1 research outputs found

    Stream Associative Nets and Lambda-mu-calculus

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    Λμ\Lambda\mu-calculus has been built as an untyped extension of Parigot's λμ\lambda\mu-calculus in order to recover Böhm theorem which was known to fail in λμ\lambda\mu-calculus. An essential computational feature of Λμ\Lambda\mu-calculus for separation to hold is the unrestricted use of abstractions over continuations that provides the calculus with a construction of streams. Based on the Curry-Howard paradigm Laurent has defined a translation of Λμ\Lambda\mu-calculus in polarized proof-nets. Unfortunately, this translation cannot be immediately extended to Λμ\Lambda\mu-calculus: the type system on which it is based freezes \Lm-calculus's stream mechanism. We introduce \emph{stream associative nets (SANE)}, a notion of nets which is between Laurent's polarized proof-nets and the usual linear logic proof-nets. SANE have two kinds of \lpar (hence of \ltens), one is linear while the other one allows free structural rules (as in polarized proof-nets). We prove confluence for SANE and give a reduction preserving encoding of Λμ\Lambda\mu-calculus in SANE, based on a new type system introduced by the second author. It turns out that the stream mechanism at work in Λμ\Lambda\mu-calculus can be explained by the associativity of the two different kinds of \lpar of SANE. At last, we achieve a Böhm theorem for SANE. This result follows Girard's program to put into the fore the separation as a key property of logic