46,533 research outputs found

    The spectral problem and algebras associated with extended Dynkin graphs. I

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    There is a connection between *-representations of algebras associated with graphs and the problem about the spectrum of a sum of Hermitian operators (spectral problem). For algebras associated with extended Dynkin graphs we give an explicit description of the parameters for which there are ∗*-representations and an algorithm for constructing these representations

    Cotangent cohomology of rational surface singularities

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    We show that the number of generators of the n-th cotangent cohomology group (n >=2) is the same for all rational surface singularities Y. For a large class of rational surface singularities, including quotient singularities, this number is also the dimension. For them we obtain an explicit formula for the corresponding Poincare series.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX 2

    Superspace Methods in String Theory, Supergravity and Gauge Theory

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    In these two lectures, delivered at the XXXVII Karpacz Winter School, February 2001, I review some applications of superspace in various topics related to string theory and M-theory. The first lecture is mainly devoted to descriptions of brane dynamics formulated in supergravity backgrounds. The second lecture concerns the use of superspace techniques for determining consistent interactions in supersymmetric gauge theory and supergravity, e.g. alpha'-corrections from string/M-theory.Comment: 15 pp., latex, aippro

    Direct observation of time correlated single-electron tunneling

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    We report a direct detection of time correlated single-electron tunneling oscillations in a series array of small tunnel junctions. Here the current, I, is made up of a lattice of charge solitons moving throughout the array by time correlated tunneling with the frequency f=I/e, where e is the electron charge. To detect the single charges, we have integrated the array with a radio-frequency single-electron transistor (RF-SET) and employed two different methods to couple the array to the SET input: by direct injection through a tunnel junction, and by capacitive coupling. In this paper we report the results from the latter type of charge input, where we have observed the oscillations in the frequency domain and measured currents from 50 to 250 fA by means of electron counting.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure; submitted to the 10th International Superconductive Electronics Conference (ISEC'05), the Netherlands, Sept. 200

    Parametric resonances in electrostatically interacting carbon nanotube arrays

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    We study, numerically and analytically, a model of a one-dimensional array of carbon nanotube resonators in a two-terminal configuration. The system is brought into resonance upon application of an AC-signal superimposed on a DC-bias voltage. When the tubes in the array are close to each other, electrostatic interactions between tubes become important for the array dynamics. We show that both transverse and longitudinal parametric resonances can be excited in addition to primary resonances. The intertube electrostatic interactions couple modes in orthogonal directions and affect the mode stability.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figures, RevTeX

    Blocking Wythoff Nim

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    The 2-player impartial game of Wythoff Nim is played on two piles of tokens. A move consists in removing any number of tokens from precisely one of the piles or the same number of tokens from both piles. The winner is the player who removes the last token. We study this game with a blocking maneuver, that is, for each move, before the next player moves the previous player may declare at most a predetermined number, k−1≄0k - 1 \ge 0, of the options as forbidden. When the next player has moved, any blocking maneuver is forgotten and does not have any further impact on the game. We resolve the winning strategy of this game for k=2k = 2 and k=3k = 3 and, supported by computer simulations, state conjectures of the asymptotic `behavior' of the PP-positions for the respective games when 4≀k≀204 \le k \le 20.Comment: 14 pages, 1 Figur

    Stochastic domination for the Ising and fuzzy Potts models

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    We discuss various aspects concerning stochastic domination for the Ising model and the fuzzy Potts model. We begin by considering the Ising model on the homogeneous tree of degree dd, \Td. For given interaction parameters J1J_1, J2>0J_2>0 and external field h_1\in\RR, we compute the smallest external field h~\tilde{h} such that the plus measure with parameters J2J_2 and hh dominates the plus measure with parameters J1J_1 and h1h_1 for all h≄h~h\geq\tilde{h}. Moreover, we discuss continuity of h~\tilde{h} with respect to the three parameters J1J_1, J2J_2, hh and also how the plus measures are stochastically ordered in the interaction parameter for a fixed external field. Next, we consider the fuzzy Potts model and prove that on \Zd the fuzzy Potts measures dominate the same set of product measures while on \Td, for certain parameter values, the free and minus fuzzy Potts measures dominate different product measures. For the Ising model, Liggett and Steif proved that on \Zd the plus measures dominate the same set of product measures while on \T^2 that statement fails completely except when there is a unique phase.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figure

    The Emergence of Anticommuting Coordinates and the Dirac-Ramond-Kostant operators

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    The history of anticommuting coordinates is decribed.Comment: 14 pages, Contribution to the Proceedings of The Gunnar Nordstr\"om Symposium on Theoretical Physics - The Physics of Extra Dimension

    Dual Bialgebroids for Depth Two Ring Extensions

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    We introduce a general notion of depth two for ring homomorphism N --> M, and derive Morita equivalence of the step one and three centralizers, R = C_M(N) and C = End_{N-M}(M \o_N M), via dual bimodules and step two centralizers A = End_NM_N and B = (M \o_N M)^N, in a Jones tower above N --> M. Lu's bialgebroids End_k A' and A' \o_k {A'}^op over a k-algebra A' are generalized to left and right bialgebroids A and B with B the R-dual bialgebroid of A. We introduce Galois-type actions of A on M and B on End_NM when M_N is a balanced module. In the case of Frobenius extensions M | N, we prove an endomorphism ring theorem for depth two. Further in the case of irreducible extensions, we extend previous results on Hopf algebra and weak Hopf algebra actions in subfactor theory [Szymanski, Nikshych-Vainerman] and its generalizations [Kadison-Nikshych: RA/0107064, RA/0102010] by methods other than nondegenerate pairing. As a result, we have concrete expressions for the Hopf or weak Hopf algebra structures on the step two centralizers. Semisimplicity of B is equivalent to separability of the extension M | N. In the presence of depth two, we show that biseparable extensions are QF.Comment: 2 new sections added, 37 page

    Stability for random measures, point processes and discrete semigroups

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    Discrete stability extends the classical notion of stability to random elements in discrete spaces by defining a scaling operation in a randomised way: an integer is transformed into the corresponding binomial distribution. Similarly defining the scaling operation as thinning of counting measures we characterise the corresponding discrete stability property of point processes. It is shown that these processes are exactly Cox (doubly stochastic Poisson) processes with strictly stable random intensity measures. We give spectral and LePage representations for general strictly stable random measures without assuming their independent scattering. As a consequence, spectral representations are obtained for the probability generating functional and void probabilities of discrete stable processes. An alternative cluster representation for such processes is also derived using the so-called Sibuya point processes, which constitute a new family of purely random point processes. The obtained results are then applied to explore stable random elements in discrete semigroups, where the scaling is defined by means of thinning of a point process on the basis of the semigroup. Particular examples include discrete stable vectors that generalise discrete stable random variables and the family of natural numbers with the multiplication operation, where the primes form the basis.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.3150/10-BEJ301 the Bernoulli (http://isi.cbs.nl/bernoulli/) by the International Statistical Institute/Bernoulli Society (http://isi.cbs.nl/BS/bshome.htm
