294 research outputs found

    T-symmetry in String Geometry Theory

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    String geometry theory is one of the candidates of non-perturbative formulation of string theory. In this paper, we have shown that dimensionally reduced string geometry theories have what we call T-symmetry. In case of the dimensional reduction in space-like directions, the T-symmetry transformation gives the T-dual transformation between the type IIA and IIB perturbative vacua. In case of the dimensional reduction in time direction of string geometry, the T-symmetry transformation is independent of the T-dual transformation, and gives a symmetry that cannot be seen in the perturbative string theories.Comment: 12 page

    Prompt-Guided Zero-Shot Anomaly Action Recognition using Pretrained Deep Skeleton Features

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    This study investigates unsupervised anomaly action recognition, which identifies video-level abnormal-human-behavior events in an unsupervised manner without abnormal samples, and simultaneously addresses three limitations in the conventional skeleton-based approaches: target domain-dependent DNN training, robustness against skeleton errors, and a lack of normal samples. We present a unified, user prompt-guided zero-shot learning framework using a target domain-independent skeleton feature extractor, which is pretrained on a large-scale action recognition dataset. Particularly, during the training phase using normal samples, the method models the distribution of skeleton features of the normal actions while freezing the weights of the DNNs and estimates the anomaly score using this distribution in the inference phase. Additionally, to increase robustness against skeleton errors, we introduce a DNN architecture inspired by a point cloud deep learning paradigm, which sparsely propagates the features between joints. Furthermore, to prevent the unobserved normal actions from being misidentified as abnormal actions, we incorporate a similarity score between the user prompt embeddings and skeleton features aligned in the common space into the anomaly score, which indirectly supplements normal actions. On two publicly available datasets, we conduct experiments to test the effectiveness of the proposed method with respect to abovementioned limitations.Comment: CVPR 202

    Unified Keypoint-based Action Recognition Framework via Structured Keypoint Pooling

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    This paper simultaneously addresses three limitations associated with conventional skeleton-based action recognition; skeleton detection and tracking errors, poor variety of the targeted actions, as well as person-wise and frame-wise action recognition. A point cloud deep-learning paradigm is introduced to the action recognition, and a unified framework along with a novel deep neural network architecture called Structured Keypoint Pooling is proposed. The proposed method sparsely aggregates keypoint features in a cascaded manner based on prior knowledge of the data structure (which is inherent in skeletons), such as the instances and frames to which each keypoint belongs, and achieves robustness against input errors. Its less constrained and tracking-free architecture enables time-series keypoints consisting of human skeletons and nonhuman object contours to be efficiently treated as an input 3D point cloud and extends the variety of the targeted action. Furthermore, we propose a Pooling-Switching Trick inspired by Structured Keypoint Pooling. This trick switches the pooling kernels between the training and inference phases to detect person-wise and frame-wise actions in a weakly supervised manner using only video-level action labels. This trick enables our training scheme to naturally introduce novel data augmentation, which mixes multiple point clouds extracted from different videos. In the experiments, we comprehensively verify the effectiveness of the proposed method against the limitations, and the method outperforms state-of-the-art skeleton-based action recognition and spatio-temporal action localization methods.Comment: CVPR 202

    A historical study of Jisso-in Temple in Saga City, Japan <Article>

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    筆者らは,佐賀市大和町に所在する実相院の建物について調査を行う機会を得た。本堂,庫裏,勅使門の平面図を作成し,さらに建築年代や構造形式,改造痕跡などについて調査を行った。その結果,現在の本堂は19世紀中期の建立で,痕跡より,内陣部分が大規模に改造されていること,長押に打ち直し痕があることなどが判明した。さらに,痕跡より復元される実相院本堂の前身建物は,細部意匠に花杏葉紋が付される点,ほぼ同時期に築造されたと考えられる小城陣屋と玄関式台及び表向き殿舎の構成が類似している点から,佐賀藩の支藩や親類に関係する武家殿舎であった可能性が考えられた。遺構が乏しくいまだ明らかでない江戸時代の武家殿舎を考察する上で,一級の資料となりえる貴重な事例と考えられた。We report on the construction of the Jisso-in temple in Yamato, Saga City, Japan. We unearthed the plans made for the hondo (main hall), kuri (the warehouse at the rear), and chokushi-mon (the gate for the imperial envoy). Furthermore, we researched the year of construction, type of construction, and traces of renovation. We discovered that the main hall was built in the mid-19th century and that it has been since reconstructed. From the plan, we assumed that the palace of the castle was relocated because of the greatly redesigned chancel and the signs of repair to aisles. Regarding remnants of remodeling, we presumed that the main hall was built by a branch of the Saga feudal clan because the design of the hall incorporated the family crest of the branch of the Saga clan known as “Hanagyoyo”. Moreover, the structure and design of the entrance were similar to that of the palace of Ogi Castle, which was also owned by a branch of the Saga feudal clan. Therefore, it can be said that the main hall of Jisso-in temple is similar in style to warrior residences of the Saga feudal clan. As little is known about the warrior residences of the Edo era, any material such as gathered here, which expands the knowledge base regarding this era, is important

    Tomonotsuto (stone pagoda of tomonotsu) in Fukuyama city, Hiroshima <Data>

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    著者らは,鞆の浦の社寺建築および社寺境内の石造文化として特に重要と思われる鞆の津塔について調査を行う機会を得た。1 基ごとに実測図を作成し,さらに造立年代や構造形式などについて調査を行った。その結果,鞆の津塔は,五輪塔と宝篋印塔の部材を混在させた石塔と考えられた. また基礎正面に束で2 分割した格狭間,両側面に通常の格狭間を彫ること,さらに隅飾が同時代の宝篋印塔と比べて外側への傾斜が極めて少なく伝統的であることなどが特色として挙げられた。またおおよその造立年代が17 世紀頃と推測され,約100 年の間に集中的に造立されたという可能性が指摘できた。さらに規模が大きく,そのような石塔の施主が商人であることなどが注目され,裕福な商人の経済力を背景に造立されたものと考えられ,鞆の浦の港町としての繁栄を物語る歴史資料として重要である

    Application to the atomic-bomb radiation dose study of rock samples collected in the early survey of the Hiroshima atomic bomb <Data>

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    広島原爆が投下されたあとの1945年(昭和20年)10月から12月に原爆災害の岩石学的調査が行われ,岩石資料の収集が行われた。広島大学ではこれらの被爆資料がそのまま保管されていたので,40年後の昭和63年以降,原爆中性子線量評価と広島市内にのこる原爆のフォールアウトの調査に使用された。被爆資料中に生成された中性子誘導放射能,152Euおよび60Coを測定することにより,現在では資料の収集が不可能な爆心地周辺原爆中性子線量を決定する貴重なデータを提供した。また,戦後の核実験によるグローバルフォールアウトの影響を受けていないので広島市内における原爆フォールアウトの被爆者に及ぼす被曝線量を推定することができた。これらの資料は平成24年3月に広島大学総合博物館に寄託された。In September 1945 after detonation of the atomic bombs at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, a special investigation committee was organized by the National Research Council of Japan. The purpose of the committee was to study scientific, engineering and medical aspects of the atomic bomb catastrophe. In the geological and geographical field, in situ observation and sampling were performed from October to December in 1945. Many stones, bricks, roof tiles and ceramic products near the hypocenter were collected, which provided information on the effects of heat on various substances. Since then these samples have been preserved without disturbance at Hiroshima University, and have played an important role in the evaluation of atomic-bomb radiation studies through the measurement of residual radioactivities of 152Eu and 60Co, and fallout of 137Cs. These samples were consigned to the Hiroshima University Museum in 2014 for peace education and to serve peace education

    The report of the Emas (votive picture) in Mitsugi shrine

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    今回,筆者らは広島県三原市に所在する御調八幡宮の絵馬を調査する機会を得た。本稿では,昭和戦前(昭和20年)までに奉納されたと考えられる64 面について,画題・奉納年・奉納者・規模などの概要を述べた。作者については,ほとんどの絵馬で詳らかにすることはできなかったが,西村楠亭のように名の知れた画家の作品があること,大阪の絵馬屋で購入したものが含まれることなどが明らかとなった。また額等に残る銘から奉納年が判明しているものが52面と約8割もあった。これらから奉納の最盛期が明治時代,特に1880年から1900年の20年間であり,1900年以降は次第に減少していることが判明した。後世の着彩,すなわち修理が行われていることも確認でき,地域として絵馬を保護しようとした姿勢を窺え,64面という県内では有数な奉納数の多さと考え合わせると地域の民衆の信仰心の厚さを示していると考えられた

    Mapping of an abandoned irrigation channel in the southern part of Saijo Basin, Higashi-Hiroshima city, Southwest Japan, and its significance

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    東広島市西条盆地南部に位置する柏原(かしょうばら)地区は,段丘面上に広がる近世後期の新田開発地である。柏原地区の農業用水を確保するために中の峠(たお)池(現深道池)が造築されたが,池の集水域が狭く慢性的に水不足であった。そのため,池の集水域と異なる小田山川の集水域内の山麓に用水路を築き,中の峠池に水をもたらしてきた。現在は別の導水トンネル(中の峠隧道)ができたため,この用水路は30 年以上前に放棄されている。本研究では,現地調査によって用水路の構造のマッピングを行い,さらに古文書の解読によって造築の経緯の一端を明らかにした。本研究は,郷土の発展の痕跡である歴史的な文化財を後世に伝えるだけでなく,今後増加すると考えられる放棄用水路のマッピングの先駆的な事例として意義があると考えられる。A village of Kashobara was established by new reclamation work for rice field in early 19th-century in the southern part of Saijo Basin, Higashi-Hiroshima City, Southwest Japan. Local villagers built a pond named "Nakanotao pond" for irrigation close to the village. Because its water was always little due to its too small catchment area, it was very difficult to crop rice properly. Then local villagers made an irrigation channel to put additional water into the pond from out of its catchment. As a newly tunnel for irrigation was made in 90 years ago, the channel has been abandoned over 30 years. The objects of this study are 1) mapping of the abandoned channel by geophysical field survey, and 2) analysis of historical record related the abandoned channel. This study contributes a record of local heritage of civil engineering, and is regarded as a pioneer study for mapping of abandoned channel, numbers of which will increase in Japan.本稿の内容の一部は,2018年度地理科学学会春季学術大会(2018年6月2日,於広島大学大学院文学研究科)にて口頭発表を行った