38 research outputs found

    Financial Incentive Mechanisms for Conservaing Native Biodiversity

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    本研究將由各國保育生物多樣性財務誘因機制之經驗、優缺點與適用性之比較與檢討,提供我國未來建立生物多樣性之財務機制設計重要參考,並試擬適用於我國保育本土生物多樣性的財務誘因機制.This project is intented to identify, analyze, and compare the financial mechanisms of different countries achieving biodiversity conservation. The main objective of this project is to provide relevant information to the authorities for the financial opportunities arising from the national action plan of biodiversity in Taiwan

    Economic Analysis of Sustainable Management in Whale-Watching Activities (II)

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    (一)計畫中文摘要。(五百字以內)鯨豚資源具有公共財的性質,賞鯨事業的貨幣營收固然是在管理賞鯨活動的重要因素,賞鯨活動所造成的社會與環境經濟效益與成本更是管理措施決策的關鍵因素。針對承載量的判斷準則,由於從生態的容忍度與遊客衝擊形式與強度等面向來評估,均未有定論,因此多遵守「儘量不使用環境」的準則(precaution principle)。透過經濟方法分析,可提供規劃利用或經營管理之另一種參考依據。當遊憩活動量仍在生態資源的承載量容許範圍時,並未有環境資源折損的情形,此時社會效益通常高過社會成本。但當生態旅遊過度擴張,超過了生態資源承載量時,造成生態資源呈現折損,此時生態環境效益將成大量降低,可能將造成社會成本高過社會效益,社會淨效益將小於零。本計畫將適度考量納入環境衝擊與遊客承載量等資訊,發展適當的經濟分析模式。The social and environmental costs and benefits of whale watching activities are the keyfactors of decision making. Carrying capacity has being one of the most important issues onwhale watching. This research proposes an economic valuation framework to assess theoptimal carrying capacity for whale watching activities in Taiwan. The cost benefit analysismethod is to be applied, meanwhile considering the risk and uncertainty of operating masstourism behavior on cetacean resources


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    Enforcement Cost and State-Dependent Monitoring System of Wildlife Conservation

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    Taiwan Farmers' Perceptions and Preferences on Adopting Agri-Environment Schemes and Its Implications (II)

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    1. 評估我國農民對於可能實施的環保型農業措施之認知與接受度。 2. 解析我國實施環保型農業之措施所可能遭遇的重要議題與因應策略。藉由德國在環保型農業措施經驗與我國農民之認知與接受度檢討,可為我國面臨國際經貿自由化,在維持農業環境品質之因應措施上提供重要參考。此外,透過此計畫之人員合作與經驗交換,更將促進中德兩國的交流與伙伴關係。Taiwan is in the need of enhancing or adopting more agri-environment measures. While Taiwan undergoes the increased pressure on the degradation of farmland quality and has only a few pilot agri-environment measures carried out, Germany, in contrast, has decades of experiences in implementing such programs with high acceptance in the federal states. In particular, measures for extensification and measures for landscape and nature conservation are the most accepted programs among the agri-environment schemes. In the first year, this project reviewed the agri-environment measures implemented in Germany. This year a survey will be implemented on farmers' perception and preferences on the corresponding agri-environmental measures of Taiwan. We then will analyze the survey data and draw the implications from the results