666,822 research outputs found

    Human Experimentation

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    Financing experimentation

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    Entrepreneurs must experiment to learn how good they are at a new activity. What happens when the experimentation is financed by a lender? Under common scenarios, i.e., when there is the opportunity to learn by "starting small" or when "noncompete" clauses cannot be enforced ex post, we show that financing experimentation can become harder precisely when it is more profitable, i.e., for lower values of the known arm and for more optimistic priors. Endogenous collateral requirements (like those frequently observed in micro-credit schemes) are shown to be part of the optimal contract

    Social Experimentation

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    Social Experimentation

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    Gaming on the edge: using seams in ubicomp games

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    Outdoor multi-player games are an increasingly popular application area for ubiquitous computing, supporting experimentation both with new technologies and new user experiences. This paper presents an outdoor ubicomp game that exploits the gaps or seams that exist in complex computer systems. Treasure is designed so that players move in and out of areas of wireless network coverage, taking advantage not only of the connectivity within a wireless ‘hotspot’ but of the lack of connectivity outside it. More broadly, this paper discusses how the notion of seamful design can be a source of design ideas for ubicomp games

    Social Experimentation

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    Experimental Design: Design Experimentation

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    This paper was selected for publication in MIT’s Design Issues. The research takes an original approach by positioning experimentation as a comprehensive design methodology, rather than using the traditional industrial design approach of employing experimentation as a problem-solving tool within a standard design model. It is an evolution of design thinking on non-linear design methods first developed by Hall and presented to the ‘International Association of Societies of Design Research Conference’, Seoul, South Korea (2009), and in a paper entitled ‘Innovation design engineering: Non-linear progressive education for diverse intakes’ presented at the ‘International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education’, University of Brighton, UK, which offered a non-linear pedagogy (Hall and Childs 2009) that uniquely supports a diverse interdisciplinary intake. Experimental design is well known in the science domain but very little evidence has been recorded of experimentation in industrial design and its position in relation to work in other science and research domains. Connections are made with theories on research methods, an analysis of case studies and comparisons of literature on experimentation from science disciplines, especially that of Kuhn (1962), Galison (1987), Pasteur’s quadrant for scientific research in Stokes (1997) and Borgdorff (2007). Hall makes significant claims in exploring and articulating a model of design experimentation that highlights the differences between scientific and design experimentation. This work was original in describing an experimental design model for the increasing activity in early phases of design development by recording and enhancing knowledge in this important area for future design research and practice. The methods researched in the paper were later used in experimental design workshops in Daegu, South Korea (2011) and Busan, South Korea (2012)
