224,745 research outputs found

    Going nuclear: gene family evolution and vertebrate phylogeny reconciled

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    Gene duplications have been common throughout vertebrate evolution, introducing paralogy and so complicating phylogenctic inference from nuclear genes. Reconciled trees are one method capable of dealing with paralogy, using the relationship between a gene phylogeny and the phylogeny of the organisms containing those genes to identify gene duplication events. This allows us to infer phylogenies from gene families containing both orthologous and paralogous copies. Vertebrate phylogeny is well understood from morphological and palaeontological data, but studies using mitochondrial sequence data have failed to reproduce this classical view. Reconciled tree analysis of a database of 118 vertebrate gene families supports a largely classical vertebrate phylogeny

    Potential Maximal Clique Algorithms for Perfect Phylogeny Problems

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    Kloks, Kratsch, and Spinrad showed how treewidth and minimum-fill, NP-hard combinatorial optimization problems related to minimal triangulations, are broken into subproblems by block subgraphs defined by minimal separators. These ideas were expanded on by Bouchitt\'e and Todinca, who used potential maximal cliques to solve these problems using a dynamic programming approach in time polynomial in the number of minimal separators of a graph. It is known that solutions to the perfect phylogeny problem, maximum compatibility problem, and unique perfect phylogeny problem are characterized by minimal triangulations of the partition intersection graph. In this paper, we show that techniques similar to those proposed by Bouchitt\'e and Todinca can be used to solve the perfect phylogeny problem with missing data, the two- state maximum compatibility problem with missing data, and the unique perfect phylogeny problem with missing data in time polynomial in the number of minimal separators of the partition intersection graph

    A probabilistic model for gene content evolution with duplication, loss, and horizontal transfer

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    We introduce a Markov model for the evolution of a gene family along a phylogeny. The model includes parameters for the rates of horizontal gene transfer, gene duplication, and gene loss, in addition to branch lengths in the phylogeny. The likelihood for the changes in the size of a gene family across different organisms can be calculated in O(N+hM^2) time and O(N+M^2) space, where N is the number of organisms, hh is the height of the phylogeny, and M is the sum of family sizes. We apply the model to the evolution of gene content in Preoteobacteria using the gene families in the COG (Clusters of Orthologous Groups) database

    Unique Perfect Phylogeny Characterizations via Uniquely Representable Chordal Graphs

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    The perfect phylogeny problem is a classic problem in computational biology, where we seek an unrooted phylogeny that is compatible with a set of qualitative characters. Such a tree exists precisely when an intersection graph associated with the character set, called the partition intersection graph, can be triangulated using a restricted set of fill edges. Semple and Steel used the partition intersection graph to characterize when a character set has a unique perfect phylogeny. Bordewich, Huber, and Semple showed how to use the partition intersection graph to find a maximum compatible set of characters. In this paper, we build on these results, characterizing when a unique perfect phylogeny exists for a subset of partial characters. Our characterization is stated in terms of minimal triangulations of the partition intersection graph that are uniquely representable, also known as ur-chordal graphs. Our characterization is motivated by the structure of ur-chordal graphs, and the fact that the block structure of minimal triangulations is mirrored in the graph that has been triangulated

    2011 German Escherichia coli outbreak: Alignment-free whole-genome phylogeny by feature frequency profiles

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    Accuracy of SNP-based whole-genome phylogeny reconstruction relies heavily on quality of sequence alignment which is particularly hindered by poorly assembled genomes. Alignment-free methods might provide additional insights. Here, we constructed a whole-genome phylogeny of 9 E.coli isolates from the 2011 German outbreak against existing E. coli genomes using the alignment-free feature frequency profile method. In addition, we looked for gene elements that distinguish the outbreak group from the other E. coli strains and possibly accounted for the emergence of the outbreak isolates using the distinguishing feature analysis
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