11,653 research outputs found

    The Ramsey number of dense graphs

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    The Ramsey number r(H) of a graph H is the smallest number n such that, in any two-colouring of the edges of K_n, there is a monochromatic copy of H. We study the Ramsey number of graphs H with t vertices and density \r, proving that r(H) \leq 2^{c \sqrt{\r} \log (2/\r) t}. We also investigate some related problems, such as the Ramsey number of graphs with t vertices and maximum degree \r t and the Ramsey number of random graphs in \mathcal{G}(t, \r), that is, graphs on t vertices where each edge has been chosen independently with probability \r.Comment: 15 page

    Combinatorial theorems relative to a random set

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    We describe recent advances in the study of random analogues of combinatorial theorems.Comment: 26 pages. Submitted to Proceedings of the ICM 201

    On-line Ramsey numbers

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    Consider the following game between two players, Builder and Painter. Builder draws edges one at a time and Painter colours them, in either red or blue, as each appears. Builder's aim is to force Painter to draw a monochromatic copy of a fixed graph G. The minimum number of edges which Builder must draw, regardless of Painter's strategy, in order to guarantee that this happens is known as the on-line Ramsey number \tilde{r}(G) of G. Our main result, relating to the conjecture that \tilde{r}(K_t) = o(\binom{r(t)}{2}), is that there exists a constant c > 1 such that \tilde{r}(K_t) \leq c^{-t} \binom{r(t)}{2} for infinitely many values of t. We also prove a more specific upper bound for this number, showing that there exists a constant c such that \tilde{r}(K_t) \leq t^{-c \frac{\log t}{\log \log t}} 4^t. Finally, we prove a new upper bound for the on-line Ramsey number of the complete bipartite graph K_{t,t}.Comment: 11 page

    The incidence and outcomes associated with the late attainment of qualifications in the United Kingdom

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    A sequence of triangle-free pseudorandom graphs

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    A construction of Alon yields a sequence of highly pseudorandom triangle-free graphs with edge density significantly higher than one might expect from comparison with random graphs. We give an alternative construction for such graphs.Comment: 6 page

    An extremal theorem in the hypercube

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    The hypercube Q_n is the graph whose vertex set is {0,1}^n and where two vertices are adjacent if they differ in exactly one coordinate. For any subgraph H of the cube, let ex(Q_n, H) be the maximum number of edges in a subgraph of Q_n which does not contain a copy of H. We find a wide class of subgraphs H, including all previously known examples, for which ex(Q_n, H) = o(e(Q_n)). In particular, our method gives a unified approach to proving that ex(Q_n, C_{2t}) = o(e(Q_n)) for all t >= 4 other than 5.Comment: 6 page

    Hypergraph expanders from Cayley graphs

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    We present a simple mechanism, which can be randomised, for constructing sparse 33-uniform hypergraphs with strong expansion properties. These hypergraphs are constructed using Cayley graphs over Z2t\mathbb{Z}_2^t and have vertex degree which is polylogarithmic in the number of vertices. Their expansion properties, which are derived from the underlying Cayley graphs, include analogues of vertex and edge expansion in graphs, rapid mixing of the random walk on the edges of the skeleton graph, uniform distribution of edges on large vertex subsets and the geometric overlap property.Comment: 13 page
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