526 research outputs found

    Moonlighting politicians: A survey and research agenda

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    Elected representatives in many countries are legally allowed to carry out (un)paid jobs in addition to their political mandate, often referred to as moonlighting. Despite the important selection and incentive effects such outside positions might engender, academic studies evaluating the prevalence, desirability and/or consequences of politicians' moonlighting have remained relatively scarce; often due to severe data restrictions. In recent years, however, more stringent disclosure rules have increased data availability, and large-sample analyses are becoming increasingly feasible. Besides surveying recent empirical contributions to this developing research field, this paper also outlines unresolved issues and thereby develops an agenda for future enquiry. --Moonlighting,outside interests,outside income,shirking,disclosure rules

    Moonlighting politicians: a survey and research agenda

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    This is the authors’ accepted and refereed manuscript to the articleElected representatives in many countries are legally allowed to carry out (un)paid jobs in addition to their political mandate, often referred to as ‘moonlighting’. Despite the important selection and incentive effects such outside positions might engender, academic studies evaluating the prevalence, desirability and/or consequences of politicians’ moonlighting have remained relatively scarce; often due to severe data restrictions. In recent years, however, more stringent disclosure rules have increased data availability, and large-sample analyses are becoming increasingly feasible. Besides surveying recent empirical contributions to this developing research field, this paper also outlines unresolved issues and thereby develops an agenda for future enquiry.2014-07-0

    The retreat of the state from entrepreneurial activities: an extended survey

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    There is a huge body of literature in the social sciences that deals with the privatization of public enterprises in developed OECD countries after World War II. In the first part of this article, we present and critically examine empirical findings of comparative inquiries on the factors influencing cross-national differences in privatization efforts across the OECD world. Although these empirical studies provide valuable and interesting evidence, it turns out that these studies are incomplete insofar, as they mostly focus just on one dimension of privatization: the monetary or ‘material’ aspect typically measured with privatization proceeds raised by governments. Against this background, in the second part of this paper we point out that there are also formal privatization (i.e., ‘privatizing’ the legal form of a public enterprise) and functional privatization (i.e., contracting out public service production). Moreover it is emphasized that privatization does not automatically imply a retreat of the state from entrepreneurial activities. From there we plead for taking into account the development of regulatory policies and public subsidies to private enterprises over time as well, in order to get a more comprehensive picture of the development of the entrepreneurial state in the OECD world. Therefore, for each of these dimensions of entrepreneurial activity the current ‘state of the art’ regarding theory and empirics is surveyed and enriched by own empirical data. -- Dieser Aufsatz zieht eine Zwischenbilanz des RĂŒckzugs des Staates aus unternehmerischen TĂ€tigkeiten in der OECD-Welt seit 1980. Der Beitrag prĂ€sentiert einen kritischen Überblick ĂŒber empirische Studien zu den Bestimmungsfaktoren der nationalen Unterschiede in den Bereichen Privatisierung, Subventionszahlungen und Regulierung. Es wird gezeigt, dass erhebliche ForschungslĂŒcken bestehen; abschließend werden Wege fĂŒr die kĂŒnftige Forschung skizziert, um zu einem umfassenderen Bild der Entwicklung des unternehmerisch tĂ€tigen Staates zu gelangen.

    Spectral modeling of gamma-ray blazars

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    We present model calculations reproducing broadband spectra of Îł\gamma-ray blazars by a relativistic leptonic jet, combining the EIC and the SSC model. To this end, the evolution of the particle distribution functions inside a relativistic pair jet and of the resulting photon spectra is investigated. Inverse-Compton scattering of both external (EIC) as well as synchrotron photons (SSC) is treated using the full Klein-Nishina cross-section and the full angle-dependence of the external photon source. We present model fits to the broadband spectra of Mrk~421 and 3C279 and the X-ray and Îł\gamma-ray spectrum of PKS~1622-297. We find that the most plausible way to explain both the quiescent and the flaring states of these objects consists of a model where EIC and SSC dominate the observed spectrum in different frequency bands. For both Mrk~421 and 3C279 the flaring states can be reproduced by a harder spectrum of the injected pairs.Comment: 5 pages; uses epsf.sty, rotate.sty, aipproc.sty; To appear in Proc. of the 4th Compton Symposiu

    Homo Oeconomicus im Treibhaus Erde: Umweltpolitische Herausforderungen aus polit-ökonomischer Perspektive

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    This paper draws attention to three challenges for environmental policy that are rather neglected and only rudimentary addressed in the current discourse on the topic of climate protection and environmental protection. Section 2 discusses how "fake news" poses a problem for environmental policy. Section 3 addresses the question of how to deal with the existing "knowing-doing gaps" in some environmental policy contexts. Finally, Section 4 highlights the difficulties of a global and fair environmental policy. These challenges are considered from a politico-economic perspective, more specifically, through the lens of Public Choice Theory/New Political Economy

    Die Wirkung des Kurzfilms ‚Bende Sıra’ auf Kinder mit VerhaltensauffĂ€lligkeiten zwischen sieben und elf Jahren einer HeilpĂ€dagogischen Tagesgruppe

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    Eine Gruppendiskussion ĂŒber den tĂŒrkisch-sprachigen Film im Hinblick auf die Bewertung der Kinder, die aufgenommen Inhalte, das VerstĂ€ndnis und die Interpretation der Handlung sowie AnknĂŒpfungspunkte an die kindliche Lebenswelt und Identifikationsmöglichkeite

    Homo Oeconomicus im Treibhaus Erde: Umweltpolitische Herausforderungen aus polit-ökonomischer Perspektive

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    This paper draws attention to three challenges for environmental policy that are rather neglected and only rudimentary addressed in the current discourse on the topic of climate protection and environmental protection. Section 2 discusses how "fake news" poses a problem for environmental policy. Section 3 addresses the question of how to deal with the existing "knowing-doing gaps" in some environmental policy contexts. Finally, Section 4 highlights the difficulties of a global and fair environmental policy. These challenges are considered from a politico-economic perspective, more specifically, through the lens of Public Choice Theory/New Political Economy

    Governance im Politikfeld Wirtschaftspolitik

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    This paper gives an overview of the topic "economic governance". This term is used in economics and neighboring social sciences as a generic term under which usually all activities are subsumed that are conducted by economic policymakers to 'steer' or 'control' the economic system, individual markets therein or certain economic actors (e.g., businesses, consumers). In addition to a more detailed clarification of the concept of "economic governance" and the presentation of actors and instruments of economic governance, the paper discusses why and in what situations economic governance is necessary. The latter issue is the subject of a continuing debate in politics, the public and the social sciences
