4 research outputs found

    Comparative transcriptional analysis identifies genes associated with the attenuation of Theileria parva infected cells after long-term in vitro culture

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    Autologous administration of attenuated Theileria parva-infected cells induces immunity to T. parva in cattle. The mechanism of attenuation, however, is largely unknown. Here, we used RNA sequencing of pathogenic and attenuated T. parva-infected T-cells to elucidate the transcriptional changes underpinning attenuation. We observed differential expression of several host genes, including TRAIL, PD-1, TGF-β and granzymes that are known to regulate inflammation and proliferation of infected cells. Importantly, many genes linked with the attenuation of the related T. annulata-infected cells were not dysregulated in this study. Furthermore, known T. parva antigens were not dysregulated in attenuated relative to pathogenic cells, indicating that attenuation is not due to enhanced immunogenicity. Overall this study suggests that attenuation is driven by a decrease in proliferation and restoration of the inflammatory profile of T. parva-infected cells. Additionally, it provides a foundation for future mechanistic studies of the attenuation phenotype in Theileria-infected cells

    Mycobacterium bovis prevalence affects the performance of a commercial serological assay for bovine tuberculosis in African buffaloes

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    The endemic presence of bovine tuberculosis (BTB) in African buffaloes in South Africa has severe consequences for BTB control in domestic cattle, buffalo ranching and wildlife conservation, and poses a potential risk to public health. This study determined the BTB prevalence in free-ranging buffaloes in two game reserves and assessed the influence of the prevalence of mycobacterial infections on the performance of a commercial cattle-specific serological assay for BTB (TB ELISA). Buffaloes (n = 997) were tested with the tuberculin skin test and TB ELISA; a subset (n = 119) was tested longitudinally. Culture, PCR and sequencing were used to confirm infection with M. bovis and/or non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM). Prevalence of BTB, but not NTM, influenced the TB ELISA performance. Multiple testing did not increase test confidence. The findings strongly illustrate the need for development of novel assays that can supplement existing assays for a more comprehensive testing scheme for BTB in African buffaloes

    Experimental Mycobacterium bovis infection in three white rhinoceroses (Ceratotherium simum) : susceptibility, clinical and anatomical pathology

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    Tuberculosis caused by Mycobacterium bovis is endemic in the African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) population in the Kruger National Park and other conservation areas in South Africa. The disease has been diagnosed in a total of 21 free ranging or semi-free ranging wildlife species in the country with highly variable presentations in terms of clinical signs as well as severity and distribution of tuberculous lesions. Most species are spillover or dead-end hosts without significant role in the epidemiology of the disease. White rhinoceroses (Ceratotherium simum) are translocated from the Kruger National Park in substantial numbers every year and a clear understanding of their risk to manifest overt tuberculosis disease and to serve as source of infection to other species is required. We report the findings of experimental infection of three white rhinoceroses with a moderately low dose of a virulent field isolate of Mycobacterium bovis. None of the animals developed clinical signs or disseminated disease. The susceptibility of the white rhinoceros to bovine tuberculosis was confirmed by successful experimental infection based on the ante mortem isolation of M. bovis from the respiratory tract of one rhinoceros, the presence of acid-fast organisms and necrotizing granulomatous lesions in the tracheobronchial lymph nodes and the detection of M. bovis genetic material by PCR in the lungs of two animals.S1 Table. Macroscopic, culture, molecular, and histological findings in experimentally infected rhinoceros PB1.S2 Table. Macroscopic, culture, molecular, and histological findings in experimentally infected rhinoceros PB2.S3 Table. Macroscopic, culture, molecular, and histological findings in experimentally infected rhinoceros PB4.S4 Table. Macroscopic, culture, molecular, and histological findings in 11 control rhinoceroses.The NRF, South African MRC and SANParks.http://www.plosone.orgam2017Veterinary Tropical Disease

    Mycobacterium bovis prevalence affects the performance of a commercial serological assay for bovine tuberculosis in African buffaloes

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    The endemic presence of bovine tuberculosis (BTB) in African buffaloes in South Africa has severe consequences for BTB control in domestic cattle, buffalo ranching and wildlife conservation, and poses a potential risk to public health. This study determined the BTB prevalence in free-ranging buffaloes in two game reserves and assessed the influence of the prevalence of mycobacterial infections on the performance of a commercial cattle-specific serological assay for BTB (TB ELISA). Buffaloes (n = 997) were tested with the tuberculin skin test and TB ELISA; a subset (n = 119) was tested longitudinally. Culture, PCR and sequencing were used to confirm infection with M. bovis and/or non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM). Prevalence of BTB, but not NTM, influenced the TB ELISA performance. Multiple testing did not increase test confidence. The findings strongly illustrate the need for development of novel assays that can supplement existing assays for a more comprehensive testing scheme for BTB in African buffaloes