130,578 research outputs found

    Solar Flares and Coronal Mass Ejections: A Statistically Determined Flare Flux-CME Mass Correlation

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    In an effort to examine the relationship between flare flux and corresponding CME mass, we temporally and spatially correlate all X-ray flares and CMEs in the LASCO and GOES archives from 1996 to 2006. We cross-reference 6,733 CMEs having well-measured masses against 12,050 X-ray flares having position information as determined from their optical counterparts. For a given flare, we search in time for CMEs which occur 10-80 minutes afterward, and we further require the flare and CME to occur within +/-45 degrees in position angle on the solar disk. There are 826 CME/flare pairs which fit these criteria. Comparing the flare fluxes with CME masses of these paired events, we find CME mass increases with flare flux, following an approximately log-linear, broken relationship: in the limit of lower flare fluxes, log(CME mass)~0.68*log(flare flux), and in the limit of higher flare fluxes, log(CME mass)~0.33*log(flare flux). We show that this broken power-law, and in particular the flatter slope at higher flare fluxes, may be due to an observational bias against CMEs associated with the most energetic flares: halo CMEs. Correcting for this bias yields a single power-law relationship of the form log(CME mass)~0.70*log(flare flux). This function describes the relationship between CME mass and flare flux over at least 3 dex in flare flux, from ~10^-7 to 10^-4 W m^-2.Comment: 28 pages, 16 figures, accepted to Solar Physic

    Statistical study of magnetic non-potential measures in confined and eruptive flares

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    Using the HMI/SDO vector magnetic field observations, we studied the relation of degree of magnetic non-potentiality with the observed flare/CME in active regions. From a sample of 77 flare/CME cases, we found a general relation that degree of non-potentiality is positively correlated with the flare strength and the associated CME speeds. Since the magnetic flux in the flare-ribbon area is more related to the reconnection, we trace the strong gradient polarity inversion line (SGPIL), Schrijver's R value manually along the flare-ribbon extent. Manually detected SGPIL length and R values show higher correlation with the flare strength and CME speed than the automatically traced values without flare-ribbon information. It highlights the difficulty of predicting the flare strength and CME speed a priori from the pre-flare magnetograms used in flare prediction models. Although the total, potential magnetic energy proxies show weak positive correlation, the decrease in free energy exhibits higher correlation (0.56) with the flare strength and CME speed. Moreover, the eruptive flares have threshold of SGPIL length (31Mm), R value (1.6×10191.6\times10^{19}Mx), free-energy decrease (2×10312\times10^{31}erg) compared to confined ones. In 90\% eruptive flares, the decay-index curve is steeper reaching ncrit=1.5n_{crit}=1.5 within 42Mm, whereas it is beyond 42Mm in >70>70% confined flares. While indicating the improved statistics in the predictive capability of the AR eruptive behavior with the flare-ribbon information, our study provides threshold magnetic properties for a flare to be eruptive.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, accepted in Ap
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