459 research outputs found

    Need to Promote and Disseminate the Scientific Production

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    With the passage of time, advances in recent years related to scientific production, requires to university institutions,research’s institutes and/or centers, governmental organizations, NGOs and independent professionals to be part of thisdynamic development process.Journal of the Selva Andina Research Society, official organ of the Scientific Society "Selva Andina Research"marks an important milestone in the development of multidisciplinary research to provide to the university professors,independent professionals, research’s institutes and/or centers, governmental organizations or NGOs an open space fordissemination of research performed, especially if them resolve latent problems in health, environment, agriculturalproduction or education among others

    Feedforward Neural Networks for the Classification of Two-dimensional Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis Images

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    This article describes a method, using neural networks, for classifying twodimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoretograms, complex biomedical imagesthat contain proteins separated from a biological sample. The classification aimsat grouping images and identifying their most significant features. The gel imageprocessing part is first summarized. The details on how the classification is accomplished using neural networks axe then presented. After that, an experimentusing real gels of rat cells is carried out, showing the successful implementationand application of this method. Finally, experimental results show that this neuralnetwork based method is more than 90% effective

    Famous numbers on a Chessboard

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    In this article it is shown how famous numbers like Pascal’s triangle, the Fibonaccinumbers, Catalan’s triangle, Delannoy’s square array, the Pell numbers and Schröder’striangle can be constructed on a chessboard with a rook, knight, bishop, king or queen.Furthermore, several new triangle sums, which are all named after chess pieces that areleapers and add up numbers according to the way they leap, are introduced. Finally anew theory of how Hipparchus, who lived around 150 BC, might have calculated histwo famous numbers with the aid of a ‘chessboard’ is presented

    Contribución de la Ganadería para encaminar el Desarrollo Sustentable

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    The human being, biodiversity, and the environment are interdependent for the balance of all ecosystems. However, the intensification of the exploitation of renewable and non-renewable natural resources along with the industrial revolution that began in the 18th century has been predicted as a risk to human health and to the survival of the biodiversity of the earth. In these times of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have witnessed impressive acts of self-restoration of nature, sightings of rare species of fauna, and showing us that with the reduction of activity in industries it is possible to improve water and air quality.El ser humano, la biodiversidad y el medio ambiente son interdependientes para el equilibrio de todos los ecosistemas. Sin embargo, la intensificación de la explotación de los recursos naturales renovables y no renovables a la par de la revolución industrial que inició en el siglo XVIII, se ha pronosticado como un riesgo para la salud del ser humano y para la supervivencia de la biodiversidad de la Tierra. En estos tiempos de pandemia por la COVID-19 hemos sido testigos de hechos impresionantes de auto restauración de la naturaleza, avistamiento de especies de fauna poco frecuentes, y demostrándonos que con la reducción de la actividad en las industrias es posible mejorar la calidad del agua y del aire

    Determinación de la edad propicia para la gonadectomía en pollos criollos

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    The objective of the research was to improve the productive parameters in Creole chickens through gonadectomy in the Tungurahua Province, Ecuador. A completely randomized design with three treatments and a control was used, the results were subjected to an analysis of variance (ADEVA) for the separation of means and the Tukey test of 5%, the factors under study were: T1 (8), T2 (9) and T3 (10), castrated weeks of age, and uncastrated chickens (20 birds / treatment), with a productive period after castration of 12 weeks. Weight gain 12 weeks after castration was higher in chickens operated on at 8 weeks of age, (343.6 g bird / week, p <0.05). The lowest feed consumption was in week 3 post castration (p <0.05). Roosters castrated at 8 and 9 weeks had better feed con-version (6.33 and 6.53, respectively) (p <0.05). Carcass yield was higher in castrated roosters compared to the uncastrated control group (p <0.01). The mortality. It was better in T1 (8 weeks old) with 0%. For this reason, the application of the surgical technique performed at of age is the most recommended.El objetivo de la investigación fue determinar la edad propicia para mejorar los parámetros productivos en pollos criollos mediante la gonadectomía en la Provincia de Tungurahua, Ecuador. Se utilizó un diseño completamente al azar con tres tratamientos y un testigo, los resultados se sometieron a un análisis de varianza (ADEVA) para la separación de medias y la prueba de Tukey 5%, los factores en estudio fueron: T1 (8), T2 (9) y T3 (10), semanas de edad castrados, y pollos sin castrar (testigo), (20 aves/tratamiento), con un periodo productivo posterior a la castración de 12 semanas. La ganancia de peso a las 12 semanas de la castración fue mayor en pollos interveni-dos a las 8 semanas de edad, (343.6 g ave/semana, p<0.05). El menor consumo de alimento fue en la semana 3 post castración (p<0.05). Los gallos castrados a las 8 y 9 semanas registraron mejor conversión alimenticia (6.33 y 6.53, respectivamente) (p<0.05). El rendimiento a la canal fue superior en los gallos castrados con respecto al grupo control no castrado (p<0.01). La tasa de mortalidad fue mejor en el T1 (8 semanas de edad) con 0%. Por tal motivo la aplicación de la técnica quirúrgica realizada a menor edad es la más recomendada

    Comparative Politics and Environmental Commitments

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    Economists and Political scientists have suggested for a long time that democracy and the environment are linked. What they did not analyze in detail is ifthe way in which politicians are elected influences the environment as well. Thescope of this paper is to fill this gap. Using high quality data on a cross section of countries, coming from previous studies, we find strong results suggestingthat politicians in majoritarian systems are less interested in environmental commitments than those in proportional representations. The consequence is thatenvironmental commitments are lower in the former system than in the latter

    The importance of scientific papers publication: An approach to Animal Science Area

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    The scientific production, among the various university activities, deserve outstanding importance because it is through them that the knowledge produced in the university is diffused and democratized to the community/society. Thus, information and/or alternatives for many problems solution are raised, discussed and put into practice within the university that are to be used as future basis for the integrated and sustainable development of a community or region. Scientific writing is also the mirror of teacher and student performance in the inseparable activities of teaching, research and extension, translating the institutional force of own production. Increasingly, academic institutions understand the importance of their scientific production. And to the same disclosure is necessary to practice the scientific writing, which enables academic growth, professional development and growing within a institution. The activities in research fulfill the basic function of the University, such as knowledge generating institution, to meet the everyday demands of the society.The scientific production, among the various university activities, deserve outstanding importance because itis through them that the knowledge produced in the university is diffused and democratized to thecommunity/society. Thus, information and/or alternatives for many problems solution are raised, discussedand put into practice within the university that are to be used as future basis for the integrated and sustainabledevelopment of a community or region. Scientific writing is also the mirror of teacher and studentperformance in the inseparable activities of teaching, research and extension, translating the institutional forceof own production. Increasingly, academic institutions understand the importance of their scientificproduction. And to the same disclosure is necessary to practice the scientific writing, which enables academicgrowth, professional development and growing within a institution. The activities in research fulfill the basicfunction of the University, such as knowledge generating institution, to meet the everyday demands of thesociety.A produção científica, dentre as várias atividades universitárias, merece notável destaque, pois é através delaque o conhecimento produzido na universidade é difundido e democratizado até à comunidade/sociedade.Desta forma, informações e/ou alternativas para a solução de muitos problemas são gerados, discutidos ecolocados em prática dentro da universidade que passam a serem usados como bases futuras para o desenvolvimento integrado e sustentável de uma comunidade ou da sua região.A redação científica é, também, o espelho do desempenho docente e discente, nas atividades indissociáveisde ensino, pesquisa e extensão, traduzindo o esforço institucional de produção própria. Cada vez mais, asinstituições acadêmicas compreendem a importância da sua produção científica. E, para divulgação da mesmaé necessário à prática da redação científica, que possibilita a formação acadêmica o desenvolvimento e crescimento profissional dentro de uma instituição. As atividades em pesquisa cumprem a função básica da Universidade, como instituição geradora de conhecimento, para atender às demandas diárias da sociedade

    Diagnóstico de warfarina en muestras remitidas al CIESA durante el período 2015-2018. Una problemática recurrente

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    The objective of this work was to determine the number of diagnosed cases of warfarin, used to control or combat "pests" (rodents), in order to highlight the importance of the proper use and application of this substance at the agricultural and even domestic level. There was a total of 21 samples, which corresponded to: Liver, gastric content and prepared baits, sent to the Toxicology area of the Center for Research and Advanced Studies in Animal Health (CEISA), in the period 2015-2018, the determination of warfarin was carried out through thin layer chromatog-raphy, and the descriptive method was used to report the results. The percentage of positivity to warfarin in the study period was 71.41 %. The largest number of samples were livers (14 samples), of which 10 (47.61 %) were positive; followed by gastric content with 3 positives (14.28 %), and prepared baits (pieces of chicken meat, sau-sages and ham) with 2 (9.52 %). In the applications per year, in 2017 and 2018 they increased, with 6 and 9 cases, of which 5 and 7 were positive for warfarin (23.81 and 33.33 %), respectively, 3 samples (livers) were collected and sent from the autopsy area of CIESA, where evidence of lesions suggestive of warfarin intoxication was shown. Under the conditions of occurrence and presentation of cases of warfarin poisoning, regulate the commercialization not only of rodenticides, but of all agricultural products that are currently commer-cialized, in order to minimize the risk of poisoning in the different animal species and even to avoid the harmful effect on public health and the environment. it is necessary toEl objetivo del presente trabajo fue determinar el número de casos diagnosticados de warfarina, empleada para el control o combate de “plagas” (roedores), con la finalidad de remarcar la importancia del adecuado uso y aplica-ción de esta sustancia a nivel agropecuario e incluso doméstico. Un total de 21 muestras, las cuales correspondieron a: hígado, contenido gástrico y cebos preparados, enviados al área de Toxicología del Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Salud Animal (CIESA), en el periodo 2015-2018, la determinación de warfarina se realizó a través de cromatografía en capa fina, y para el reporte de resultados se usó el método descriptivo. El porcentaje de positividad a warfarina en el periodo de estudio fue del 71.41 %. El mayor número de muestras fueron hígados (14 muestras), de las cuales 10 (47.61 %) resultaron positivas; seguidos del contenido gástrico con 3 positivas (14.28 %), y los cebos preparados (piezas de carne de pollo, salchichas y jamón) con 2 (9.52 %). En las solicitudes por año, en el 2017 y 2018 se incrementaron, con 6 y 9 casos, de los cuales 5 y 7 fueron positivos a warfarina (23.81 y 33.33 %), respectivamente, 3 muestras (hígados), fueron colectados y enviados del área de necropsias del CIESA, en donde se mostró la evidencia de lesiones sugestivas de intoxicación por warfarina. Bajo las condiciones de ocurrencia y presentación de los casos de intoxicación por warfarina es necesario regular la comercialización no solo de rodenticidas, sino de todos los productos agropecuarios que se comercializan actualmente, con el objeto de minimizar el riesgo de intoxicación en las diferentes especies animales e incluso para evitar el efecto nocivo en salud pública y al ambiente

    Caracterización ultrasonográfica modo-B y Doppler del cuerpo lúteo en llamas

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    Mode B and Doppler ultrasonography in ruminants, as a technique, has allowed establishing new concepts on the reproductive physiology of females, through the study of follicular dynamics and morphometry of the corpus lu-teum, therefore, the objective was to characterize using mode B ultrasound and Doppler the corpus luteum in recipients’ llamas. 37 llamas were used as recipients (27 for mode B and 10 Doppler ultrasound) that were syn-chronized by applying buserelin acetate 0.0096 mg, nine days later 0.048 mg of Prostaglandin F2α analog was applied, two days later the second dose of buserelin acetate in the same dose to a ovulation and subsequent for-mation of the corpus luteum, The B-mode evaluation of the morphometry consisted of observing the ecotexture, area, diameter and volume of the corpus luteum with the use of a SonoStar SS-8® ultrasound machine at 6.5 MHz frequency and 6 cm depth equipped with a transrectal linear transducer, with the same technique with a Draminski 4Vet® Doppler device, the percentage of luteal area of vascularization (% AVL) was determined. The data were subjected to a descriptive analysis, being 0.119±0.032 cm2 in area, 12.7±1.7 mm in diameter and 0.84±0.32 cm3 in volumen of CL, to determine the relationship between metric measurements the Pearson correlation was used observing a positive relationship between area/diameter of 0.6602, observing a high positive correlation between area and volume, finally, the characteristics of % AVL was 34.97 for the CLs of recipients llamas. In conclusion, the morphometric characteristics evaluated in mode B (area, diameter, and volume) have a positive correlation and the % AVL could be applied as a tool in efficient reproduc-tive management for the selection of receptors in camelids, understanding that it is one of the first reports of these characteristics in llamas. 0.7506, area/volume of 0.9289 and diameter/volume of La ultrasonografía modo B y Doppler en los rumiantes, como técnica ha permitido establecer nuevos conceptos sobre la fisiología reproductiva de las hembras, a través del estudio de la dinámica folicular y morfometría del cuerpo lúteo, por tanto, el objetivo fue caracterizar mediante ultrasonografía modo B y Doppler el cuerpo lúteo en llamas receptoras. Se utilizaron 37 llamas como receptoras (27 para ultrasonografía modo B y 10 Doppler) que fueron sincronizadas aplicando acetato de buserelina 0.0096 mg, nueve días posteriores se aplicó 0.048 mg de análogo de prostaglandina F2α, a los dos días posteriores se aplicó la segunda dosis de acetato de buserelina en la misma dosis para garantizar la ovulación y posterior formación del cuerpo lúteo, la evaluación en modo B de la morfometría consistió en observar la ecotextura, área, diámetro y volumen del cuerpo lúteo con el uso de un equipo ultrasonógrafo SonoStar SS-8® a 6.5 MHz de frecuencia y 6 cm de profundidad equipado con un transductor lineal transrectal; con la misma técnica con un equipo Draminski 4Vet® Doppler se determinó el porcentaje de área luteal de vascularización (% AVL). Los datos fueron sometidos a un análisis descriptivo siendo de 0.119±0.032 cm2 de área, 12.7±1.7 mm de diámetro y 0.84±0.32 cm3 de volumen de CL, para determinar la relación entre medidas métricas se utilizó la correlación de Pearson observando una relación positiva entre área/diámetro de 0.7506, área/volumen de 0.9289 y diámetro/volumen de 0.6602, observando una correlación alta positiva entre área y volumen, finalmente las características de % AVL fue de 34.97 para los CL de llamas receptoras. En conclusión, las características morfométricas evaluadas en modo B (área, diámetro y volumen) tienen una correlación positiva y el % AVL podría aplicarse como herramienta en el manejo reproductivo eficiente para la selección de receptoras en camélidos, entendiendo que es uno de los primeros reportes de estas características en llamas

    Control Biológico: Una herramienta para una agricultura sustentable, un punto de vista de sus beneficios en Ecuador

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    Agriculture is going through a global crisis, productivity and sustainability are two factors, which farmers are challenging to produce more food, preserve the environment and the health of living beings. Developed and devel-oping countries need to adopt new productive alternatives, which improve the quality of food, preserving the envi-ronment and the ecosystems. Actually, the abuse and misuse of chemical products has caused a series of problems such as contamination (soil and water) and pest resistance to active ingredients. Climate change and other transfor-mations that agriculture is going through, generated decades ago the emergence of the industry of biological inputs, which are friendly products with the environment and human health. These products have characteristics and modes of action that help pest control with fewer risks than the use of pesticides. This review compiles the importance, use and applications of biological products based on beneficial fungi in Latin America, highlighting the project "Bio-control for Sustainable Farming Systems" executed in Ecuador, funded by MFAT New Zeland, which has shown the efficiency of the use of microorganisms in the agriculture through the research results obtained during the execution of this Project. In addition, aspects related to quality control of bioproducts and regulations for their registration are also mentioned.La agricultura atraviesa una crisis mundial, la productividad y la sostenibilidad son dos factores que los agricul-tores están desafiando para producir más alimentos, preservar el medio ambiente y la salud de los seres vivos. Los países desarrollados y subdesarrollados necesitan adoptar nuevas alternativas productivas, que mejoren la calidad de los alimentos, preservando el medio ambiente y los ecosistemas. Actualmente, el abuso y mal uso de los productos químicos ha causado una serie de problemas como contaminación (suelo y agua) y resistencia de las plagas a los ingredientes activos. El cambio climático y otras transformaciones por las que atraviesa la agri-cultura, generaron hace décadas la aparición de la industria de insumos biológicos, que son productos amigables con el medio ambiente y la salud humana. Estos productos tienen características y modos de acción que ayudan al control de plagas con menos riesgos que el uso de pesticidas. Esta revisión recopila la importancia, el uso y las aplicaciones de productos biológicos basados en hongos benéficos en América Latina, destacando el proyecto "Biocontrol para Sistemas Agrícolas Sustentables" ejecutado en Ecuador, financiado por MFAT Nueva Zelandia, el cual ha demostrado la eficiencia del uso de microorganismos en la agricultura a través de los resultados de las investigaciones llevadas a cabo durante la ejecución de este Proyecto. Además, se mencionan aspectos relacio-nados con el control de calidad de productos biológicos y las regulaciones para su registro