24,536 research outputs found

    Do Farmers Exhibit Disposition Effect?: Evidence from Grain Marketing

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    disposition effect, grain marketing, Agribusiness, Institutional and Behavioral Economics, Marketing,

    Blogs in Higher Education : encouraging self-reflective learning in group assessments for Business Students

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    This article analyses and assesses the inclusion of blogs in higher education learning and teaching, and its use as an enabler for reflective learning, particularly in the context of group work. The research reports on findings from existing literature and from an isolated ob-servation of a class of 130 business students at undergraduate level. Two main areas for discussion have been defined: the impact of blogs on group work and the impact of blogs on student engagement. It has been found that the use of blogs in teaching and assessment deepens students’ individual learning experience and increases group performance through the application of Kolb’s Learning Cycle. Kolb’s theory has been used as guidance in tailoring blog tasks and activities. Overall, blog activities have minimised issues between group members and allowed for a more flexible and positive learning experience throughout the duration of group work; it was also found that students engaged in blog writing were able to motivate their peers to write on their own blogs too. Moreover, a relation between blog writing and better overall achievement in learning has been found.Peer reviewe

    Econometric Model for Cement demand and supply in Bolivia

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    This document introduce the obtained results of the econometric estimation of cement demand and supply in Bolivia considered as a simultaneous equations model, based on two equations, one for the demand and another for the supply. The objective of this study is to quantify the forces that affect the cement market in the period understood among the years 1994 up to 2003. Five models of simultaneous equations were considered, which are based on the respective linear functions of cement demand and supply to be able to explain the coefficients associated to the variables in form of elasticities. The estimates were made following the classic methodology of econometrics with the respective statistical validation, being carried out the individual and grupal validation of the coefficients associated to each variable indicating the statistic significance of the same ones.cement, demand, supply, bolivia.


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    This paper combines poverty considerations in the social welfare function and tax evasion into an optimal general income tax problem. It investigates the optimal audit and tax structures using a model with two types of individual, endogenous labor supply and a hybrid social welfare function that captures the pluralism of the objectives of a full committed government. The results confirm the previous literature on tax evasion: (i) skilled households should never be audited and face any distortions in the labor supply, (ii) unskilled households have to be audited randomly (probability less than one) and (iii) Individuals should be rewarded if telling the truth about their income. In addition, the introduction of poverty concern as a negative externality brings new characteristics for the optimum income tax on poor: (iv) they may (or not) face negative marginal income tax. Also, a numerical example is provided to further explore the model.

    Are Canadian Farmers Overconfident?

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    wheat, marketing, overconfidence, Agribusiness, Institutional and Behavioral Economics, Marketing,
