ishmah dan Ilmu.Dalam perkembangan pemikiran tentang Imâmah ini, bisa disebut tiga kelompok besar Syi’ah Imamiyah, yaitu: Isna ‘Asyariyah, Zaidiyah dan Isma’iliyah

    Pengaruh Fasilitas dan Pelayanan terhadap Tingkat Kepuasan Nasabah Bumdes Bucor Wetan Pakuniran Probolinggo

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    BUMDES was born as a new approach in an effort to improve the village economy based on the needs and potential of the village. BUMDES management is fully implemented by the village community, namely from the village, by the village, and for the village. As a business entity engaged in business, certainly in increasing the level of customer satisfaction the need for good services and facilities. If customer satisfaction declines, it is clear that this will be closely related to the next number of customers. The importance of increasing service dimensions and facility dimensions will have a major effect on the satisfaction of BUMDES customers or consumers after becoming a member in it. The results showed that services and facilities had an effect on customer satisfaction at BUMDes Bucor Wetan Village, Pakuniran District, Probolinggo Regency. This shows that the better the services provided and the better the facilities provided, the better the satisfaction felt by the custome

    Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Karyawan terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen

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    This study aims to determine the effect of employee service quality on consumer satisfaction Alfamart Karangbong Village, Pajarakan District. This type of research is quantitative descriptive research, quantitative descriptive research is a method that explains or analyzes a problem from a data based on the calculation of numbers with statistical analysis of research results. The data analysis method used in this study is a simple linear regression analysis. The quality of employee services has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction with Alfamart Karangbong Pajarakan

    Peralihan Kekayaan Warisan dalam Madzhab Syafi`i (Studi Pemikiran Syaikh Said Ibn Saad Ibn Nabhan al-Hadlramiy dalam Kitab ‘Iddat Al-Faridl)

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    Mashdar fiqh al-mawarits lahir dari naqliy-bayaniy (baik yang qath’iy al-dalalah maupun dhanniy al-dalalah dalam al-Quran dan sunah) dan aqliy-burhaniy (ijma’ dan qiyas). Syaikh Said ibn Saad ibn Nabhan al-Hadlramiy hadir merumuskan fiqh al-mawarits dari kedua mashdar al-hukm ini dengan menganut madzhab Syafii dalam bentuk tandhim (rajutan syair) terhadap kitab-kitab turats terkait tema al-mawarits yang disusun para ulama syafiiyah. Mandhumat ‘Iddat al-Faridl memuat kajian pengantar tata kelola tirkah sebelum dialokasikan kepada para ahli waris (sebagai harta waris) kemudian disusul pemamaparan tentang ahli waris berikut hak kewarisannya serta teknis hisab/kalkulasi harta warisan dengan menggunakan teori matematis tradisional
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