10 research outputs found

    Experiential learning theory (ELT)-based classical guidance model to improve responsible character

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    This research aims to: (1) determine the improvement of responsible character of students before and after experiencing character education based on classical guidance service using Experiential Learning Theory (ELT) approach; (2) determine the effectiveness of character education based on classical guidance service ELT approach. This is a quantitative study using pre-experimental One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The data collection used Responsible Character Questionnaire with reliability 0.788 in Alpha Cronbach. Subjects in this study were 30 students of class VII A batch 2014-2015 in Kanisius Junior High Schools, Yogyakarta. The results of the study show that: (1) there is an improvement in responsible character of students before and after experiencing seen from the score distribution in each category and from the average score; (2) based on the t-test, there is a significant improvement in the students' responsible character in the Sig. value of (2-tailed) (0.001)<(0.05). Therefore, the implementation of classical guidance service using ELT approach is effective in improving the students' responsible character

    Acceptance and commitment therapy: the new wave of cognitive behavior therapy

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    Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) is one of the major counseling theories today. However, reliability of this theory has received criticism from other theories, which claim to cognitive interventions do not provide added value on behavioral interventions. The theory criticized and showed dissatisfaction with the practice of CBT is the theory of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). Furthermore, ACT is known to a new generation of CBT.ACT is one of the new counseling approach that can be applied to school counselors to deal with the issues of students in the school

    Development of training guide johari windows in improving student self-disclosure

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    Persons with disabilities is a condition of physical disability of the individual as a normal human being. Various problems occur in persons with disabilities in social institutions such as the Balai Besar Rehabilitasi Vokasional Bina Daksa (BBRVBD) able to communicate openly with its environment. Johari windows is one technique to alleviate the problems of individual self-disclosure. The purpose of this study is to improve the skills of beneficiaries to be able to communicate who think, feel good about themselves and about others who frequently interact with it as it is and with the right language. This study uses research and development. The model used is a model development research and development (R&D). The results indicate that the development of this product has a usability criteria, eligibility, accuracy, the attractiveness and appropriate when used for student beneficiaries BBRVBD

    Application of solution focused brief counseling model to increase of counselee resilience as a part of multicultural society

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    Modern multicultural society and is a dynamic life marked by interaction between the components of a diverse society based on the rule of science and technology. A society that is increasingly complex due to the rapid changes in various aspects of life often creates problems for the individual's life. For example, inner tension, internal and external conflicts, and emotional disturbance. Facing these challenges, the individual is expected to have resilience was good. The role of the counselor is to help the counselee improve resilience with counseling approach effectively. Counseling models that meet the criteria of an effective and efficient is the Solution Focused Brief Counseling. Counseling model emphasizes the collaborative process between counselor and counselee to find solutions to achieve the expected goals. In the process of this counseling model uses questioning techniques to uncover the story, advantages, strengths and exceptions problems experienced by counselee in a short time

    Development of social intelligence test for high school student

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    Measurement of social intelligence on high school students are not available. The study aims to generate an instrument to measure social intelligence of high school students comprehensively. Product development of instruments and manual social intelligence for high school students who revised based on judge of two experts in instrumentation and social intelligence, readability test of the 100 high school students, reliability testing and validity testing to the 956 high school students. Expert judges by using the inter-rater agreement models show a high index between variables and sub-variables until descriptors and the items. Reliability test result by using Alpha coefficient of internal consistency obtained for 0.899. The construct validity of non-verbal test shows that there are six factors and verbal test shows that there are four factors. The validation process of exploratory factor analysis showed loading factor ranges between 0.566-0.996. The norms of social intelligence tests classify into six levels

    Media in guidance and counseling services: a tool and innovation for school counselor

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    Guidance and counseling services is an element of education that aims to support the achievement of the objectives of education. Guidance and counseling can prevent students experience problems and may even alleviate student of his problems. One of the efforts that need to be done to improve the effectiveness of guidance and counseling services is the development of media guidance and counseling. Media guidance and counseling can make different colors of guidance and counseling services so that the interests of students increase when following the guidance and counseling services. Used media must be relevant with the objectives/ competency of the guidance and counseling and relevant with material guidance and counseling services. Media in guidance and counseling services plays an important role in the implementation of guidance and counseling so that student can better understand, understand, and internalize the material guidance and counseling services to the student

    Analysis of the implementation of guidance and counseling supervision at senior high schools

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    The aim of this research is: (1) to analyze the implementation of guidance and counseling supervision, and (2) to find main factors inhibiting the implementation of guidance and counseling supervisory at the Senior High Schools of Singkawang City. The results show that: (1) the implementation of the guidance and counseling supervision has still many weaknesses on each stage done by the supervisors, such as unidentified guidance and counseling teachers‘ needs, the program planning is not yet organized well, the supervisors do not use particular approaches, and they do not control the supervisions carried out, (2) some factors inhibiting the implementation of guidance and counseling supervision include lack of guidance and counseling supervision forces that so many guidance and counseling teachers are not supervised optimally, lack of knowledge and understanding by the supervisors on the implementation, and also minimal development of supervisory competencies in the guidance and counseling field

    The resilience of the high school student’s post-disaster in west Sumatera Indonesia based on gender

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    This research is aimed at identifying the level of resilience of high school student’s post-disaster in West Sumatera. This research is descriptive quantitative, with the total sample of 1143 students by using simple random sampling technique. The instrument used is TIRI. The data are analyzed descriptively with the analysis of the level of resilience in percentage, using SPSS version 20.00. The Result of the research reveals that the condition of the students’ resilience is high. The result showed that in general male students are at high category and female students are also at high category of resilience, still there are significant differences of the students’ resilience based on gender. The research suggests more efforts are needed to improve the condition of the students’ resilience on certain aspects to be more optimal

    Bullying experience in primary school children

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    Bullying is still a significant problem today. Bullying occurs starting from the primary level up to college. The impact of the bullying on victims can be a lonely, difficult to adjust, insecurity, low self-esteem, depression and the worst is suicide. The earlier effort to detect bullying experienced by children will be able to prevent long-term effects caused. This study was conducted on 258 students of class 4-5 primary school in Yogyakarta. Data was collected through open-ended questionnaires associated with feelings and experiences of bullying in schools both as perpetrators and victims. The result showed that students feel negative emotions associated with bullying at school and most children experience bullying at school with a variety of forms, ranging from physical, verbal and relational from peers at school. These findings have implications related to the effort to do the school to help students cope with the impact of bullying experienced

    Sufism approached in school counseling service: an analysis of perspective spiritual counseling

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    This article will provide a new paradigm of thinking and practical in counseling, it based on the needs of counseling services that have been merely empirical and determinist counseling that still do not have a good influence in helping to solve problems that occur on social, cultural, political and education phenomena in this time. Moreover, when the government provides a new curriculum 2013 that lead to the formation of character like a soft skill competencies, which is very important at this time. With a variety of social and educational problems has pushed a writer to provide a new thinking and practical in counseling with a Sufism (mysticism) approached in counseling. In this case, the approach is to have a client through a station process (levels/maqam) into enlighten character and mind. Therefore, this article will discuss a Sufism approached (mysticism) in the process of counseling services as spiritual counseling