7 research outputs found

    Oxygenation of Anandamide by Lipoxygenases

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    The endocannabinoids anandamide and 2-arachidonoylglycerol are not only metabolized by serine hydrolases, such as fatty acid amide hydrolase, monoacylglycerol lipase, and α,β-hydrolases 6 and 12, but they also serve as substrates for cyclooxygenases, cytochrome P450s, and lipoxygenases. These enzymes oxygenate the 1Z,4Z-pentadiene system of the arachidonic acid backbone of endocannabinoids, thereby giving rise to an entirely new array of bioactive lipids. Hereby, a protocol is provided for the enzymatic synthesis, purification, and characterization of various oxygenated metabolites of anandamide generated by lipoxygenases, which enables the biological study and detection of these metabolites

    Calcium as a Crucial Cofactor for Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor Folding in the Endoplasmic Reticulum*

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    The family of low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptors mediate uptake of a plethora of ligands from the circulation and couple this to signaling, thereby performing a crucial role in physiological processes including embryonic development, cancer development, homeostasis of lipoproteins, viral infection, and neuronal plasticity. Structural integrity of individual ectodomain modules in these receptors depends on calcium, and we showed before that the LDL receptor folds its modules late after synthesis via intermediates with abundant non-native disulfide bonds and structure. Using a radioactive pulse-chase approach, we here show that for proper LDL receptor folding, calcium had to be present from the very early start of folding, which suggests at least some native, essential coordination of calcium ions at the still largely non-native folding phase. As long as the protein was in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), its folding was reversible, which changed only upon both proper incorporation of calcium and exit from the ER. Coevolution of protein folding with the high calcium concentration in the ER may be the basis for the need for this cation throughout the folding process even though calcium is only stably integrated in native repeats at a later stage

    Analysis of Disulfide Bond Formation

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    In this unit, protocols are provided for detection of disulfide bond formation in cultures of intact cells and in an in vitro translation system containing isolated microsomes or semi-permeabilized cells. First, the newly synthesized protein of interest is biosynthetically labeled with radioactive amino acids in a short pulse. The labeled protein then is chased with unlabeled amino acids. At different times during the chase, a sample is collected, membranes are lysed with detergent, and the protein is isolated by immunoprecipitation, as described. A support protocol is provided for analysis of disulfide bonds in the immunoprecipitates by SDS-PAGE with and without prior reduction. The difference in mobility observed between the gels with nonreduced and reduced samples is due to disulfide bonds in the nonreduced protein. An additional support protocol is included that uses PEG-maleimide to modify free thiols and follow disulfide-bond formation by SDS-PAGE

    TORC2 mediates the heat stress response in Drosophila by promoting the formation of stress granules

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    The kinase TORis found in two complexes, TORC1,which is involved in growth control, and TORC2, whose roles are less well defined. Here, we asked whether TORC2 has a role in sustaining cellular stress. We show that TORC2 inhibition in Drosophila melanogaster leads to a reduced tolerance to heat stress, whereas sensitivity to other stresses is not affected. Accordingly, we show that upon heat stress, both in the animal and Drosophila cultured S2 cells, TORC2 is activated and is required for maintaining the level of its known target, Akt1 (also known as PKB). We show that the phosphorylation of the stress-activated protein kinases is not modulated by TORC2 nor is the heat-induced upregulation of heat-shock proteins. Instead, we show, both in vivo and in cultured cells, that TORC2 is required for the assembly of heat-induced cytoprotective ribonucleoprotein particles, the pro-survival stress granules. These granules are formed in response to protein translation inhibition imposed by heat stress that appears to be less efficient in the absence of TORC2 function.We propose that TORC2 mediates heat resistance in Drosophila by promoting the cell autonomous formation of stress granules

    Intramolecular quality control: HIV-1 envelope gp160 signal-peptide cleavage as a functional folding checkpoint

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    Removal of the membrane-tethering signal peptides that target secretory proteins to the endoplasmic reticulum is a prerequisite for proper folding. While generally thought to be removed co-translationally, we report two additional post-targeting functions for the HIV-1 gp120 signal peptide, which remains attached until gp120 folding triggers its removal. First, the signal peptide improves folding fidelity by enhancing conformational plasticity of gp120 by driving disulfide isomerization through a redox-active cysteine. Simultaneously, the signal peptide delays folding by tethering the N terminus to the membrane, until assembly with the C terminus. Second, its carefully timed cleavage represents intramolecular quality control and ensures release of (only) natively folded gp120. Postponed cleavage and the redox-active cysteine are both highly conserved and important for viral fitness. Considering the ∼15% proteins with signal peptides and the frequency of N-to-C contacts in protein structures, these regulatory roles of signal peptides are bound to be more common in secretory-protein biogenesis

    Intramolecular quality control: HIV-1 envelope gp160 signal-peptide cleavage as a functional folding checkpoint

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    Removal of the membrane-tethering signal peptides that target secretory proteins to the endoplasmic reticulum is a prerequisite for proper folding. While generally thought to be removed co-translationally, we report two additional post-targeting functions for the HIV-1 gp120 signal peptide, which remains attached until gp120 folding triggers its removal. First, the signal peptide improves folding fidelity by enhancing conformational plasticity of gp120 by driving disulfide isomerization through a redox-active cysteine. Simultaneously, the signal peptide delays folding by tethering the N terminus to the membrane, until assembly with the C terminus. Second, its carefully timed cleavage represents intramolecular quality control and ensures release of (only) natively folded gp120. Postponed cleavage and the redox-active cysteine are both highly conserved and important for viral fitness. Considering the ∼15% proteins with signal peptides and the frequency of N-to-C contacts in protein structures, these regulatory roles of signal peptides are bound to be more common in secretory-protein biogenesis