21,923 research outputs found

    Labour Market and Social Policy in Italy: Challenges and Changes. Bertelsmann Policy Brief #2016/02

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    vEight years after the outbreak of the financial crisis, Italy has still to cope with and overcome a plethora of economic and social challenges. On top of this, it faces an unfavourable demographic structure and severe disparities between its northern and southern regions. Some promising reforms have recently been enacted, specifically targeting poverty and social exclusion. However, much more remains to be done on the way towards greater economic stability and widely shared prosperity

    Labour market and social policy in Italy. Challenges and changes

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    Eight years after the outbreak of the financial crisis, Italy has still to cope with and overcome a plethora of economic and social challenges. On top of this, it faces an unfavourable demographic structure and severe disparities between its northern and southern regions. Some promising reforms have recently been enacted, specifically targeting poverty and social exclusion. However, much more remains to be done on the way towards greater economic stability and widely shared prosperity

    Labour Market and Social Policy in Italy: Challenges and Changes. Bertelsmann Policy Brief #2016/02

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    vEight years after the outbreak of the financial crisis, Italy has still to cope with and overcome a plethora of economic and social challenges. On top of this, it faces an unfavourable demographic structure and severe disparities between its northern and southern regions. Some promising reforms have recently been enacted, specifically targeting poverty and social exclusion. However, much more remains to be done on the way towards greater economic stability and widely shared prosperity

    Migrants and Refugees_ A Social-Labour Inclusion Methodology, Experimentation and Outcomes

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    Il volume presenta la metodologia elaborata, la sperimentazione ed i risultati raggiunti di un progetto di inclusione socio-lavorativa di soggetti particolarmente svantaggiati. In particolare la metodologia e i diversi strumenti messi a disposizione per la realizzazione di una efficace inclusione socio-lavorativa

    The wheelchair use confidence scale: italian translation, adaptation, and validation of the short form

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    Objective: We developed an Italian version of the Wheelchair Use Confidence Scale for Manual Users- Short Form (WheelCon-M-I-short form) and examined its reliability and validity. Methods: The original scale was translated from English to Italian using the “Translation and Cultural Adaptation of Patient Reported Outcomes Measures–Principles of Good Practice” guidelines. The WheelCon-M-I-short form was administered to experienced manual wheelchair users who had a variety of diagnoses. Its internal consistency and test–retest reliability were examined. Its concurrent validity was evaluated using Pearson correlation coefficients with the Italian version of the Wheelchair Outcome Measure (WhOM-I) and the Italian version of the Barthel index (BI). Results: The WheelCon-M-I-short form was administered to 31 subjects. The mean ± SD of the WheelCon- M-I-short form score was 7.5±1.9. All WheelCon-M-I-short form items were either identical or similar in meaning to the WheelCon-M-short form items. Cronbach’s a for the WheelCon-M-I-short form was 0.95 (p<0.01), and the test–retest reliability (ICC) was 0.978 (p<0.01). The Pearson correlation coefficient of the WheelCon-M-I-short form scores with the WhOM-I scores was 0.7618 (p<0.01). The Pearson correl- ation coefficient of the WheelCon-M-I-short form scores with the Italian BI scores was 0.638 (p < 0.01). Conclusions: The WheelCon-M-I-short form was found to be reliable and a valid outcome measure for assessing manual wheelchair confidence in the Italian population

    Varcare il ponte: tra i contesti protetti e l’autonomia

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    In this article the bridge represents the transition of young people without a stable family who, after coming of age, leave the social protection system, namely educational and residential structures where they have grown up with the support of educators. The transition to adulthood and to autonomy is difficult for all young people, including those who can rely on personal and family resources. Certainly, transition is more difficult for the disadvantaged whether on the personal, the material, the social and the relational plane, and for young people who live in an inadequate, vulnerable and disfunctional family context. In their case crossing the bridge is very hard without a social support network because there is a risk of falling and losing one’s certainties, and thus experiencing a negative change of life. It is important to explore and to inquiry the tools and operative models that allow to build bridges that young people will not cross by themeselves, but with the help of someone who will assist them during their journey. In this perspective, the Research Project “Crossing the bridge. Evaluation analysis and interpretation tools of social inclusion projects”, co-financed thanks to the ‘PO Sardegna FSE 2007-2013’ and the Regional Law 7/2007: “Promotion of the scientific research and the technological innovation in Sardinia”, aims to analyse the data collected across Sardinia. In fact, the Regional Law, no. 4, art. 17 (11 May 2006) provides specific funding for the realization of an experimental programme to promote social inclusion projects for young people who leave residential structures and have not completed their transition to autonomy, nor have they attained social integration or completed their education and training. The present essay also refers to scientific and institutional literature on the subject here considered while explaining some elements of European planning. In addition, our study focuses on the main features of the current Experimental Programme for Social Inclusion in Sardinia. Finally, the first results and early perspectives for the development of the Project “Crossing the bridge” are also outlined

    The smart city. Critical reading of a multiform phenomenon

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    Sempre più frequentemente la smart city è al centro dei discorsi delle differenti discipline. Cosa s’intende, però, con l’espressione “città intelligente”? A quali ambiti si riferisce l’intelligenza annunciata? In questo elaborato ci si sofferma specificamente sullo studio della smart city declinata secondo i suoi principali obiettivi sociali, al fine di individuare e sottoporre ad analisi critica le variabili costituenti il rapporto tra città intelligente e intenti annunciati. Come coniugare, cioè, i molteplici obiettivi della smart city? All’interno di quali categorie pensare la relazione tra città intelligente e obiettivi quali l’inclusione e lo sviluppo sociale? Attraverso che tipo di misure raggiungere tali finalità? Ci si sofferma, quindi, sul criterio dell’efficienza come cifra fondamentale della rappresentazione della città intelligente e sulle criticità che l’equazione smart city=efficienza comporta in termini di coesione del tessuto sociale. L’analisi si focalizza, inoltre, sui criteri del bene comune e della relazionalità come possibili categorie in grado di coadiuvare le dinamiche del processo inclusivo

    La Piezosurgery come metodica alternativa alla strumentazione rotante tradizionale nell'estrazione di ottavi inferiori inclusi. Revisione della letteratura

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    La presente dissertazione si occupa di esporre la validità della piezosurgery nell'estrazione di ottavi inclusi inferiori come alternativa alla strumentazione rotante tradizionale. Ne vengono illustrati vantaggi e svantaggi con particolare attenzione al tempo impiegato per l'intervento, alla riduzione delle complicanze e al miglioramento del decorso postoperatorio, il tutto sulla base di una revisione sistematica che la letteratura propone su questo argomento corredata dall' esposizione di una serie di casi clinici

    Alta formazione e inclusione sociale

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    Il contributo esplora il tema dell'inclusione sociale nei contesti dell'alta formazione nelllo scenario del processo di Bologna inquadrandolo nel dibattito europeo ed internazionale sui temi dell'inclusione sociale, della partecipazione e della cittadinanza attiva in una prospettiva pedagogico-sociale