47 research outputs found

    Metabolism of Bentazon in Crops and Analysis of Herbicide Residue in Soil

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    本研究之主要目的在於分析本達隆除草劑施用於田間, 被作物植體吸收後在植體內及土壤環境中之殘留量變化, 評估此種除草劑對作物產量收穫部位及環境安全之影響.尤其在防除一些耐性作物田間的雜草時可能施用較高劑量下, 對於可能產生之農藥殘毒必須有精確而便利之偵測技術.本試驗主要工作項目: ( 一 )確立玉米、水稻及落花生植株幼苗期對於本達隆除草劑之耐性.( 二 )分析本達隆在玉米、水稻及落花生植株內之殘留量.( 三 )分析除草劑在土壤環境中之殘留量.( 四 )本達隆除草劑殘毒分析法之比較.預期效益: 1.完成bentazon除草劑在稻米、落花生及玉米植體之食用部位及在土壤環境中之殘留量評估, 作為施藥之重要參考.以及評估未來發展或引入除草劑抗性轉殖作物時, 若提高施藥量是否造成危害.2.建立除草劑殘毒之檢測方法及各種分析法之比較.In order to estimate the effect of applied bentazon on food safety and environmental pollution, the metabolism of bentazon in three major crops in Taiwan, such as corn, rice and peanut, will be determined from early growth stage to harvest, and the bentazon residue in soil will be investigated monthly after bentazon application.Various techniques of bentazon determination including HPLC, TLC, bioassay and chlorophyll fluorescence decay will be established and compared, which could efficiently provide a good monitoring system to detect the residual bentazon in crops or fresh foods as well as that in soil environment.In this study, tolerance of three crops at the early growth stage to foliar-applied bentazon will be determined based on the dose-response analysis using log-logistic model.In addition, the effects of environmental factors, such as microbe, temperature, and light, on the metabolism or degradation of bentazon in soil will also be investigated monthly

    Glyphosate Residue in Rice and Soil Environment in Central Taiwan Area

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    本研究之主要目的在於分析嘉磷塞除草劑施用於水稻田間,其在水稻植體內及土壤環境中之殘留量變化,以評估此種除草劑對水稻作物產量收穫部位及環境安全之影響.此外對於國內在長年使用嘉磷塞之情況下,栽培環境中之殘留量,以及中部地區水田環境是否可能產生之農藥殘毒加以偵測.本試驗主要工作包括: 1. 評估隔離之土壤系統[排除土壤淋洗(leaching)及滲漏(leakage)部分]中glyphosate之殘毒變化是否受到土壤微生物及光分解之影響,及測定在台灣氣候環境下其半衰期.試驗包括密閉土壤及通氣土壤. 2. 調查中部地區五處水稻田於苗期、開花期及子粒充實期,分別測定在民家水田排放水中之glyphosate殘留量,以評估嘉磷塞殘毒對環境安全之影響. 3. 依一般水稻栽培管理方式,於I、II期水稻栽培期間,先於萌前、植前施用嘉磷塞推薦用量後,每個月定期取樣實際調查分析控制用量下,殘留於土壤、田水及水稻植體之殘留量,以評估除草劑之施用對環境之影響, 並比較不同栽培期作下之除草劑殘留變化. 4. 建立嘉磷塞除草劑殘毒之濃縮、萃取及檢測方法,以提供檢測單位參考,有利於國內建立農藥污染偵測系統.In order to identify the toxic effect of glyphosate on rice safety and its pollution in environment, the glyphosate residue in rice and in its surrounding soil environment will be determined monthly after glyphosate application. In addition, since long-term application of glyphosate in Taiwan, whether there is an accumulation of glyphosate residue in soil environment required to investigate. In aspect of glyphosate detection, analysis techniques of glyphosate determination including HPLC and TLC, coupled with the preconcentration and extraction of glyphosate in water, soil and plants will be established, which could efficiently provide a good monitoring system to detect the residual glyphosate in crops and in soil environment. In this study, effects of environmental factors, such as microbe and light, on glyphosate degradation in soil with/without aeration and in water will also be investigated monthly

    Physiological Mechanism of Glufosinate Tolerance in Rice of T-DNA Insertion Mutant Pool

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    除草劑之施用可以節省人力達到除草效果,然而部分非目標作物在除草劑施用下會產生藥害,也會限制除草劑之施用,尤其針對非選擇性除草劑,若能獲得耐性基因則可使除草劑具有選擇性;因此,若能確立除草劑之耐性機制、找出耐性基因轉殖至相關目標作物,相信應可以有效地發揮除草劑效果。本計劃擬以中研院植物所餘淑美博士提供之水稻台農67 號經T-DNA 插入誘變所得之突變庫(T2)為材料進行研究,根據2004 年以glufosinate(固殺草)分三季篩選,已初步找出固殺草之耐感性突變體;因此期望進一步以之為材料進行耐性機制之生理分析及遺傳行為研究,確定其耐性機制及評估耐性基因之可利用性。本試驗同時配合台農67 號(TNG 67)為對照品種,探討T-DNA 插入突變品系之耐感性表現,進而研究其耐性差異之決定因子。試驗之前先以台農67 號為材料根據Log-logistic analysis of herbicide dose-response relationship (Seefeldt etal.,1995)計算方式,確定除草劑injury index 之ED50 劑量,再以除草劑之ED50 分兩階段篩選感性及耐性植株。本試驗之目的,擬以2004 年及先前預備試驗中所篩選出之耐感性突變體為材料,配合TNG 67 為對照,探討造成耐性之生理機制。由於glufosinate 之作用目標位置在glutamine synthetase (GS; EC,即合成glutamine 之關鍵酵素,一旦抑制此酵素活性將引起氨累積毒害,缺乏胺基酸,或經由中斷glycolate pathway、抑制Rubisco activity 及光合作用,進而引起植株死亡。本計畫將根據2004 年篩選出之耐感性突變體進行單株選拔及T2 自交後代(T3)繁殖,並準備進行相關生理分析。本計畫之目的在於瞭解水稻耐性突變體對此種除草劑之可能耐性機制,除了可能改變目標酵素GS 作用外,是否可能經由快速代謝除草劑以減輕毒性。同時也針對glufosinate 在耐感性植株中的吸收、轉運、及代謝解毒能力是否改變加以釐清

    Estimation of application effect of charcoal on reducing overflow of butachlor from paddy field and monitoring of pyrazosulfuron residue in turf environment

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    本研究主要目的為建立台灣氣候環境下水稻栽培中除草劑流向監測方法、除草劑行為資料與預測模式,進一步確立評估風險的方法。本研究以水田小型滲漏計分析方法,利用農藥吸附物質進行除草劑行為研究。此外,關於百速隆在草坪施用後之藥劑流向監測,試驗工作包括於台灣氣候環境下不同季節(2、5、8、11月份)施用百速隆於百慕達草坪後,除草劑百速隆之藥劑流向。此外,希望利用所獲得之數據建立模擬模式以便應用於農藥殘量預估。於增列計畫中另加入除草劑推薦用藥減量施用之效果評估。In order to establish the monitoring system of herbicide used in paddy field under the climate of Taiwan, all related data influencing herbicide behavior will be measured based on the PCPF simulation model. In this study, an effect of charcoal addition will be estimated, this absorbent will be used to adsorb herbicide in paddy water for reducing the herbicide loss from field through unexpected overflow of drainage water, especially under the subtropical climate with heavy rainfall or typhoon. Beside, we concern the fate of pyrazosulfuron, a herbicide has been recommended to use in turf grass in Taiwan, thus the monitoring of this herbicide in turf grass and soil environment will be performed