73,752 research outputs found

    Acoustically driven storage of light in a quantum well

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    The strong piezoelectric fields accompanying a surface acoustic wave on a semiconductor quantum well structure are employed to dissociate optically generated excitons and efficiently trap the created electron hole pairs in the moving lateral potential superlattice of the sound wave. The resulting spatial separation of the photogenerated ambipolar charges leads to an increase of the radiative lifetime by orders of magnitude as compared to the unperturbed excitons. External and deliberate screening of the lateral piezoelectric fields triggers radiative recombination after very long storage times at a remote location on the sample.Comment: 4 PostScript figures included, Physical Review Letters, in pres

    Generalized Numerical Renormalization Group for Dynamical Quantities

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    In this paper we introduce a new approach for calculating dynamical properties within the numerical renormalization group. It is demonstrated that the method previously used fails for the Anderson impurity in a magnetic field due to the absence of energy scale separation. The problem is solved by evaluating the Green function with respect to the reduced density matrix of the full system, leading to accurate spectra in agreement with the static magnetization. The new procedure (denoted as DM-NRG) provides a unifying framework for calculating dynamics at any temperature and represents the correct extension of Wilson's original thermodynamic calculation.Comment: 4 pages RevTeX, 6 eps figures include

    Numerical Renormalization Group Analysis of Interacting Quantum Dots

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    Wilson's Numerical Renormalization Group (NRG) is so far the only nonperturbative technique that can reliably access low-energy properties of quantum impurity systems. We present a recent extension of the method, the DM-NRG, which yields highly accurate results for dynamical quantities at arbitrary frequencies and temperatures. As an application, we determine the spectrum of a quantum dot in an external magnetic field. Furthermore, we discuss magnetic impurities with orbital degeneracy, which have been inferred in recent experiments on quantum dots in an Aharonov-Bohm geometry. It is demonstrated that for spinless electrons, interference between neighbouring levels sets the low-energy scale of the system. Switching on an external field leads to a remarkable crossover into a regime dominated by orbital Kondo screening. We predict that the broadening-induced level splitting should be clearly visible in measurements of the optical absorption power. A more general model including the electron spin is studied within an extended two-band NRG procedure. We observe competition between interference and Kondo screening, similar to the situation in two-impurity models (RKKY).Comment: Invited talk at the DPG spring meeting 2001, to appear in Advances in Solid State Physics 4

    Polaronic excitations in CMR manganite films

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    In the colossal magnetoresistance manganites polarons have been proposed as the charge carrier state which localizes across the metal-insulator transition. The character of the polarons is still under debate. We present an assessment of measurements which identify polarons in the metallic state of La{2/3}Sr{1/3}MnO{3} (LSMO) and La{2/3}Ca{1/3}MnO{3} (LCMO) thin films. We focus on optical spectroscopy in these films which displays a pronounced resonance in the mid-infrared. The temperature dependent resonance has been previously assigned to polaron excitations. These polaronic resonances are qualitatively distinct in LSMO and LCMO and we discuss large and small polaron scenarios which have been proposed so far. There is evidence for a large polaron excitation in LSMO and small polarons in LCMO. These scenarios are examined with respect to further experimental probes, specifically charge carrier mobility (Hall-effect measurements) and high-temperature dc-resistivity.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figure

    Unusual Non-Fermi Liquid Behavior of Ce1x_{1-x}Lax_{x}Ni9_{9}Ge4_4 Analyzed in a Single Impurity Anderson Model with Crystal Field Effects

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    CeNi9_{9}Ge4_4 exhibits unusual non-Fermi liquid behavior with the largest ever recorded value of the electronic specific heat ΔC/T5.5\Delta C/T \cong 5.5 JK2^{-2}mol1^{-1} without showing any evidence of magnetic order. Specific heat measurements show that the logarithmic increase of the Sommerfeld coefficient flattens off below 200 mK. In marked contrast, the local susceptibility Δχ\Delta\chi levels off well above 200 mK and already becomes constant below 1 K. Furthermore, the entropy reaches 2RRln2 below 20 K corresponding to a four level system. An analysis of CC and χ\chi was performed in terms of an SU(N=4)SU(N=4) single impurity Anderson model with additional crystal electric field (CEF) splitting. Numerical renormalization group calculations point to a possible consistent description of the different low temperature scales in Δc\Delta c and Δχ\Delta \chi stemming from the interplay of Kondo effect and crystal field splitting.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figure

    The Orbital Order Parameter in La0.95Sr0.05MnO3 probed by Electron Spin Resonance

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    The temperature dependence of the electron-spin resonance linewidth in La0.95Sr0.05MnO3 has been determined and analyzed in the paramagnetic regime across the orbital ordering transition. From the temperature dependence and the anisotropy of linewidth and gg-value the orbital order can be unambiguously determined via the mixing angle of the wave functions of the ege_{\rm g}-doublet. The linewidth shows a similar evolution with temperature as resonant x-ray scattering results

    Dephasing in Rashba spin precession along mutlichannel quantum wires and nanotubes

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    Coherent Rashba spin precession along interacting multi-mode quantum channels is investigated, revisiting the theory of coupled Tomonaga-Luttinger liquids. We identify susceptibilities as the key-parameters to govern exponents and Rashba precession lengths. In semiconducting quantum wires spins of different transport channels are found to {\em dephase} in their respective precession angles with respect to one another, as a result of the interaction. This could explain the experimental difficulty to realize the Datta Das transistor. In single walled carbon nanotubes, on the other hand, interactions are predicted to suppress dephasing between the two flavor modes at small doping.Comment: 6 pages, figures include

    Simultaneous current-, force- and work function measurement with atomic resolution

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    The local work function of a surface determines the spatial decay of the charge density at the Fermi level normal to the surface. Here, we present a method that enables simultaneous measurements of local work function and tip-sample forces. A combined dynamic scanning tunneling microscope and atomic force microscope is used to measure the tunneling current between an oscillating tip and the sample in real time as a function of the cantilever's deflection. Atomically resolved work function measurements on a silicon (111)-(7×77\times 7) surface are presented and related to concurrently recorded tunneling current- and force- measurements.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Applied Physics Letter

    Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy on Glass-Forming Propylene Carbonate

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    Dielectric spectroscopy covering more than 18 decades of frequency has been performed on propylene carbonate in its liquid and supercooled-liquid state. Using quasi-optic submillimeter and far-infrared spectroscopy the dielectric response was investigated up to frequencies well into the microscopic regime. We discuss the alpha-process whose characteristic timescale is observed over 14 decades of frequency and the excess wing showing up at frequencies some three decades above the peak frequency. Special attention is given to the high-frequency response of the dielectric loss in the crossover regime between alpha-peak and boson-peak. Similar to our previous results in other glass forming materials we find evidence for additional processes in the crossover regime. However, significant differences concerning the spectral form at high frequencies are found. We compare our results to the susceptibilities obtained from light scattering and to the predictions of various models of the glass transition.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Driven Tunneling: Chaos and Decoherence

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    Chaotic tunneling in a driven double-well system is investigated in absence as well as in the presence of dissipation. As the constitutive mechanism of chaos-assisted tunneling, we focus on the dynamics in the vicinity of three-level crossings in the quasienergy spectrum. The coherent quantum dynamics near the crossing is described satisfactorily by a three-state model. It fails, however, for the corresponding dissipative dynamics, because incoherent transitions due to the interaction with the environment indirectly couple the three states in the crossing to the remaining quasienergy states. The asymptotic state of the driven dissipative quantum dynamics partially resembles the, possibly strange, attractor of the corresponding damped driven classical dynamics, but also exhibits characteristic quantum effects.Comment: 32 pages, 35 figures, lamuphys.st