2 research outputs found

    Defining Requirements and Related Methods for Designing Sensorized Garments

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    Designing smart garments has strong interdisciplinary implications, specifically related to user and technical requirements, but also because of the very different applications they have: medicine, sport and fitness, lifestyle monitoring, workplace and job conditions analysis, etc. This paper aims to discuss some user, textile, and technical issues to be faced in sensorized clothes development. In relation to the user, the main requirements are anthropometric, gender-related, and aesthetical. In terms of these requirements, the user’s age, the target application, and fashion trends cannot be ignored, because they determine the compliance with the wearable system. Regarding textile requirements, functional factors—also influencing user comfort—are elasticity and washability, while more technical properties are the stability of the chemical agents’ effects for preserving the sensors’ efficacy and reliability, and assuring the proper duration of the product for the complete life cycle. From the technical side, the physiological issues are the most important: skin conductance, tolerance, irritation, and the effect of sweat and perspiration are key factors for reliable sensing. Other technical features such as battery size and duration, and the form factor of the sensor collector, should be considered, as they affect aesthetical requirements, which have proven to be crucial, as well as comfort and wearability

    Desenvolvimento de uma plataforma para Internet das Coisas baseada em Wi-Fi

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    Dissertação de Mestrado Ciclo de Estudos Integrados Conducentes ao Grau de Mestre em Engenharia de Telecomunicações e InformáticaO principal objetivo desta dissertação visa o desenvolvimento de uma plataforma genérica para a Internet das Coisas. Para o desenvolvimento da plataforma genérica recorreu-se à utilização de um dispositivo Arduino e de um módulo Wi-Fi. O Arduino tem como objetivo permitir interligar sensores utilizando para isso as interfaces de comunicação disponibilizadas, sendo elas a interface UART, I2C, SPI e ADC. A interface de comunicação usada para realizar a comunicação entre o Arduino e o módulo Wi-Fi escolhido (ESP8266) é a interface UART. Para a implementação do sistema, desenvolveu-se um firmware para o módulo ESP8266, que permite realizar a conexão do módulo Wi-Fi a qualquer rede Wi-Fi presente nas imediações do módulo ESP8266. Esta dissertação tem um segundo objetivo que foi realizado em parceria com um aluno do Mestrado Integrado em Eletrónica Industrial e Computadores (MIEEIC) cujo tema de dissertação é o desenvolvimento de um sistema de monitorização de consumos e de qualidade de energia elétrica (QEE). Neste segundo objetivo foi desenvolvido um protocolo de comunicação para recolha de dados dos monitores de QEE e uma aplicação para PC (Personal Computer) para realizar a apresentação dos valores recolhidos. O sistema usado para realizar a comunicação entre os monitores QEE e a aplicação desenvolvida para o utilizador é a plataforma genérica para a Internet das Coisas. O projeto realizado nesta dissertação foi concluído com sucesso, sendo comprovado o correto funcionamento da plataforma genérica para a Internet das Coisas. A plataforma desenvolvida permite realizar a devida interação entre os sensores e a aplicação do utilizador. Toda a programação desenvolvida para a plataforma genérica foi devidamente testada, bem como a aplicação desenvolvida para o utilizador para interação com o monitor de QEE, apresentando bons resultados.The main objective of this dissertation is the development of a generic platform for the Internet of Things. For the development of the generic platform, an Arduino device and a Wi-Fi module were used. The Arduino device allows the interconnection of sensors using the available communication interfaces, such as UART, I2C, SPI and ADC. The communication interface used to perform the communication between the Arduino and the chosen Wi-Fi module (ESP8266) is the UART interface. For the implementation of the system, a firmware was developed for the ESP8266 module, which allows the connection between the Wi-Fi module and the Wi-Fi network present near the ESP8266 module. This dissertation has a second objective that was done in partnership with a student of the Integrated Master’s in Industrial Electronics and Computers (MIEEIC) whose dissertation theme is the development of a system for monitoring of consumption and power quality (PQ). In this second objective it was developed a communication protocol for data collection of the PQ monitors and a PC (Personal Computer) application to perform the presentation of the collected values. The system used to communicate between PQ monitors and the application developed for the user is the generic platform for the Internet of Things. The project done in this dissertation was successfully completed and the correct functioning of the generic platform developed for the Internet of Things was demonstrated. The developed platform allows the interaction between the sensors implemented in the generic platform and the User. All the developed code for the generic platform was properly tested, as well as the application developed for the user for interaction with the PQ monitor, presenting good results