1,358,709 research outputs found


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    Shelley: A Critical Reading (Earl R. Wasserman) (Reviewed by Stuart Curran, University of Wisconsin, Madison)The English Historical Novel: Walter Scott to Virginia Woolf (Avrom Fleishman) (Reviewed by William Darby, Wayne State University)A Companion to William Carlos Williams\u27s \u27Paterson\u27 (Benjamin Sankey) (Reviewed by Jerome Mazzaro, State University of New York at Buffalo)The Metaphor of Chance: Vision and Technique in the Works of Thomas Hardy (Bert G. Hornback) (Reviewed by Peter J. Casagrande, The University of Kansas)A Genteel Endeavor: American Culture and Politics in the Gilded Age (John Tomsich) (Reviewed by Edward E. Chielens, Detroit College of Business)Hermogenes and the Renaissance: Seven Ideas of Style (Annabel M. Patterson) (Reviewed by John F. Fleischauer, Ohio University

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    The Origins of the English Novel, 1600-1740 (Michael McKeon) (Reviewed by John Kucich, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor)The Making of English Reading Audiences, 1790-1832 (Jon P. Klancher) (Reviewed by John Kucich, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor)Images of Power: Medieval History/Discourse/Literature (Kevin Brownlee) (Reviewed by H. Jay Siskin, Northwestern University)John Rainolds\u27s Oxford Lectures on Aristotle\u27s Rhetoric, (Lawrence D. Green) (Reviewed by Donald N. Mager, Johnson C. Smith University)Iconoclasm and Poetry in the English Reformation: Down Went Dagon (Ernest B. Gilman) (Reviewed by John. N. Wall, North Carolina State University)One Foot in Eden: Modes of Pastoral in Romantic Poetry (Lore Metzger) (Reviewed by Ian Balfour, York University)Dickens and the Dialectic of Growth (Badri Raina) (Reviewed by Cathy Comstock, University of Colorado)Representation and Revelation: Victorian Realism from Carlyle to Yeats (John P. McGowan) (Reviewed by George Levine, Rutgers University)Dimensions of Science Fiction (William Sims Bainbridge) (Reviewed by Len Hatfield, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University)Kafka: Toward a Minor Literature (Gilles Deleuze and FĂ©lix Guattari) (Reviewed by Stuart Barnett, SUNY / Buffalo)Recent Theories of Narrative (Wallace Martin) (Reviewed by Gerald Prince, University of Pennsylvania)Iconology: Image, Text, Ideology (W.J.T. Mitchell) (Reviewed by Marianna Torgovnic, Duke University

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    The Art of William Blake (Anthony Blunt) (Reviewed by Geoffrey Keynes, Brinkley, Cambridgeshire, England) The Piper and the Bard: a Study of William Blake (Robert F. Gleckner) (Reviewed by F. W. Bateson, Corpus Christi College, Oxford) The Theory of the Novel in England: 1850-1870 (Richard Stang) (Reviewed by Bruce McCullough, New York University) Heiress of All the Ages. Sex and Sentiment in the Genteel Tradition (William Wasserstrom) (Howard W. Webb, Jr., Southern Illinois University

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    La Formation de la pensée de Coleridge (1772-1804) (Paul Deschamps) (Reviewed by G. N. G. Orsini, University of Wisconsin)Coleridge and the Idea of the Modern State (David P. Calleo) (Reviewed by John Colmer, University of Adelaide)Imaginative Reason: The Poetry of Matthew Arnold (A. Dwight Culler) (Reviewed by Allan Danzig, The City College of New York)The World of Marcel Proust (Germaine Brée) (Reviewed by Victor Brombert, Yale University)Yeats At Work (Curtis B. Bradford) (Reviewed by Gertrude M. White, Oakland University)Northrop Frye in Modern Criticism: Selected Papers from the English Institute (Murray Krieger.) (Reviewed by Andrew Von Hendy, Boston College

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    Day Late, Dollar Short: The Next Generation and the New Academy (Ed. Peter C. Herman) (Reviewed by Jerry Herron, Wayne State University) Jewish Enlightenment in an English Key: Anglo-Jewry’s Construction of Modern Jewish Thought (David B. Ruderman) (Reviewed by Michael Scrivener, Wayne State University) Beckett and Poststructuralism (Anthony Uhlmann) (Reviewed by Thomas J. Cousineau, Washington College) The Hieroglyph of Tradition, Freud, Benjamin, Gadamer, Novalis, Kant (Angelika Rauch) (Reviewed by Agne`s Conacher, Queen’s University) Shakespeare and the Bible (Steven Marx) (Reviewed by Harmonie Loberg, University of South Florida) Shakespeare Jungle Fever: National-Imperial Re-Visions of Race, Rape, and Sacrifice (Arthur L. Little, Jr) (Reviewed by Peter Erickson, Clark Art Institute) A Geography of Victorian Gothic Fiction: Mapping History’s Nightmares (Robert Mighall) (Reviewed by Susan Lynne Beckwith, Wayne State University) The Erotic Whitman (Vivian R. Pollak) (Reviewed by Daneen Wardrop, Western Michigan University

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    Spenserian Poetics: Idolatry, Iconoclasm, and Magic (Kenneth Gross) (Reviewed by Jonathan Goldberg, The John Hopkins University)The Social Vision of William Blake (Michael Ferber) (Reviewed by Karen Shabetai, University of Washington)The Industrial Reformation of English Fiction: Social Discourse and Narrative Form, 1832-1867 (Catherine Gallagher) (Reviewed by John Kucich, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor)Charlotte Brontë and Sexuality (John Maynard) (Reviewed by Martha Vicinus, University of Michigan)Henry James: The Writer and His Work (Tony Tanner) (Reviewed by George Bishop, Daemen College)Wallace Stevens: A Mythology of Self (Milton J. Bates) (Reviewed by John N. Serio, Clarkson University)Why Nietzsche Now? (Daniel O\u27Hara) (Reviewed by John McGowan, University of Rochester)Nietzsche: Life as Literature (Alexander Nehamas) (Reviewed by John McGowan, University of Rochester


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    Book Reviews

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    The Novels of Flaubert: A Study of Themes and Techniques (Victor Brombert) (Reviewed by Germaine Brée, Institute for Research in the Humanities, Madison, Wisconsin)The Portraits of Alexander Pope (William Kurtz Wimsatt) (Reviewed by Benjamin Boyce, )Validity in Interpretation (E. D. Hirsch) (Reviewed by William H. Gass, Purdue University)Ford Madox Ford and the Transatlantic Review (Bernard J. Polio) (Reviewed by William Wasserstrom, Syracuse University)Experiments in Life: George Eliot\u27s Quest for Values (Bernard J. Paris) (Reviewed by Arthur C. Young, Russell Sage College)The English Lyric from Wyatt to Donne: A History of the Plain and Eloquent Styles (Douglas L. Peterson) (Reviewed by Donald L. Guss, Wayne State University)Il teatro nord-americano (Sergio Perosa) (Reviewed by Alessandra Contenti, University of California, Berkeley)The Turn of the Novel (Alan Friedman) (Reviewed by Edward Loomis, University of California, Santa Barbara)The Enclosed Garden: The Tradition and the Image in Seventeenth Century Poetry (Stanley Stewart) (Reviewed by E. A. Newcomb, Wayne State University)The Other Victorians: A Study of Sexuality and Pornography in Mid-Nineteenth Century England (Steven Marcus) (Reviewed by Robert M. Philmus, Carleton College


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