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    Instructional Systems Paradigm - Governors State University

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    The Instructional Systems Paradigm (ISP) was developed by a University-wide Task Force in response to a charge from the University Assembly to develop a paradigm that would, among other things, ••• provide some elaboration of the sequence of steps necessary for relating degree, program and module objectives and serve as the primary and substantive model and guide for curriculum development processes in each of the colleges, where the unique characteristics of collegial programs will be correlated with the University-wide mandates. Although the document is quite detailed and lengthy, its primary thrust can be summarized as follows: The Educational Planning Guidelines serve as a base for all subsequent activities. The College Guidelines evolve out of the Educational Planning Guidelines. The Instructional Program Guidelines, in turn, are based on the College Guidelines; the Area of Emphasis Guidelines are based on the Instructional Program Guidelines; and the Learning Modules are based on the Area of Emphasis Guidelines. The paradigm makes the above statement a policy position. Further, most of the material included in the ISP document can properly be viewed as supplementary in that it is presented solely as a means of accomplishing the task described above. A Glossary of terms is included for the purpose of reducing semantic confusion. The detailed approach was taken because curriculum development is a rigorous and complex endeavor. If the paradigm had been a global statement such as the summary paragraph above, then some faculty might legitimately have asked for more explicit directions. For many, the detailed directions will prove to be unnecessary. For others, the explicitness of the document serves as a reminder of the intellectual rigor involved and the true complexity of the task. The ISP will serve as a guide to all who are developing curriculum at the various levels within the University. The Instructional Systems Paradigm builds enough flexibility into the system to accommodate the variety of teaching and learning styles which exist at GSU. It is not intended to be a straitjacket for instructional development. It is, however, an approach to instructional development that will coordinate the efforts of the entire GSU Community toward the attainment of the University goal

    The Next Paradigm

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    In order to perceive the world, we need more than just raw sensory input: a subliminal paradigm of thought is required to interpret raw sensory data and, thereby, create the objects and events we perceive around ourselves. As such, the world we see reflects our own unexamined, culture-bound assumptions and expectations, which explains why every generation in history has believed that it more or less understood the world. Today, we perceive a world of objects and events outside and independent of mind, which merely reflects our current paradigm of thought. Anomalies that contradict this paradigm have been accumulated by physicists over the past couple of decades, which will eventually force our culture to move to a new paradigm. Under this new paradigm, a form of universal mind will be viewed as nature’s sole fundamental entity. In this paper, I offer a sketch of what the new paradigm may look like

    A Grammatical Paradigm

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    Avram Noam Chomsky is known for his work at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, for his political pursuits, and most importantly, for his theories in the discipline of linguistics. Chomsky linguistic pursuits aimed to answer the following linguistic studies: how a person learns and develops a language, how a person structures and understands a sentence, and what the purpose of linguistics is as a whole. His theories dramatically changed the linguistic paradigm. Due to this change, this paper also attempts to illustrate the correlation between scientific philosopher Thomas Kuhn’s belief in ‘paradigm shifts’ and the subsequent change in linguistic thought spurred by Chomsky’s grammatical theories

    Paradigm Case Arguments

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    From time to time philosophers and scientists have made sensational, provocative claims that certain things do not exist or never happen that, in everyday life, we unquestioningly take for granted as existing or happening. These claims have included denying the existence of matter, space, time, the self, free will, and other sturdy and basic elements of our common-sense or naïve world-view. Around the middle of the twentieth century an argument was developed that can be used to challenge many such skeptical claims based on linguistic considerations, which came to be known as the Paradigm Case Argument ..

    Membrane paradigm realized?

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    Are there any degrees of freedom on the black hole horizon? Using the `membrane paradigm' we can reproduce coarse-grained physics outside the hole by assuming a fictitious membrane just outside the horizon. But to solve the information puzzle we need `real' degrees of freedom at the horizon, which can modify Hawking's evolution of quantum modes. We argue that recent results on gravitational microstates imply a set of real degrees of freedom just outside the horizon; the state of the hole is a linear combination of rapidly oscillating gravitational solutions with support concentrated just outside the horizon radius. The collective behavior of these microstate solutions may give a realization of the membrane paradigm, with the fictitious membrane now replaced by real, explicit degrees of freedom.Comment: 8 pages, Latex, 3 figures (Essay given second place in Gravity Research Foundation essay competition 2010

    The Utzon paradigm

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    The System Paradigm

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    The introduction explains the sense in which the concept of a paradigm, whose originator, T.S. Kuhn, was inspired by the history of the national sciences, is applied to the context of the social sciences. Here the new paradigm does not necessarily replace the old; several paradigms may function effectively side by side. The milestones in the development of the system paradigm have been the works of Marx, Mises, Hayek, Polányi, Schumpeter and Eucken. Although these make a heterogeneous list in terms of their philosophies and political positions, they share a 'system approach'. They deal not just with individual details of the economy but with the system as a whole, and not just with the economy but with the political, ideological and social dimensions, paying special heed to the interactions between each sphere. The great task for the system paradigm is to study the post-socialist transition. For this, it is indispensable; its explanatory power cannot be replaced by any other paradigm. On the other hand, those applying the system paradigm (like the exponents of other paradigms) are often gravely mistaken. The predictive force of the system paradigm is limited, which urges modesty upon those who employ it.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/39662/3/wp278.pd


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    筆者の不勉強のためであろうか,近年,国内外で,特に国内において,数多くのソーシャルワークと銘打った著作が出版されているにもかかわらず,理論構成や実践の方向性を指し示す研究や実践報告はますます少なくなり,ソーシャルワーク研究は隘路に迷い込んでいる印象を受ける。厳密性に欠ける理論や変容力が低い実践が共有される世界に内閉的に閉じこもる限り,一定の自己充足が可能である。しかし,その場合,訴えられる問題に対しての高度に洗練された解決の実践が断念されることになる。社会生活場面で生じる問題解決,つまりソーシャルワーク実践のためには,まずは,この内閉的世界からの離脱が不可欠である。その上で,自由な立場から基礎理論および実践理論の構築に着手することが求められる。本論においては,この問題意識の下,社会構成主義的コミュニケイション理論を基礎理論とする新たな支援のパラダイムの概略を示した。総説General Articl

    Paradigm Shift

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    This paper analyses the consequences of young researchers' scientifc choice on the dynamics of sciences. We develop a simple two state mean field game model to analyze the competition between two paradigms based on Kuhn's theory of scientifc revolutions. At the beginning of their career, young researchers choose the paradigm in which they want to work according to social and personal motivations. Despite the possibility of multiple equilibria the model exhibits at least one stable solution in which both paradigms always coexist. The occurrence of shocks on the parameters may induce the shift from one dominant paradigm to the other. During this shift, researchers' choice is proved to have a great impact on the evolution of sciences.Paradigm shift, Scienti c choice, Research dynamics, Mean eld game.