862 research outputs found

    Product naming in the classroom: a case study of word formation

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     This paper presents data collected from students from a product naming project where groups were responsible for naming four novel products. The product names were then analyzed and compared to a set of standard values for how new words typically enter the English language. This paper also discusses briefly how new words enter a language and the word formation process as it applies to the English language. Finally, implications of the results are discussed and consideration is given to how students could benefit by such product naming projects and having explicit knowledge about the word formation process in English

    Tiyong and Interpenetration in the Analects of Confucius: The Sacred as Secular

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     This is the third in a series of essays on the seminal role of the paradigms of essence-function and interpenetration in East Asian religious and philosophical thought. The first article, entitled “The Composition of Self-Transformation Thought in Classical East Asian Philosophy and Religion” was a general introduction to these paradigms over the broad expanse of indigenous East Asian thought religious/philosophical thought. The second article, entitled “Essence-Function (t’iyung) : Early Chinese Origins and Manifestations,” examined the earliest precursors of these notions in classics such as the Book of Changes, the Great Learning, and the Doctrine of the Mean, paying special attention to the unique role played by the concept of “sincerity” in manifesting and mediating presence of essence-function and interpenetration. In this essay, we look at the role essence-function and interpenetration play in the Analects (Lunyu 論語)

    Wonhyo and logic

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    In a recent article, the writer has broached the topic of identifying distinctions in the modes of commentarial discourse within the exegetical works of the Korean scholiast Wonhyo (617-686), taking note of (1) a rational/logical form of discourse that attempts to elucidate the point of a passage ― and especially to resolve any doctrinal problems contained therein, using rational argumentation, and (2) an intuitive, poetic, form of discourse that emphasizes the fact that the ultimate Buddhist truth is inapprehensible through discriminatory thought. In that paper, attention was paid primarily to the intuitive/poetic mode, which tends to be seen in the opening and closing portions of his commentaries ― or in works, or portions of works ― that deal primarily with issues of faith. In that paper, examples were drawn primarily from his commentaries on the Awakening of Mahāyāna Faith and the Sutra of Immeasurable Life. This paper advances that discussion by paying attention to the rational/logical strain of his writings, which is clearly of equal and possibly even greater importance. Here we look at passages from two of his works that both make use of logic, yet which also subject logic itself to a critique in terms of testing the limitations of its applicability in resolving the most fundamental of religious truths


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    Faith and the resolution of the four doubts in Wonhyo\u27s Doctrinal Essentials of the Sutra of Immeasurable Life (Muryangsu gyeong jong\u27yo)

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    Among the numerous distinctive aspects of the work of the noted Korean scholar-monk Wonhyo is the broad range of traditions and texts that he accorded treatment ― along with the unusual level of fairness and seriousness he brought to such works― an indication of his lack of sectarian bias. Another distinctive aspect of his work as an exegete is the extent to which his “religious” attitude ― his concern for the nurturance of the faith in the minds of his readers inevitably rises to the forefront of his works. Thus, what he has to say about the idea of “faith”信in the context of a Pure Land work is a matter of considerable interest.On the other hand, given the way that the Pure Land tradition is currently perceived by its modern adherents, one might be given to assume that the notion of “faith in other-power” constitutes the backbone of the arguments made in seminal Pure Land scriptures such as the Sūtra of Immeasurable Life (Ch. Wuliangshou jing; Kor. Muryangsu gyeong;“Larger Sukhāvatā-vyūha”). This paper shows, based on Wonhyo’s analysis, how in fact the main form of faith expounded by the sūtra is something much more like that seen articulated in mainstream Yogācāra and Tathāgatagarbha texts. The paper also shows how Wonhyo uses Yogācāra-based hermeneutics to unravel the conundrum of the four kinds of cognition dropped without explanation in the final lines of the sūtra


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     グローバライゼーションが進展する中,海外でキャリア形成を行う日本人が今後,増加すると予想される。 このような視点から,2003年に電子メールによって世界各国の国際機関に勤務する日本人職員にキャリア全般に関する第1次アンケート調査を行った。2007年には,日本人職員だけではなく,全ての国籍の職員を対象に第2次アンケート調査を実施した。本稿はまず2003年に実施した第1次アンケート調査の結果を概観した上で,2007年に実施した第2次アンケート調査結果の概要を報告するものである。調査結果を分析した結果,外国人職員の方が国際機関で働くためのキャリア計画を早い段階から行っていることが分かった。本文の後に日本人職員と外国人職員を2つのグループに分け,各グループ内の満足度を3次元で集計した表を掲載した


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    Correlation analysis and factor analysis of Japanese staff members employed in the UN system

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     This paper presents a correlation analysis and factor analysis of Japanese staff members employed in the UN System based on a survey conducted in 2003 on the career development of Japanese staff members. Through analyzing the correlations in the level of satisfaction in their work and various other factors, it was found that female staff members were performing their work at the same level as male staff members. It was also found that differences in their entry method to the UN System, i.e.mid-career (MC) group having worked in other organization(s) or internally promoted (IP) group appeared more significant than those between female and male staff members


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    本研究では,サービス・マーケティングにおける文化芸術分野の研究として,クラシック音楽祭の来場者調査を実施し,品質評価が顧客満足に影響を与え,推奨意向,ロイヤルティへつながるという関係性を明らかにした.当該音楽祭の品質は,サービスの3 つの階層に適応した「中心価値要素」「付随価値要素」「付加価値要素」とサービス・マーケティング・ミックスの1 要素である「コスト要素」という4 つの評価カテゴリーにより評価されていることがわかった.音楽や演奏者の質などの「中心価値要素」,雰囲気や食事情などの「付加価値要素」の順に顧客満足に与える影響は大きく,この順位は,音楽祭の来場経験やクラシック音楽の愛好度,性別などの属性により変化することが明らかになった.Through a survey of those attending a classical music festival, this survey elucidates the relationship through which evaluation of quality impacts customer satisfaction and leads to both loyalty and intention to recommend the event to others, as a study of service marketing in the field of arts and culture. It shows that the quality of the music festival was evaluated based on four evaluation categories: elements of core value, elements of extrinsic value, and elements of added value—corresponding to three levels of service—along with cost factors, an element of the service-marketing mix. It also shows that of these elements those of core value, such as the quality of the music and the performers, and those of added value, such as the atmosphere and dining options, had the greatest impacts on customer satisfaction, in that order, and that this order varies with differences in attributes such as attendees’ experience attending music festivals, their preferences for classical music, and their gender