51 research outputs found
Familial Predisposition of Primary Dysmenorrhea among Senior High School Girl Students
Background: Dysmenorrhea is a common female reproductive problem in women of active reproductive agewhich is characterized by menstrual pain or cramps in a womenâs lower abdomen or back. Dysmenorrhea can be classified into primary and secondary. One of the associated risk factor of primary dysmenorrhoeais the family history, however the study on the family history of primary dysmenorrhea with recurrent menstrual pain is limited. This study was conducted to identify the correlation between family history and primary dysmenorrhea in high school girls.Methods: This cross sectional study was conducted at several senior high schools in Jatinangor from AprilâJune 2013. One hundred and sixty two students were included in this study. The sample size was calculated based on the unpairedâdichotomous variable for the twoâsided formula. A self administered questionnaire was distributed to the senior high school girl students who were in their menarche age, menstrual cycle characteristics, presence or absence of dysmenorrhea, severity of pain and presence dysmenorrhea in mothers and in sisters were inquired. Data were analyzed using chi square test.Results: Overall, there were association between positive family history and primary dysmenorrhea among the students with (p<0.001). The prevalence of dysmenorrhea in the students was 92.6% with 95% confidence interval which was 87.5â95.7%. The prevalence rate was 67.9% in mothers with 95% confidence interval which is 60.4â74.6% and 80.2% prevalence of primary dysmenorrhoea in sisters with 95% confidence interval which is 73.4â85.6%.Conclusions: There is a significant association between positive family history and primary dysmenorrhea.[AMJ.2015;2(4):579â83] DOI: 10.15850/amj.v2n4.64
Pertumbuhan dan Perkembangan Anak Usia 3-24 Bulan di Daerah Konflik
Lima tahun pertama adalah masa penting dalam proses tumbuh kembang anak. Anak lahir dan tinggal di daerah rawan bencana (bencana alam, perang, atau konflik bersenjata) berisiko mengalami kegagalan pertumbuhan dan keterlambatan perkembangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengukur perbedaan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak usia 3 - 24 bulan antara yang tinggal di daerah konflik dan bukan konflik dan menganalisis korelasi tempat tinggal daerah konflik dengan pertumbuhan serta perkembangan anak usia 3 - 24 bulan. Metode penelitian secara potong lintang dilakukan di Kabupaten Poso periode Februari - Maret 2014 terhadap 40 anak usia 3 - 24 bulan di daerah konflik dan bukan konflik. Data dianalisis menggunakan kai kuadrat dan korelasi point biseral. Hasil pertumbuhan berdasarkan berat badan/panjang badan di daerah konflik dan bukan konflik, kurus berturut-turut 32% dan 2% (p0,05), tetapi jenis kelamin memengaruhi perkembangan (p=0,010). Pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak usia 3-24 bulan yang tinggal di daerah konflik lebih terganggu dibandingkan dengan yang tinggal di daerah bukan konflik. Terdapat korelasi antara tempat tinggal daerah konflik dan jenis kelamin anak dengan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak usia 3-24 bulan.The first five years are an important period in the development of the child. Children born and living in areas prone to disasters (natural disasters, war or armed conflict), risk of growth failure and developmental delay. This study aimed to measure the difference in the growth and development of children aged between 3 - 24 months who live in areas of conflict and not conflict and analyze correlations residential areas of conflict with the growth and development of children aged 3 - 24 months. Method of cross-sectional studies conducted in Poso regency February - March 2014 to children aged 3 - 24 months in areas of conflict and not conflict. Data were analyzed using chisquare and correlation point biseral.The results based on the growth of weight /height in conflict areas and not conflict, successive thin 32% and 2% (p0.05), but influence the development of gender (p=0.010). Conclusions growth and development of children aged 3 - 24 months who live in areas of conflict more disturbed than those living in areas not conflict. There is a correlation residential areas of conflict and gender of children with the growth and development of children 3-24 months of age
Profile of Osteomyelitis Patients Visiting the Orthopedic Clinic of Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital, Indonesia, in 2017â2018
Background: Osteomyelitis is an inflammatory process caused by microorganism infection that leads to bone destruction. Osteomyelitis may affect all bones, particularly long bones, and infects all ages. This disease is hard to diagnose and the treatment is complex due to the diseaseâs heterogenicity, pathophysiology, clinical presentation, and management. This study aimed to determine the profile of osteomyelitis inpatients and outpatients presented to the Orthopedic Clinic of Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung, IndonesiaMethods: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study conducted from July to October 2019 using the total sampling method. Data were collected from the medical records of osteomyelitis inpatients and outpatients presented to the Orthopedic Clinic of Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung, Indonesia from 2017â2018. Data were then analyzed descriptively and the results were presented in frequencies.Result: In total, 90 data were retrieved. Most of data presented male patients (n= 69, 76.7%) with the age range of 20â29 years old (24.4%). The majority of these patients experienced chronic onset of disease (94.4%) located on the tibia (51.1%), which was caused by a post-operative procedure (61.1%). The most common treatment was operative procedure without antibiotic beads (51.1%). Staphylococcus aureus was the common pathogens identified in these patients (22.2%).Conclusion: The majority of osteomyelitis patients are males in productive age with chronic onset of disease located on the tibia caused by a post-operative procedure. Staphylococcus aureus is the common pathogen involved and the most common treatment is an operative procedure without antibiotic beads
Dermatomycosis among Elementary School Children in Jatinangor West Java
Background: Dermatomycosis often occurs in tropical countries. Many studies from tropical countries have reported high prevalence of dermatomycosis among elementary school children. Despite being a tropical country, prevalence of dermatomycosis among elementary school children in Indonesia is still unknown.The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence and characteristics of dermatomycosis among elementary school children in Jatinangor, Sumedang, West Java in SeptemberâNovember 2012.Methods: This study used a cross-sectional descriptive survey method. The 328 children from five elementary schools in Jatinangor were included in the study using multistage sampling technique. Medical history and physical examination was performed to all subjects. Subjects who had skin lesion suspected fordermatomycosis were examined with direct microscopic examination using 10% solutions of potassium hydroxide (KOH). Data were presented as frequent analysis distribution using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 17.0.Results: Of 328 children (174 males, 154 females; aged 5â14 years), 35 (10.6%) had lesions suggestive of dermatomycosis but only 5 children (1.5%) were positive for dermatomycosis. Males are more prevalent females, patients were in â„10 years age group. Four cases were Pityriasis versicolor, while one was diagnosed with tinea facialis.Conclusions: Dermatomycosis among elementary school children in Jatinangor had a low prevalence, with only 4 cases of Pityriasis versicolor and one tinea facialis case. [AMJ.2015;2(1):268â75
Relationship characteristic of midwife in pregnancy services and patient satisfaction In Public Health Center, Soreang, Bandung
Background: Pregnancy/Antenatal Care (ANC) services are the main factors in determining delivery outcomes including early detection of risk factors and also determining early treatment for pregnant women who experience complications during pregnancy. The quality of quality pregnancy services depends on the characteristics of health workers who provide services, the characteristics consist of age, educational qualifications, training and length of work.Objectives: This study aims to analyze the relationship between the characteristics of midwives in pregnancy services and patient satisfaction.Methods: This study used a cross-sectional analytical research design, namely the measurement of independent and dependent variables at the same time. The sample in this study were all midwives who worked at the Soreang District Health Center, namely 18 midwives. The midwives studied conducted examinations of 8 patients each for each pregnancy examination. Data collection techniques were carried out by filling out patient satisfaction questionnaires by pregnant women and observing pregnancy services by trained personnel using a pregnancy service checklist sheet. Furthermore, the data were analyzed by chi square test and multivariable multiple logistic regression analysis.Results: The results showed that there was a correlation between the characteristics of midwives and pregnancy services, namely the training indicator in a bivariable manner significantly affected the overall pregnancy service with a p-test of 0.007. Waiting time has a negative correlation with physical examination, laboratory, counseling and overall antenatal care with a p value of 0.002. Multivariable analysis showed that the characteristics of midwives that most influenced pregnancy care were age with p-value 0.040 [POR 1.83(1.028-3.259)], training with p-value 0.019 [POR 2.6(1.168-5.741)]. There is no relationship between pregnancy services and patient satisfaction with a p value of 0.796.Conclusion: In pregnancy services, the most influencing factors are age and training carried out by midwives. There is also a negative correlation between waiting time with physical and laboratory examinations, namely the longer the waiting time, the less physical examination services provided by midwives to patients. There is no relationship between pregnancy services and patient satisfaction
Influence of Household Environment and Maternal Behaviors to Upper Respiratory Infection among Toddlers
Upper respiratory infection (URI) in developing countries causes high morbidity among toddlers. Indonesia Health Ministry reported that non-pneumonia acute respiratory infection (ARI) increased by 2.6% from 2007 to 2011. Risk factors which may contribute to URI include environment and behavior. This study aimed to investigate environmental and behavioral factors with URI among toddlers. This case control study was conducted on February â April 2015 among toddlers in Tamansari that is a slum area in Bandung City. Case was 55 mothers with toddlers suffering from URI who came to primary health care, meanwhile control was twice bigger than cases selected from the environment and matched for age, sex and nutritional status. Environmental factors were density, humidity, ventilation, temperature and smoke disposal. Meanwhile, behavioral factors were hand-washing, motherâs smoking behavior, the use of mask, vitamin A consumption and exclusive breastfeeding. Results of study showed that environmental factor related to URI was only density with p value = 0.021 and OR = 2.843 (CI 95% = 1.168 â 6.920). None of maternal behavior factor was related to URI. Reducing density is an important and challenging issue in slum area, same as similary health promotion and prevention concerning URI are still necessary to reduce the risk of this disease among toddlers in urban slum area. AbstrakInfeksi saluran pernapasan akut atas (ISPA atas) di negara berkembang menyebabkan morbiditas tinggi pada anak bawah usia lima tahun (balita). Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia melaporkan bahwa ISPAnonpneumonia meningkat 2,6% dari tahun 2007 ke 2011. Faktor risiko yang dapat berkontribusi termasuk lingkungan dan perilaku. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki faktor perilaku dan lingkungan dengan ISPA atas pada balita. Studi kasus kontrol ini dilakukan dari Februari-April 2015 pada balita di Tamansari yang merupakan daerah kumuh di Kota Bandung. Kasus adalah 55 ibu dengan balita menderita ISPA atas yang datang ke puskesmas, sedangkan kontrol dua kali lebih besar dari kasus dipilih dari lingkungan dan cocok untuk usia, jenis kelamin, dan status gizi. Faktor lingkungan adalah kepadatan, kelembaban, ventilasi, suhu, dan pembuangan asap. Sedangkan perilaku adalah mencuci tangan, perilaku merokok ibu, pemakaian masker, konsumsi vitamin Adan ASI eksklusif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor lingkungan yang berkaitan dengan ISPA atas hanya kepadatan dengan nilai p = 0,021 dan OR = 2,843 (CI 95%: 1,168 â 6,920). Tidak terdapat faktor perilaku ibu yang berhubungan dengan ISPA atas. Pengurangan kepadatan merupakan masalah penting dan menantang di daerah kumuh, sama halnya dengan promosi kesehatan dan pencegahan tentang ISPA atas masih penting untuk mengurangi risiko penyakit ini pada balita di daerah kumuh perkotaan
Midwife profession must have good competence because it has an impact in improving the quality of health service. Survey of Midwifery Diploma III Institutions. Midwife competencies that match work requirements are only 15%. To improve the competence of midwives, the laboratory learning process must be carried out properly according to standards. The combination of self and peer assessment methods is learning to get feedback, encourage students to be more active, independent, responsible, practice evaluation skills and encourage deep learning to maximize the achievement of competencies. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of a combination of self and peer assessmentlearning methods on D III Midwifery student competencies. This research is a quantitative study with a quasi-experimental pre-post test design. The study population was all students of D III Midwifery Semester III with a total of 75 people. Sampling uses simple random sampling technique which is divided into three groups for self assessment, peer assessment and a combination of self and peer assessmentmethods, each group totaling 25 people. The research instrument uses a checklist. The statistical test used is Kruskal_Wallis. the results showed that the combination of self and peer assessmentmethods showed more increases by 13.2% (
Familial Predisposition of Primary Dysmenorrhea among Senior High School Girl Students
Background: Dysmenorrhea is a common female reproductive problem in women of active reproductive agewhich is characterized by menstrual pain or cramps in a womenâs lower abdomen or back. Dysmenorrhea can be classified into primary and secondary. One of the associated risk factor of primary dysmenorrhoeais the family history, however the study on the family history of primary dysmenorrhea with recurrent menstrual pain is limited. This study was conducted to identify the correlation between family history and primary dysmenorrhea in high school girls.Methods: This cross sectional study was conducted at several senior high schools in Jatinangor from AprilâJune 2013. One hundred and sixty two students were included in this study. The sample size was calculated based on the unpairedâdichotomous variable for the twoâsided formula. A self administered questionnaire was distributed to the senior high school girl students who were in their menarche age, menstrual cycle characteristics, presence or absence of dysmenorrhea, severity of pain and presence dysmenorrhea in mothers and in sisters were inquired. Data were analyzed using chi square test.Results: Overall, there were association between positive family history and primary dysmenorrhea among the students with (p<0.001). The prevalence of dysmenorrhea in the students was 92.6% with 95% confidence interval which was 87.5â95.7%. The prevalence rate was 67.9% in mothers with 95% confidence interval which is 60.4â74.6% and 80.2% prevalence of primary dysmenorrhoea in sisters with 95% confidence interval which is 73.4â85.6%.Conclusions: There is a significant association between positive family history and primary dysmenorrhea.[AMJ.2015;2(4):579â83] DOI: 10.15850/amj.v2n4.64
Pendidikan Kesehatan dengan Media Film âDerita Tiada Akhirâ Menggugah Pengantin Remaja dalam Menggunakan Kontrasepsi Modern
Adolescent marriage (10-19 years old) is a problem for every country, especially for developing countries. Based on the basic health research (Riskesdas), the adolescent marriage in Indonesia is 41.9% and this is the highest number compared with other age category. The number of adolescent marriage in West Java is in the second place after the middle of Kalimantan and the position is above the national number 50.2%. The number of adolescent marriage in Bandung is 23.9%, whereas the government target is only 3.5%. Adolescent marriage has a strong relationship with pregnancy and the high risk childbirth. This research goal was to analyze the usage and the impact of media film the risk of adolescent pregnancy on the modern contraceptive participation and those influencing factors. The research was conducted in the 7 offices of religion affairs (KUA) that spread in Bandung. This research is a quasi experiment research with post-test design and pre-post test design with total samples of 44 consisting of 22 bridal couple and 22 adolescent bridewomen that only registered their marriage in the 7 KUAâs. Adolescents marriage applicant samples were taken by consecutive sampling whereas the sampling for the adolescents that were married was taken by simple random sampling. Univariate analysis used frequency distribution and binomial, while bivariate analysis used chi-square and fisherâs exact, Multivariate analysis used Multiple Regresi Logistic. The research results show that reproductive health education about the adolescent pregnancy through film media could increase twice the participation of adolescent married couples in using modern contraception, by using chi square (p=0.015), RR:2.33 have the increase of reproductive health education. Based on the results, it can be concluded that reproductive health education through film media can increase the participation of adolescent married couples influenced the modern contraceptive participation
Maternal mortality rate in Indonesia is still relatively high. The biggest cause of maternal mortality in Indonesia is bleeding. Most bleeding in the puerperium (75-80%) is uterine atony. Uterine atony is the most frequent cause of the occurrence of bleeding postpartum. This study aimed to analyze the risk factors for uterine atony in Cut Meutia General Hospital and Health Center PONED in North Aceh district. This study uses a case control design, as a case group, maternal postpartum hemorrhage with uterine atony and control group, maternal postpartum hemorrhage without uterine atony. The sample size for each selected group 69 (the number of cases during the period from 2015 to 2017) while the control selected at random with the same number as many as 69 cases. Data analysis using chi square and multiple logistic regression. The results of the research bivariable indicates a meaningful associated with uterine atony is preeclampsia with OR 10,30 (CI 95%: 2,91-36,41), twin pregnancy with OR 17,31 (CI 95%: 2,21-135,76), induction of labor with an OR 4,39 (CI 95%: 1,0-21,45), grande multipara with OR 4,52 (CI 95%: 1,61-12,73) compared with primipara. Multivariable those associated with uterine atony is the age of the mother with OR 2,98 (CI 95%: 0,56-15,82), preeclampsia with OR 20,27 (CI 95%: 4,66-88,20), induction of labor with an OR 6,69 (CI 95%: 1,12-39,95), twin pregnancy with OR 52,39 (CI 95%: 5,65-486,03), anemia with OR 3,06 (CI 95%: 1,07-8,69). This study concluded that parity, preeclampsia, twin pregnancy and labor induction were risk factors for the incidence of uterine atony with twin pregnancy as the most dominant factor in the incidence of uterine atony.
Keywords : Risk factors; Uterine Atony
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