2 research outputs found
Time and Space in the Poem āThe Seasonsā by Kristijonas Donelaitis. The Original Text and Translations
Bakalaura darbÄ āLaiks un telpa Kristijona DonelaiÅ”a poÄmÄ āGadalaikiā. OriÄ£inÄlteksts un tulkojumiā ir analizÄta poÄmas laiktelpa ā daiļdarbs ir Ä«patnÄjs ar to, ka vienkopus apvieno gan reÄlo, vÄsturisko laiku un telpu, kuru caurvij apgaismÄ«bas idejas, kolonizÄcijas sekas un piÄtisms, gan mÄ«tisko ā ideÄlo mikrokosmu, kas atklÄjas laika cikliskumÄ ā gadalaiku maiÅÄ, saules tÄlÄ un svÄtkos. DonelaiÅ”a poÄmas oriÄ£inÄlÄ laiktelpa tiek skatÄ«ta salÄ«dzinoÅ”Ä aspektÄ ar K. Vatsona, Sudrabu Edžus, J. JaunsudrabiÅa un P. Kalvas poÄmas tulkojumu fragmentiem. Katra tulkotÄja veikums tiek novÄrtÄts un analizÄts laiktelpas atveides aspektÄ.The Bachelor thesis āTime and space in the poem āThe Seasonsā by Kristijonas Donelaitis. The original text and translationsā analyzes poemās time and space ā poem is distinguished in the way it combines both real and historical time and space, which is represented by the Enlightenment ideas, the effects of colonization and pietism, and mythical time-space ā ideal microcosm that reveals in cycle of nature and time ā change of seasons, the image of the sun and traditional holidays. Poem`s original time-space is viewed in comparison with its Latvian translations by K. Vatson, Sudrabu Edžus, J. JaunsudrabiÅÅ” and P. Kalva, where each translator's achievement is analyzed through the prism of time-space re-creation