3,004 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this study was to determine the influence ratio of outdoor advertisements on survey participants (consumers) who are living in Sivas city and to measure the effects on participants' purchasing behavior. The research also attempted to specify the different characteristics of outdoor advertisements in comparison to other advertising instruments. The other research aims are to designate the status of outdoor advertisements among the advertisement instruments which are thought to have an effect on the purchasing behavior of consumers and to determine the effects and dimensions of outdoor advertisements. A face-to-face interview survey is conducted on 400 person who live in Sivas city and who are selected with non-random sampling. Data were analyzed by using T-test, variant analysis and factor analysis. SPSS 15.0 for Windows was employed for the scale measurement. The result of the analysis shows that people generally have positive opinions about outdoor advertisements. They think that outdoor advertisements are more eye-catching and creative when compared to other advertisement types and their physical size lends them an effective visual impact. Respondents also stated that outdoor advertisements contribute to the cityscape in terms of variety and beauty, and they do not pollute the environment. However, awareness of outdoor advertisement amongst some people is relatively low. The results of the study indicate that outdoor advertisements which create different ideas, which are effective in informing and persuading people and which are sensitive to the environment can be viewed positively by consumers. In particular, amongst consumers with higher educational and income levels, outdoor advertisements are becoming striking and their visibility is increasing.outdoor advertisement, customer behavior, Turkey


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    The main purpose of this study was to examine the effect of date-of-birth on consumption behaviors of young people. A face-to-face interview survey is conducted to collect data. SPSS 18.0 for Windows was used for data analysis. Descriptive statistics such as means, frequencies, ANOVA tests and Chi-square tests were calculated. The findings pointed out that the young consumers on fire group (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius) take more instant and impulsive purchase actions. It is a new study about the effect of astrology on young customer behaviors. It presents valuable information that can assist marketers to understand young customers’ consumption behaviors.Astrology, Marketing, Young Consumers, Consumer Behaviors, Buying Behaviors

    The clash between Putin and Erdoğan represents a turning point in Russian-Turkish relations

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    Russian-Turkish relations have deteriorated sharply in the aftermath of Turkey shooting down a Russian aircraft in November. Didem Buhari-Gulmez assesses how the situation is likely to develop in the coming months. She writes that there is little consensus over what the lasting implications will be for relations between the two countries, with both Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan showing no signs of backing down from their war of words

    Candida auris: a decade of understanding of an enigmatic pathogenic yeast

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    Candida auris is an enigmatic yeast that continues to stimulate interest within the mycology community due its rapid and simultaneous emergence of distinct clades. In the last decade, almost 400 manuscripts have contributed to our understanding of this pathogenic yeast. With dynamic epidemiology, elevated resistance levels and an indication of conserved and unique pathogenic traits, it is unsurprising that it continues to cause clinical concern. This mini-review aims to summarise some of the key attributes of his remarkable pathogenic yeast

    Turkey’s relations with Europe are in flux following Ahmet Davutoğlu’s resignation

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    Turkey’s Prime Minister, Ahmet Davutoğlu, announced his resignation on 5 May. Didem Buhari-Gulmez writes that the resignation reflected a wider split within Turkey over the need for security-oriented policies, the validity of the deal between Turkey and the EU over refugees, and the aim of Turkey’s President, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, to move the country toward a presidential political system

    učinak dodatka kumisa na tjelesnu masu, unos hrane te razine nesfatina-1 i irizina u BALB/C miševa

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the plasma and tissue levels of nesfatin-1 and irisin hormones, which were discovered in recent years and are associated with endocrine and metabolic functions, in kumiss-supplemented mice. Sixteen BALB/C male mice were divided into two groups as control and kumiss groups. During the experiment, the kumiss was added to the drinking water of mice at a ratio of 1:1 to obtain a daily 2×108 cfu/mL bacterial colony, and was given once a day orally for 20 weeks. The weights and food intake of the animals were monitored during the experiment. The nesfatin-1 and irisin levels in plasma and tissue samples were determined using ELISA kits. Kumiss supplementation reduced the live weight for 2-12 weeks (P<0.05). However, no significant difference was observed after the 12th week. The feed consumption of the kumiss group was lower at the beginning and the 10th week, and at the end, compared to the control group (P<0.05). The plasma levels of nesfatin-1 and irisin (P<0.001) decreased while the liver levels increased (P<0.05 and P<0.001, respectively). The results indicate that plasma and liver levels of nesfatin-1 and irisin are regulated by diet and are effective in weight loss and food intake.Cilj ovoga rada bio je istražiti razine nesfatina-1 i hormona irizina, koji su nedavno otkriveni i povezani su s endokrinim i metaboličkim funkcijama, u plazmi i tkivu miševa hranjenih dodatkom kumisa. Šesnaest BALB/C muških jedinki podijeljeno je u dvije skupine, kontrolnu i pokusnu. Za vrijeme istraživanja kumis je dodavan u vodu za piće u omjeru 1 : 1, kako bi se dnevno postiglo 2×108 cfu/mL bakterijskih kolonija, te je davan jedanput dnevno peroralno tijekom 20 tjedana. Praćeni su porast tjelesne mase i unos hrane. Razine nesfatina-1 i irizina u uzorcima plazme i tkiva određene su ELISA-om. Dodatak kumisa utjecao je na smanjenje tjelesne mase između 2. i 12. tjedna (P < 0,05). Nije uočena znakovita razlika nakon 12. tjedna. Unos hrane u pokusnoj skupini smanjen je na početku i deseti tjedan te je na kraju uspoređen s kontrolnom skupinom (P < 0,05). Razine nesfatina-1 i irizina u plazmi (P < 0,001) su se smanjile, dok su razine u jetri porasle (nesfatin-1 P < 0,05; irizin P < 0,001). Rezultati upućuju na to da su razine nesfatina-1 i irizina u plazmi i jetri regulirane prehranom i djeluju na smanjenje tjelesne mase i unos hrane


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    A Study of Research Assistants’ Perceptions about Academic Adviser and Academic Life through Metaphors

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    In current study research assistants’ perceptions about the concepts of ‘Academic adviser’ and ‘Academic life’ via metaphors were aimed which is conducted with qualitative research method. Participants of study consist of 82 research assistant (45 of them women) work in Educational Faculties in Turkey. In data collection, for academic advisers each participant is asked to complete the prompt “An academic adviser is like . . . because . . .” or “An academic adviser is analogous to . . . because . . .” For academic life each of them is asked to complete the promt “An academic life is like . . . because . . .” or “An academic life is analogous to . . . because . . .”. In analyzing data content analysis was used. Perceptions of research assistant for their academic advisers 7 categories is determined such that supervisor as loadstar/enlightening, supporter/protector, productive, director, neutral, colonist and changeable respectively. In academic life theme, seven categories were created as well as academic advisor theme. Considering academic life metaphor, hopeless period, rocky road, a period of development, fund of knowledge process, Deadweight, labor process and uncertainty process categories were created. Results were discussed and suggestions were given in line with findings. Keywords: Research assistant, metaphor, advisor, academic lif

    Ecological footprint, energy usage, and economic progress relationship: the MINT countries

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    This study explores the relationship between energy usage, per capita income, and ecological footprint as an assessment for ecological deterioration in the MINT (Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria, Turkey) countries for the 1976–2016 period. This work estimates the long-term correlation between variables using a vector error correction model through panel vector autoregression analysis. By incorporating endogenous interactions between the variables in the system, the VAR approach addresses the endogeneity problem. Also, the impulse response functions and the effects of variables on certain lags are evaluated. Then, the cointegration between variables has been estimated with dynamic and fully modified ordinary least squares panel analysis to assess the longterm relationship further. After the examinations, a satisfactory Granger causality result of the short-term variables could not be achieved. However, the same cannot be said for long-run causality. In the impulse-response functions, the interactions of the variables on each other are evaluated. Only the increase in energy consumption, whose coefficient is statistically significant and coherent, increases the flexibility of the ecological footprint