5,842 research outputs found

    Some considerations and thoughts on the pragmatic classification of apomictic Rubus taxa : dedicated to Professor Dr. Dr. H. E. Weber on the occasion of his 65th birthday

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    Ausgehend von seinem Studium der Gattung Rubus in der Tschechischen Republik beschreibt der Autor die Klassifikation von Brombeeren (Subgenus Rubus) in Europa, ihre Geschichte, den gegenwärtigen Kenntnisstand sowie aktuelle Probleme. Der Autor zählt sich zu den Anhängern der "Weberschen Batologie", welcher die Fortschritte der vergangenen 25 Jahre in der Rubus-Taxonomie in Europa zu verdanken sind. Es wird akzeptiert, daß nicht jede Brombeerpflanze dem System eingeordnet werden kann. Die Gründe für die taxonomischen Probleme liegen in der Natur der Evolutionsprozesse dieser Gruppe: unvollständige Apomixis, häufige Hybridisierung, Aufspaltung der Nachkommenschaft in unterschiedliche Morphotypen, Wiedererlangen der Sexualität, vorübergehende Existenz von Spaltungsprodukten. Die potentielle Arealentwicklung eines neuen Biotyps innerhalb der Gruppe kann folgendermaßen skizziert werden: Einzelpflanze - LOkalsippe - regionale Art - weitverbreitete Art. Zur taxonomischen Bewertung einer Sippe sollte deshalb neben ausreichender morphologischer Charakterisierung vor allem die Arealgröße berücksichtigt werden. Sie ermöglicht die Zuordnung des fraglichen Taxons zu einer der genannten Rangstufen. Aufgrund seiner Erfahrungen aus der Tschechischen Republik schlägt der Autor einige Änderungen der Einstufungskriterien vor. Der Hauptunterschied besteht darin, die Untergrenze für die Einstufung als Regionalart auf 20 km Arealdurchmesser zu senken. Im Unterschied zu anderen Pflanzengruppen gilt bei den apomiktischen Brombeeren, daß weiter verbreitete Sippen größere pflanzengeographische Bedeutung haben als solche mit kleinen Arealen. Auch wenn bei der Neubeschreibung von Rubus-Arten strengere Anforderungen gestellt werden, zeigt sich, daß in der Vergangenheit mehrere gut unterscheidbare Arten vernachlässigt wurden und daß die Artenzahl innerhalb des Subgenus Rubus weiter ansteigt. Der Autor betont die Notwendigkeit des Studiums der Gruppe Glandulosi in Mitteleuropa und weist darauf hin, daß die Kooperation mit Populationsökologen nützlich sei, um die Mengeanteile der taxonomisch nicht klassifizierten Brombeeren im Gelände zu beschreiben.Based on his studies of the genus Rubus in the Czech Republic, the author describes classification of brambles from Rubus subgen. Rubus in Europe, its recent history, present state, and current problems. In general, the author follows the adherents of "Weberian batology" which in the last 25 years has assumed European responsibility for attempting to ciassify that particular genus. The thesis that not every bramble plant can be inciuded in the ciassification is accepted. The objective reasons for taxonomic difficulties within Rubus subgen. Rubus are connected with special features of taxogenesis of its members, especially with incomplete apomixis, frequent hybridization, splitting of the progeny into different morphotypes, resexualization, transitory existence of segregants, etc. The progress of the evolution of a new taxon in the given taxonomic group can be ranked: individual bush - local type - regional species - species with an extensive distribution area. When classifying a taxon, alongside sufficient morphological characteristics, great emphasis should be put on the distribution area; its extent can render possible the taxon to be accepted into the classification scheme. On the basis of experience gained from the Czech Republic, the author has accepted some modifications of the scale for acceptance of plants as species. The basic difference is in lowering the low limit of the extent of the distribution area for regional species, to be acceptable for their lnclusion to the classification, i.e. to 20 km in diameter. In contrast to taxa of other plant groups, species of apomictic brambles with more extensive distribution areas are phytogeographically more important than those with small distribution areas. In spite of the use of stricter requirements for the description of new species in Rubus, it appears that many (distinct) species have been neglected until now, and that the number of species in Rubus subgen. Rubus is continuously increasing. The author stresses the necessity of studying the group ser. Glandulosi in Central Europe and points out the usefulness of cooperation with population ecologists to describe the quantitative representation of taxonomically unclassified bramble plants in the field

    Two Poems

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    Foreign exchange interventions under inflation targeting: the Czech Experience

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    This paper discusses the role of foreign exchange interventions in the inflation-targeting regime, focusing on the Czech experience since 1998. It concludes that the case for foreign exchange interventions is not clear in an inflation targeting regime both from the theoretical and empirical point of view. First, the stylised facts on the effectiveness of Czech interventions suggest that sometimes these might have had an effect lasting up to 2 or 3 months, but no strategy can be identified that would work in all episodes. Moreover, even many of the "successful" interventions were not able to prevent quite prolonged periods of exchange rate overvaluation in 1998 and in 2002. Second, the sterilisation costs of interventions are shown to have been quite substantial in the Czech Republic, which had in certain period affected their credibility and effectiveness. Third and most importantly, the interventions may lead to tensions with the philosophy of the inflation targeting regimes on the procedural and communication level, which might have a negative impact on the credibility of the policy regime. The paper proposes some criteria for assessing whether the interventions are not in a conflict with the inflation targeting regime, and applies these criteria to the Czech case. From an ex post view, all the intervention episodes are judged to be consistent with the inflation targets and output developments, but there may be some doubt in other respects concerning the intervention episodes in early-1998 and late-1999. --Exchange rate,foreign exchange interventions,inflation targeting,sterilisation

    Foreign Exchange Interventions Under Inflation Targeting: The Czech Experience

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    This paper discusses the role of foreign exchange interventions in the inflation-targeting regime, focusing on the Czech experience since 1998. It proposes criteria for assessing whether the interventions are consistent with the inflation targeting. While the CNB's interventions in mid- 1998 and in 2002 pass these criteria easily, the judgement might be more uncertain concerning the interventions in early-1998 and in 1999/2000. It is also stressed that the literature on managed floating usually ignores the difficulty in defining clear procedural rules for the interventions. This contrasts with the procedures guiding the interest rate decisions under the inflation targeting regime, which may occasionally create tensions in the policy regime, as demonstrated by the Czech experience, too. The interventions' effectiveness in the Czech Republic is also discussed. It seems that sometimes they might have had an immediate impact lasting up to 2 or 3 months, but no strategy can be identified that would work in all episodes. Moreover, even many of the 'successful' interventions were not able to prevent quite prolonged periods of exchange rate overvaluation in 1998 and in 2002. It is concluded that the signalling role of foreign exchange interventions is more important than their 'market-equilibrating effect', implying a rather unstable transmission between the central bank actions and the market reactions. Finally, the paper analyses the sterilisation costs, which are shown to have been quite substantial in the Czech Republic. It is argued that the financial sustainability of the interventions is quite important for their credibility and effectiveness.Exchange rate, foreign exchange interventions, inflation targeting, sterilisation.