4,753 research outputs found

    Should Language Matter Less to Journals?

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    Quels sont les bénéfices d'une immunisation passive postexpositionnelle contre la rougeole ? : Revue Cochrane pour le praticien

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    Question clinique : Une patiente de 43 ans connue pour un lupus érythémateux disséminé et une néphropathie lupique stable et traitée par hydroxychloroquine et mycophénolate mofétil vous rapporte avoir eu contact il y a quatre jours avec un enfant atteint de la rougeole. Elle ne présente aucun symptôme et son dernier bilan vaccinal montre un taux d'anticorps contre la rougeole non protecteur. La patiente devrait-elle recevoir une immunisation active ou passive contre la rougeole? Contexte En Suisse : la couverture vaccinale contre la rougeole n'est pas assez importante pour empêcher sa diffusion. L'immunisation passive avec des immunoglobulines est destinée aux personnes non immunes exposées à la rougeole, recommandée en Suisse aux personnes à haut risque. Cette revue visait à évaluer l'efficacité et l'innocuité de l'injection intramusculaire ou de la perfusion intraveineuse d'immunoglobulines pour prévenir la rougeole chez les personnes susceptibles avant l'apparition des symptômes

    Editorial research and the publication process in biomedicine and health: Report from the Esteve Foundation Discussion Group, December 2012.

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    Despite the fact that there are more than twenty thousand biomedical journals in the world, research into the work of editors and publication process in biomedical and health care journals is rare. In December 2012, the Esteve Foundation, a non-profit scientific institution that fosters progress in pharmacotherapy by means of scientific communication and discussion organized a discussion group of 7 editors and/or experts in peer review biomedical publishing. They presented findings of past editorial research, discussed the lack of competitive funding schemes and specialized journals for dissemination of editorial research, and reported on the great diversity of misconduct and conflict of interest policies, as well as adherence to reporting guidelines. Furthermore, they reported on the reluctance of editors to investigate allegations of misconduct or increase the level of data sharing in health research. In the end, they concluded that if editors are to remain gatekeepers of scientific knowledge they should reaffirm their focus on the integrity of the scientific record and completeness of the data they publish. Additionally, more research should be undertaken to understand why many journals are not adhering to editorial standards, and what obstacles editors face when engaging in editorial research

    Thrombose veineuse profonde : une thrombolyse est-elle efficace ? : revue cochrane pour le praticien

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    Scénario: Une patiente de 45 ans vous consulte car sa jambe droite est bleue, cyanosée, avec une tension dans le mollet depuis cinq jours, qui s'est étendue progressivement jusqu'au haut de la cuisse. La circonférence du mollet droit est 4 cm plus grande que celle du mollet gauche. La patiente est en surpoids (IMC à 35 kg/m2) et suit depuis quelques années un traitement oestro-progestatif. Elle n'a pas d'anamnèse familiale ou d'antécédent de maladie thromboembolique. Un ultrason montre une thrombose veineuse profonde (TVP) avec un thrombus s'étendant de la veine poplitée à la veine iliaque externe. Question: La patiente pourrait-elle bénéficier d'une thrombolyse? Contexte: Les complications de la TVP comprennent l'embolie pulmonaire et le syndrome post-thrombotique. Un syndrome post-thrombotique léger à modéré peut survenir chez 30-50% des patients malgré un traitement anticoagulant, qui prévient principalement l'embolie pulmonaire et la récidive de TVP. Cette mise à jour de revue systématique compare l'efficacité du traitement anticoagulant à celui combinant les anticoagulants et la thrombolyse (par streptokinase, urokinase ou activateur tissulaire du plasminogène)

    Impact of STROBE Statement Publication on Quality of Observational Study Reporting: Interrupted Time Series versus Before-After Analysis

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    Background:In uncontrolled before-after studies, CONSORT was shown to improve the reporting of randomised trials. Before-after studies ignore underlying secular trends and may overestimate the impact of interventions. Our aim was to assess the impact of the 2007 STROBE statement publication on the quality of observational study reporting, using both uncontrolled before-after analyses and interrupted time series.Methods:For this quasi-experimental study, original articles reporting cohort, case-control, and cross-sectional studies published between 2004 and 2010 in the four dermatological journals having the highest 5-year impact factors (≥4) were selected. We compared the proportions of STROBE items (STROBE score) adequately reported in each article during three periods, two pre STROBE period (2004-2005 and 2006-2007) and one post STROBE period (2008-2010). Segmented regression analysis of interrupted time series was also performed.Results:Of the 456 included articles, 187 (41%) reported cohort studies, 166 (36.4%) cross-sectional studies, and 103 (22.6%) case-control studies. The median STROBE score was 57% (range, 18%-98%). Before-after analysis evidenced significant STROBE score increases between the two pre-STROBE periods and between the earliest pre-STROBE period and the post-STROBE period (median score2004-0548% versus median score2008-1058%, p<0.001) but not between the immediate pre-STROBE period and the post-STROBE period (median score2006-0758% versus median score2008-1058%, p = 0.42). In the pre STROBE period, the six-monthly mean STROBE score increased significantly, by 1.19% per six-month period (absolute increase 95%CI, 0.26% to 2.11%, p = 0.016). By segmented analysis, no significant changes in STROBE score trends occurred (-0.40%; 95%CI, -2.20 to 1.41; p = 0.64) in the post STROBE statement publication.Interpretation:The quality of reports increased over time but was not affected by STROBE. Our findings raise concerns about the relevance of uncontrolled before-after analysis for estimating the impact of guidelines

    Thrombolyse bei tiefer Venenthrombose? [Thrombolytic therapy in deep venous thrombosis?]

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    Sie sehen eine 45-jährige Patientin mit einem bläulich-zyanotischen rechten Bein. Vor fünf Tagen habe ein Spannungsschmerz in der Wade begonnen und sich zunehmend in den Oberschenkel hochgezogen. Die rechte Wade misst im Umfang 4 cm mehr als die linke. Die Anamnese ergibt keine familiäre oder persönliche Vorgeschichte einer thromboembolischen Erkrankung. Die Patientin ist übergewichtig ( BMI 35 kg/m2) und nimmt seit einigen Jahren eine Östrogen-Progesteron-Kombination. Der Ultraschall zeigt eine Thrombose der tiefen Beinvenen, die bis in die äussere Beckenvene reicht

    The role of correspondence sections in post-publication peer review: A bibliometric study of general and internal medicine journals

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    Scientific journals claim that correspondence sections are for post-publication peer review. We compared the conditions for submission and the bibliometrics of letters-to-editors published in leading medical journals in 2002 and 2007 using journal-derived information and data from PubMed and Journal Citation Reports. The median time limit for letter submissions decreased from 6 to 3.5 weeks, the median word limit from 400 to 350. The median number of letters per published article was near one in both years. Only about half of the letters were followed by an author reply in either year. Electronic response systems were available for four journals in 200

    Factors influencing delays in patient access to new medicines in Canada: a retrospective study of reimbursement processes in public drug plans

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    © 2019 Salek, Lussier Hoskyn, Johns, Allen and Sehgal.Individuals who rely on public health payers to access new medicines can access fewer innovative medicines and must wait longer in Canada compared to major markets around the world. New medicines/indications approved by Health Canada and reviewed for eligibility for reimbursement by the Common Drug Review or the pan-Canadian Oncology Drug Review (CDR/pCODR) from the beginning of 2012 through to the end of December 2016 were analyzed, with data taken from the relevant bodies’ websites and collected by IQVIA. This analysis investigated individual review segments – Notice of Compliance (NOC) to Health Technology Assessment (HTA) submission, HTA review time, pan-Canadian Pharmaceutical Alliance (pCPA) negotiation time, and public reimbursement decision time, and analyzed the trends of each over time and contributions to overall time to listing decisions. Average overall timelines for public reimbursement after NOC were long and most of this time is taken up by HTA and pCPA processes, at 236 and 273 days, respectively. This study confirms that Canadian public reimbursement delays from 2013-2014 to 2015-2016 lengthened from NOC to listing (Quebec + 53%, first provincial listing + 38%, and country-wide listing + 22%), reaching 499, 505, and 571 days, respectively. Over the same period, time from NOC to completion of HTA has increased by 33%, and time from post-HTA to first provincial listing by 44%. The pCPA process appears to be the main contributor to this increasing time trend, and although some provinces could be listing more quickly post-pCPA, they appear to be listing fewer products. Reasons for large delays in time to listing include the many-layered sequential process of reviews conducted before public drug plans decide whether to provide access to new innovative medicines. Although there has been some headway made in certain parts of the review processes (e.g., pre-NOC HTA), total time to listing continues to increase, seemingly due to the pCPA process and other additional review processes by drug plans. More clarity in the pCPA and provincial decision-making processes and better coordination between HTA, pCPA, and provincial decision-making processes is needed to increase predictability in the processes and reduce timelines for Canadian patients and manufacturers.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio