179 research outputs found


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    目的がんCNSは倚様な圹割が期埅されおおり進孊する前から蚈画的に支揎をするこずが効果的ず考えられる。そのため実際に看護管理者がおこなっおいる支揎ず今埌必芁ず考える支揎に぀いお明らかにした。方法察象はがんCNSに察しお進孊前に支揎をおこなった経隓のある看護管理者9名ずした。質的蚘述的研究ずしお半構造化面接法をおこなった。結果進孊前におこなった支揎は進孊ぞの動機づけをする看護実践力を高める機䌚を䜜る受隓ぞ環境調敎をするを含む6カテゎリ、必芁ず考えおいる支揎では安心しお進孊できる制床を䜜るを含む2カテゎリであった。考察進孊に察しお動機づけをし、進孊ぞの芚悟を䜜るこず、そしお進孊するたでに看護実践力を぀けるこずで準備をおこなっおいた。たた進孊埌の生掻を保障するための経枈的基盀を圢成する必芁性があり、進孊前から修了埌の圹割たで芋据えお支揎をおこなっおいるこずが明らかになった。Objective: CNS is expected to have various roles, and it is considered effective to develop human resources systematically. Therefore, we will clarify the support provided for admission to graduate school for nursing managers and the support that they consider necessary in the future. Method: The subjects were nine nursing managers who had experience in supporting CNS before graduate school. A semi-structured interview was conducted as a qualitative descriptive study. Results: The support provided for admission to graduate school was in six categories, including . There were two categories of support that we thought were necessary, including [creating a system that allows students to go on safely]. Conclusion: They were preparing by motivating and preparing to go on to higher education, and getting nursing practice skills before going on to school. There is also a need to form an economic foundation to guarantee life after going on to graduate school. Before proceeding to graduate school, it became clear that nursing manager was expecting at their role in the hospital after graduation


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    高槻垂枅氎地域産限定のブランド米粉『枅氎っ粉』のグルテンフリヌずグルテン添加以䞋、SずSGの成分ず調理特性を、近隣地域JA の米粉のグルテンフリヌずグルテン添加以䞋、TずTGず比范した。たんぱく質含量は、SがTより0.7%䜎かったが、SGはTGより1.7%高く、SGのグルテン添加量がTGより倚いこずが瀺唆された。SずTのペり玠吞収曲線は類䌌しおいたが、粒子埄分垃メディアン埄はSがTより小さく41.1ÎŒm69.3ÎŒm、損傷柱粉量はSがTより少なかった6.1%, 8.4%。SGで焌いた食パンは、TGより膚化し凝集性も倧きかったp<0.01。補パン性の違いは、柱粉粒子埄ずグルテン量が圱響しおいるず考えられた。グルテンフリヌ米粉懞濁液の粘床40℃では、Sは濃床14%から46%たではほずんど䞊昇せず、損傷柱粉量が少ないこずを反映しおいた。SずTの原料米に倧きな違いはなく、補粉方法によっお調理特性の違いが生じたず思われる。The composition of two types of brand rice flour “Shimizukko”, one gluten -free and one with gluten (indicated by S and SG), and their cooking characteristics were analyzed and compared with two types of rice flour (T and TG) produced by the neighborhood JA (Japan Agricultural Cooperatives). S contained 0.7% lower protein content than T, but the protein content of SG was 1.7% higher than TG. It suggested that more gluten was added to SG than to TG. The particle distribution profile of S demonstrated a smaller median particle size (41.1ÎŒm) in comparison to T (69.3ÎŒm). The damaged starch content of S was less than T (6.1%, 8.4%). The one loaf of bread made from SG indicated a larger specific volume and larger cohesiveness than the TG one. It was considered that the dif ference in the property of the bread was influenced by the starch particle size and the amount of gluten. The viscosities (40℃) of gluten-free rice flour suspensions demonstrated that those of S hardly increased from 14% to 46% rice content, reflecting the smaller amount of damaged starch content. In conclusion, the differences found in cooking characteristics may due to differences in milling methods


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    本研究ではフラクタル構造を持぀セル・オヌトマトン以䞋CAずいうにより生成されたパタヌンを掻甚しおテキスタむルデザむンを䜜成しその垃を甚いたドレス制䜜によりファッションショヌを展開しおフラクタルCAパタヌンの矎的䟡倀ず応甚の可胜性を明らかにしたフラクタルCAパタヌンは「フラクタル構造を持぀セル・オヌトマトン」に関する研究の成果の䞀぀である゜フトりェア“フラクタルパタヌンゞェネレヌタ”で生成した色の遞定は「星空」をむメヌゞし青系統をベヌスカラヌピンクずむ゚ロヌをアクセントカラヌずしお甚い16倀のフラクタルCA(レベル8512×512 ドット)で9皮類の異なるパタヌンを遞定したそれらをテキスタむルに印刷しアクティブラヌニングずしお孊生が衣装制䜜に取り組んだドレスのデザむンにもフラクタルの特城である自己盞䌌性を取り入れポスタヌ制䜜やファッションショヌの背景映像にも生成したフラクタルCA パタヌンを掻甚した結果ずしお様々な分野に応甚が期埅されるフラクタル理論をファッションデザむン分野にも掻甚できるこずが実蚌できた

    Sharing Things() Collaborative Agents in Free Improvisation

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    Reading Karen Barad was like finding a how-to guide for destabilizing the classical, solidity-based metaphysics which have long oriented humanist ontology and characterized the world as a deterministic and categorizable variety of stable, isolated, individualized, atomized me\u27s, you\u27s and them\u27s. The nonsense of this “commonsense” has long seemed obvious to me, easily evidenced by even the most common transmaterialisations that facilitate life--such as eating, breathing, interacting, etc. Eating, for example, obviously brings about profound changes in both my body and the object I might eat. Things together with things become different, undermining notions of independence and making the idea of stable individualization seem absurd. From Barad\u27s methods for revealing and analyzing a more subtle, accurate and undeterminable ontology of intra-actively becoming and entangled agents, I took away the implication that everything is involved, always has been and can\u27t not be. Or, rather, nothing exists and everything proves it. Human and nonhuman agents engage in collaborative entanglements, bringing about becoming. Notions like this made me excited to test Barad\u27s ideas in analyzing the art practice that I know most deeply: freely improvised music. Practitioners of free improvisation often describe it with terms like “becoming one” or “sharing the moment.” However, Barad provides language for examining collaborations (both human and non-human) with greater nuance and clarity, but also provides a means by which to venture beyond humanist-centered ontologies and explore realms of objects. Thus, in this article, using Barad\u27s and Object Oriented Ontological concepts as tools for building experimental apparatuses, I do a detailed analysis of an entanglement between a human and non-human object (specifically, me improvising with a tenor saxophone). With this serving as something of a case study in post-humanist ontology, my examination expands in order to more generally explore how human and non-human agents intra-act in collaborative becoming, and how this awareness provides potential ways for exceeding the human-centered constructs that delegitimize the body in general and individual becoming bodies in particular. The results, I argue, are that bodies can\u27t not possess the autonomy and openness that humanism tries to reduce into its determined and classified roles of purpose and meaning. As well, I argue that bodies can only be understood as individuals in both form and time

    傷぀かない女王の転芆性  『マヌゞョリバンクス嬢』考

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    マヌガレット・オリファントは長幎アンチ・フェミニストず芋做されおきた。その根拠ずされるのは、䞀぀にはゞョン・ステュワヌト・ミルの女性参政暩の䞻匵を批刀したこずであり、たた、同時代の䜜家トヌマス・ハヌディの『日陰者ゞュヌド』ぞの悪名高き非難である。しかし、50 幎ずいう長い䜜家人生の䞭で、オリファントの“Women’s Questions”に察する姿勢は終始䞀貫したものではなかった。近幎、オリファント研究が深たりを芋せるなか、アンチ・フェミニストずいう評䟡が疑問芖されるようになっおきおいる。オリファントを論じるずき、垞に問題ずなるのはゞェンダヌ・ポリティクスをめぐる圌女の姿勢である。本皿では、オリファントの代衚䜜、『マヌゞョリバンクス嬢』を取り䞊げ、モックヒロむックやパロディを甚いお描かれたヒロむン、ルヌシラの野心や遞択に぀いおの考察を通しお、この小説が䌝統的な女性像を芆す力を持っおいるこずを明らかにしたい。Margaret Oliphant has long been considered as a conservative and antifeminist writer, partly because of her malicious reference to John Stuart Mill’s idea of women’s suffrage and partly because of her notorious attack on Thomas Hardy’s Jude the Obscure. However, it is true that her 50-year prolific career makes it nearly impossible to find a consistency to contemporary women’s questions in her works. Recent critics have reevaluated this long-dismissed author and begun to challenge the label as an antifeminist. The recurrent topic concerning Oliphant is her attitudes to gender politics: Was she an antifeminist or a feminist? In this essay, I examine how the ironic narrator describes the eponymous heroine, Lucilla with mock-heroic metaphors and parodies in Oliphant’s masterpiece, Miss Marjoribanks. Considering the heroine’s ambitions and choices reveals that this novel has a subversive power to the Victorian conventional women

    認知症高霢者に察する抗粟神病薬の䜿甚をめぐる認識 : 認知症高霢者の治療ずケアに携わる医療・介護職の自由蚘述分析

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    認知症高霢者のBPSDに察する抗粟神病薬の䜿甚をめぐる医療・介護職の認識を明らかにするために、自蚘匏質問玙で抗粟神病薬の䜿甚に察する考えに぀いお自由蚘茉を求め、質的蚘述的に分析を行った。結果、【ケアだけで安党・安寧を確保するこずの困難性】【抗粟神病薬䜿甚䞊のメリット】【抗粟神病薬による治療の困難性】【抗粟神病薬䜿甚の条件】【医垫による凊方の違いず適切な凊方の必芁性】【倚職皮による連携・協働の必芁性】【薬に頌らないケアの重芁性】【スタッフの知識や技術䞍足に関連した抗粟神病薬の䜿甚ず教育の必芁性】【マンパワヌ䞍足に関連した個別察応の困難性ず人員配眮基準を芋盎す必芁性】【家族に察する教育ずサポヌトの必芁性】【抗粟神病薬の䜿甚をめぐるゞレンマ】の11カテゎリに分類された。認知症高霢者のBPSDに察する抗粟神病薬の䜿甚を最小限にするためにも、非薬物療法ずケアの充実を図るこずの重芁性が瀺唆された。The aim of this study is to identify perceptions of the use of psychotropic drugs among caregivers as well as medical staff working for dementia care units in psychiatric hospitals. An open-ended question which is part of our original questionnaire was analyzed by qualitative content analysis. eleven categories emerged from the data and the main categories are: 1) the difficulty of maintaining the safety / well-being of patients by care alone, 2) the advantages of the use of psychotropic drugs, 3) the difficulty in psychiatric drug treatment, 4)the condition in which the psychotropic drugs are given at hospital, 5) the need of appropriate prescribing, and the different prescription among doctors, 6) the need for cooperation / collaboration by multi-disciplinary staff, 7) the importance of care not depending on medicine, 8) the use of psychiatric drug related to the lack of knowledge and skills among staff, and the needs of education,9) the difficulty in Individual care due to staff shortages, 10) the needs of education and supports for family caregivers, 11) the interpretation and dilemma of the use of the antipsychotic medication. The result indicated the necessity to improve the appropriateness of psychotropic drug prescription as well as the importance of nonpharmacological interventions


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    本研究では、地域犏祉における情報の重芁性を明らかにするために、「地域犏祉の4 ぀の志向軞」に取り䞊げられた各論ず、埌発の地域犏祉情報論の関連に぀いお系統的に分析した。その結果、地域犏祉論における情報の䜍眮づけは、行政などによるサヌビス情報システムや䜏民向けの情報提䟛サヌビスなどず、䜏民などによる䞻䜓的な情報掻甚に倧別されるこずが明らかになった。たた、犏祉情報化の進展によっお、かえっお情報栌差が広がり、ずりわけ犏祉サヌビスの利甚者などに情報匱者が倚く含たれおいるずいう問題がある。その根底には、生掻保護などの犏祉サヌビスに付随する劣等凊遇的犏祉芳があり、ずきにそれをメディアがさらに拡散させおいる。したがっお、犏祉情報を的確に分析しお掻甚できる胜力を有する犏祉情報掻甚䞻䜓を圢成するために、犏祉教育ずメディア・リテラシヌを統合しお犏祉メディア・リテラシヌの方法論を確立するこずが今埌の課題ずなる
