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    Non-unitarity and non-reciprocity in scattering from real potentials in presence of confined non-linearity

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    Investigations of scattering in presence of non-linearity which have just begun require the confinement of both the potential, V(x)V(x), and the non-linearity, γf(∣ψ∣)\gamma f(|\psi|). There could be two options for the confinement. One is the finite support on x∈[−L,L]x \in [-L,L] and the other one is on x∈[0,L]x \in [0,L]. Here, we consider real Hermitian potentials and report a surprising disparate behaviour of these two types of confinements. We prove that in the first option the symmetric potential enjoys reciprocity of both reflectivity (RR) and transmitivity (TT) and their unitarity. More interestingly, the asymmetry in V(x)V(x) causes non-unitarity (R+T≠1 R+T\ne 1) and the non-reciprocity (reciprocity) of T(R)T (R). On the other hand, the second option of confinement gives rise to an essential non-unitarity even when V(x)V(x) is symmetric about a point in [0,L][0,L]. In the absence of symmetry there occurs non-reciprocity of both RR and TT.Comment: 8 pages, Five Figures each with three parts a.b.

    Gaussian-random Ensembles of Pseudo-Hermitian Matrices

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    Attention has been brought to the possibility that statistical fluctuation properties of several complex spectra, or, well-known number sequences may display strong signatures that the Hamiltonian yielding them as eigenvalues is PT-symmetric (Pseudo-Hermitian). We find that the random matrix theory of pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonians gives rise to new universalities of level-spacing distributions other than those of GOE, GUE and GSE of Wigner and Dyson. We call the new proposals as Gaussian Pseudo-Orthogonal Ensemble and Gaussian Pseudo-Unitary Ensemble. We are also led to speculate that the enigmatic Riemann-zeros (12±itn){1 \over 2}\pm i t_n) would rather correspond to some PT-symmetric (pseudo-Hermitian) Hamiltonian.Comment: Invited Talk Delivered in II International Workshop on `Pseudo-Hermitian Hanmiltonians in Physics' at Prague, June 14-16, 200

    Light output simulation of LYSO single crystal

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    We used the Geant4 simulation toolkit to estimate the light collection in a LYSO crystal by using cosmic muons and E=105 MeV electrons. The light output as a function of the crystal length is studied. Significant influence of the crystal wrapping in the reflective paper and optical grease coupling to the photodetectors on the light output is demonstrated.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure
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