1,307 research outputs found

    Moralische Verbesserung oder Übelreduktion: Ist eine bessere Welt möglich?

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    In an attempt to widen the perspective on the issue of moral enhancement, this paper raises the question of what kind of evil could we eliminate by morally enhancing ourselves, i.e. what kind of evil would we still have to live with. Due to the complexity and diversity of philosophical analysis of evil, this study will be narrowed in scope by conforming to an implicit understanding of evil by some of the most prominent advocates of biomedical (moral) enhancement. We will compare two perspectives on evil: evil as a component of human nature – radical evil (Immanuel Kant), and “depersonalized” evil – the banality of evil (Hannah Arendt), together with an implicit consideration of evil by Thomas Douglas, Julian Savulescu, Ingmar Persson, and John Harris. Furthermore, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz’s “Theodicy” will be used in the analysis of the necessity of the reduction of evil, in order to emphasise that human beings have limited knowledge, which is why we should take into consideration the principle of caution and the fragility of balance between good and evil. In the conclusion, we offer an answer to the question “What is a better world?” by taking into consideration often neglected tradition of moral philosophy in the works of Immanuel Kant and Hannah Arendt.U cilju davanja što šire slike vezano za temu moralnog poboljšanja, u radu se pitamo koje je oblike zla moguće eliminirati kroz moralno poboljšanje, odnosno koji bi oblici zla i dalje opstali. S obzirom na složenost i raznolikost filozofskih analiza zla, naš će fokus biti nešto uži, pa ćemo se baviti implicitnim razumijevanjem zla nekolicine najistaknutijih zagovornika biomedicinskog (moralnog) poboljšanja. Usporedit ćemo dvije perspektive zla: zlo kao sastavni aspekt ljudske prirode – radikalno zlo (Immanuel Kant) i „depersonalizirano“ zlo – banalnost zla (Hannah Arendt), kao i implicitna razmatranja zla u radovima Thomasa Douglasa, Juliana Savulescua, Ingmara Perssona i Johna Harrisa. Nadalje, koristit ćemo „Teodiceju“ Gottfrieda Wilhelma Leibniza u analizi nužnosti redukcije zla, kako bismo naglasili činjenicu da je ljudsko znanje ograničeno, što svakako trebamo uzeti u obzir pri razmatranju principa opreza i lomljive ravnoteže između dobra i zla. U zaključku pokušavamo podati odgovor na pitanje: „Što je to bolji svijet?“, uzimajući u obzir često zanemarenu tradiciju moralne filozofije u djelima Immanuela Kanta i Hanne Arendt.Um ein möglichst umfangreiches Bild zum Thema moralische Verbesserung zu geben, fragen wir uns in dieser Arbeit danach, welche Formen des Übels man durch eine moralische Verbesserung eliminieren kann, bzw. welche Formen des Übels auch weiterhin bestehen würden. Hinsichtlich der Komplexität und der Verschiedenartigkeit von philosophischen Analysen des Übels, werden wir uns darauf enger fokussieren und uns mit dem impliziten Verständnis des Übels einiger der eminentesten Befürworter der biomedizinischen (moralischen) Verbesserung befassen. Wir werden zwei Perspektiven des Übels vergleichen: das Übel als ein Bestandsaspekt der menschlichen Natur – radikales Übel (Immanuel Kant) und „depersonalisiertes“ Übel – die Banalität des Übels (Hannah Arendt), sowie die impliziten Betrachtungen des Übels in den Werken von Thomas Douglas, Julian Savulescu, Ingmar Persson und John Harris. Weiterhin werden wir uns der Theodizee von Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz bei der Aanalyse der Notwendigkeit der Übelreduktion bedienen, um die Tatsache zu betonen, dass das menschliche Wissen beschränkt ist, was wir bei der Betrachtung der Vorsichtsprinzipien und des zerbrechlichen Gleichgewichts zwischen Gut und Übel unbedingt berücksichtigen müssen. Zum Schluß versuchen wir, die Frage zu beantworten: „Eine bessere Welt? – Was ist das“, indem wir die oft vernachlässigte Tradition der Moralphilosophie in den Werken von Immanuel Kant und Hannah Arendt in Rücksicht nehmen


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    Since problems of ecofeminism are orientated not only towards contemporary times, but also towards future, this paper will examine the role of technique in an attempt of their resolving. Post-modern, lets call it fluid, understanding of the Being as plurality is given as an alternative to often criticized horizon of classical metaphysic (reduced on monistic or factual understanding of Being in a sense of something that is given, firm and/or unchangeable). Precisely that post-modern understanding is often appreciated as a solution of ecological and feminist issues. Does a unity of a man and the machine, the same unity which bare attempt has produced ecological and other problems that we are affronting, truly offer their solution or do the old conditions of domination over women and domination over nature transfer in the idea of transhuman beings? Is the world of information as the essence of a cultural (human) world a solution of a „problem‟ of natural or is it a path to a new, repetitive, slavery? As an effort of answering this and other questions, reasoning of the idea of transhumanism (Bostrom – Sloterdijk) in a feminist discourse (Haraway) will be related to epistemological understanding of technique (Heidegger, Gehlen). This appreciation will be comprehended as the finalization of a dominant „stiff‟ metaphysical understanding of nature (as something that can be realized)


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    Since problems of ecofeminism are orientated not only towards contemporary times, but also towards future, this paper will examine the role of technique in an attempt of their resolving. Post-modern, lets call it fluid, understanding of the Being as plurality is given as an alternative to often criticized horizon of classical metaphysic (reduced on monistic or factual understanding of Being in a sense of something that is given, firm and/or unchangeable). Precisely that post-modern understanding is often appreciated as a solution of ecological and feminist issues. Does a unity of a man and the machine, the same unity which bare attempt has produced ecological and other problems that we are affronting, truly offer their solution or do the old conditions of domination over women and domination over nature transfer in the idea of transhuman beings? Is the world of information as the essence of a cultural (human) world a solution of a „problem‟ of natural or is it a path to a new, repetitive, slavery? As an effort of answering this and other questions, reasoning of the idea of transhumanism (Bostrom – Sloterdijk) in a feminist discourse (Haraway) will be related to epistemological understanding of technique (Heidegger, Gehlen). This appreciation will be comprehended as the finalization of a dominant „stiff‟ metaphysical understanding of nature (as something that can be realized)


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    Abstrak Hasil studi pendahuluan yang dilakukan ditemukan kemampuan kognitif konsep bilangan anak kelompok A1 Usia 4-5 Tahun di TK Idaha labschool Unesa Ketintang Surabaya masih rendah, permasalahan tersebut dapat timbul karena kurangnya proses pembelajaran yang memberikan pengalam lansung kepada anak serta media yang kurang menarik. Solusi yang diberikan yaitu penggunaan media puzzle angka dua keping terhadap kemampuan kognitif konsep bilangan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh media puzzle angka dua keping terhadap kognitif mengenal konsep bilangan anak kelompok A1 di TK Idhata Labschool Unesa Ketintang Surabaya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif pre-experimental design, jenis penelitian One-Group Prestest and Post-Test. Subjek penelitian ini anak kelompok A1 di TK Idhata Labschool Unesa Ketintang Surabaya sebanyak 20 anak. Teknik pengumpulan data penelitian ini adalah observasi dan dokumentasi. Analisis data menggunakan statistic non-parametrik uji jenjang bertanda wilcoxon yang menunjang pembuktian adanya pengaruh antar dua variabel. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian rata-rata skor sebelum treatment adalah 7,5 dan setelah treatmet adalah 10, 9. Hasil uji jenjang bertanda wilcoxon menunjukan Thitung adalah 0 dan Ttabel adalah 52 dengan taraf signifikansi 5%. Simpulan bahwa ada pengaruh media puzzle angka dua keping, terhadap kemampuan kognitif konsep bilangan pada anak kelompok A1di TK Idhata Labschool Unesa Ketintang Surabaya. Kata Kunci: puzzle angka, kognitif konsep bilangan


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    Introduction: Adolescents are at risk groups to develop problematic gambling, which over time and intensification can develop into pathological gambling with numerous and harmful psychosocial consequences. Today, significant emphasis is placed on individual characteristics and personality traits as factors that influence and contribute to the development or maintenance of gambling. Objective: To gain insight into the relationship between individual characteristics (personality traits) and adolescent gambling. Subjects and methods: A total of 402 participants (197 males and 204 females), the average age of 17 (M= 17.41, SD= 0.59), participated in the research. Data were collected by filling out questionnaires, in the schools that participants attend in Mostar, in which the Gambling Activities Questionnaire, Canadian Adolescent Gambling Questionnaire, Excitement Seeking Scale, Emotional Competence Questionnaire (UEK-15), Emotional Empathy Questionnaire and IPIP-50 were applied. Results: Significant differences in the intensity of gambling and harmful psychosocial consequences were determined with regard to gender. On average, male adolescents gamble more intensively and report more harmful psychosocial consequences of gambling compared to female adolescents. A significant correlation between emotional competence, empathy, conscientiousness, agreeableness, sensation seeking and the intensity of gambling of male adolescents and a significant correlation between sensation seeking and the intensity of gambling of female adolescents was determined. Male adolescents, who are more prone to seeking sensations, have a lower level of empathy, conscientiousness, agreeableness and emotional competence, on average gamble more and more intensively, as do female adolescents with a more pronounced sensation seeking. Significant predictors of male adolescents´ gambling are sensation seeking and empathy, and female adolescents´ sensation seeking, while a significant predictor that contributes to explaining the psychosocial consequences of gambling in both gender is also sensation seeking. Conclusion: significant contributions of personality traits and individual characteristics in the explanation of adolescent gambling are confirmed


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    Introduction: Adolescents are at risk groups to develop problematic gambling, which over time and intensification can develop into pathological gambling with numerous and harmful psychosocial consequences. Today, significant emphasis is placed on individual characteristics and personality traits as factors that influence and contribute to the development or maintenance of gambling. Objective: To gain insight into the relationship between individual characteristics (personality traits) and adolescent gambling. Subjects and methods: A total of 402 participants (197 males and 204 females), the average age of 17 (M= 17.41, SD= 0.59), participated in the research. Data were collected by filling out questionnaires, in the schools that participants attend in Mostar, in which the Gambling Activities Questionnaire, Canadian Adolescent Gambling Questionnaire, Excitement Seeking Scale, Emotional Competence Questionnaire (UEK-15), Emotional Empathy Questionnaire and IPIP-50 were applied. Results: Significant differences in the intensity of gambling and harmful psychosocial consequences were determined with regard to gender. On average, male adolescents gamble more intensively and report more harmful psychosocial consequences of gambling compared to female adolescents. A significant correlation between emotional competence, empathy, conscientiousness, agreeableness, sensation seeking and the intensity of gambling of male adolescents and a significant correlation between sensation seeking and the intensity of gambling of female adolescents was determined. Male adolescents, who are more prone to seeking sensations, have a lower level of empathy, conscientiousness, agreeableness and emotional competence, on average gamble more and more intensively, as do female adolescents with a more pronounced sensation seeking. Significant predictors of male adolescents´ gambling are sensation seeking and empathy, and female adolescents´ sensation seeking, while a significant predictor that contributes to explaining the psychosocial consequences of gambling in both gender is also sensation seeking. Conclusion: significant contributions of personality traits and individual characteristics in the explanation of adolescent gambling are confirmed

    An Examination of Alternative Break Trips and Whiteness in Jesuit Higher Education

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    Alternative break trips punctuate life on Jesuit college campuses, acting as experiences of conversion and putting faith into action. The Universal Apostolic Preferences of “walking with the excluded” and “accompanying the youth” come together in the practice of alternative break programs. However, these trips often operate through the position of whiteness. In this paper, we examine alternative service trips through the lens of whiteness. Too often, predominately white groups insert themselves into non-white contexts and assert themselves as owners of the space. Practices of white university students instrumentalizing experiences of service as agents in their own conversion displace the agency of others, resulting in a lack of solidarity and a shallow experience of walking with the excluded. While walking with the excluded is an important preference to enact, it must not be done in the posture of “inverted hospitality.” Accompanying the youth entails challenging structures of whiteness and privilege. We propose best practices for accompanying the youth through resisting cultures of whiteness and instead moving towards solidarity


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