49 research outputs found

    Mild hyperlipidemia in mice aggravates platelet responsiveness in thrombus formation and exploration of platelet proteome and lipidome.

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    Hyperlipidemia is a well-established risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. Millions of people worldwide display mildly elevated levels of plasma lipids and cholesterol linked to diet and life-style. While the prothrombotic risk of severe hyperlipidemia has been established, the effects of moderate hyperlipidemia are less clear. Here, we studied platelet activation and arterial thrombus formation in Apoe-/- and Ldlr-/- mice fed a normal chow diet, resulting in mildly increased plasma cholesterol. In blood from both knockout mice, collagen-dependent thrombus and fibrin formation under flow were enhanced. These effects did not increase in severe hyperlipidemic blood from aged mice and upon feeding a high-fat diet (Apoe-/- mice). Bone marrow from wild-type or Ldlr-/- mice was transplanted into irradiated Ldlr-/- recipients. Markedly, thrombus formation was enhanced in blood from chimeric mice, suggesting that the hyperlipidemic environment altered the wild-type platelets, rather than the genetic modification. The platelet proteome revealed high similarity between the three genotypes, without clear indication for a common protein-based gain-of-function. The platelet lipidome revealed an altered lipid profile in mildly hyperlipidemic mice. In conclusion, in Apoe-/- and Ldlr-/- mice, modest elevation in plasma and platelet cholesterol increased platelet responsiveness in thrombus formation and ensuing fibrin formation, resulting in a prothrombotic phenotype

    Comparative Analysis of Microfluidics Thrombus Formation in Multiple Genetically Modified Mice: Link to Thrombosis and Hemostasis

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    Genetically modified mice are indispensable for establishing the roles of platelets in arterial thrombosis and hemostasis. Microfluidics assays using anticoagulated whole blood are commonly used as integrative proxy tests for platelet function in mice. In the present study, we quantified the changes in collagen-dependent thrombus formation for 38 different strains of (genetically) modified mice, all measured with the same microfluidics chamber. The mice included were deficient in platelet receptors, protein kinases or phosphatases, small GTPases or other signaling or scaffold proteins. By standardized re-analysis of high-resolution microscopic images, detailed information was obtained on altered platelet adhesion, aggregation and/or activation. For a subset of 11 mouse strains, these platelet functions were further evaluated in rhodocytin- and laminin-dependent thrombus formation, thus allowing a comparison of glycoprotein VI (GPVI), C-type lectin-like receptor 2 (CLEC2) and integrin alpha(6)beta(1) pathways. High homogeneity was found between wild-type mice datasets concerning adhesion and aggregation parameters. Quantitative comparison for the 38 modified mouse strains resulted in a matrix visualizing the impact of the respective (genetic) deficiency on thrombus formation with detailed insight into the type and extent of altered thrombus signatures. Network analysis revealed strong clusters of genes involved in GPVI signaling and Ca2+ homeostasis. The majority of mice demonstrating an antithrombotic phenotype in vivo displayed with a larger or smaller reduction in multi-parameter analysis of collagen-dependent thrombus formation in vitro. Remarkably, in only approximately half of the mouse strains that displayed reduced arterial thrombosis in vivo, this was accompanied by impaired hemostasis. This was also reflected by comparing in vitro thrombus formation (by microfluidics) with alterations in in vivo bleeding time. In conclusion, the presently developed multi-parameter analysis of thrombus formation using microfluidics can be used to: (i) determine the severity of platelet abnormalities;(ii) distinguish between altered platelet adhesion, aggregation and activation;and (iii) elucidate both collagen and non-collagen dependent alterations of thrombus formation. This approach may thereby aid in the better understanding and better assessment of genetic variation that affect in vivo arterial thrombosis and hemostasis

    Platelet-primed interactions of coagulation and anticoagulation pathways in flow-dependent thrombus formation

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    Abstract: In haemostasis and thrombosis, platelet, coagulation and anticoagulation pathways act together to produce fibrin-containing thrombi. We developed a microspot-based technique, in which we assessed platelet adhesion, platelet activation, thrombus structure and fibrin clot formation in real time using flowing whole blood. Microspots were made from distinct platelet-adhesive surfaces in the absence or presence of tissue factor, thrombomodulin or activated protein C. Kinetics of platelet activation, thrombus structure and fibrin formation were assessed by fluorescence microscopy. This work revealed: (1) a priming role of platelet adhesion in thrombus contraction and subsequent fibrin formation; (2) a surface-independent role of tissue factor, independent of the shear rate; (3) a mechanism of tissue factor-enhanced activation of the intrinsic coagulation pathway; (4) a local, suppressive role of the anticoagulant thrombomodulin/protein C pathway under flow. Multiparameter analysis using blood samples from patients with (anti)coagulation disorders indicated characteristic defects in thrombus formation, in cases of factor V, XI or XII deficiency; and in contrast, thrombogenic effects in patients with factor V-Leiden. Taken together, this integrative phenotyping approach of platelet–fibrin thrombus formation has revealed interaction mechanisms of platelet-primed key haemostatic pathways with alterations in patients with (anti)coagulation defects. It can help as an important functional add-on whole-blood phenotyping

    High-throughput elucidation of thrombus formation reveals sources of platelet function variability.

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    In combination with microspotting, whole-blood microfluidics can provide high-throughput information on multiple platelet functions in thrombus formation. Based on assessment of the inter- and intra-subject variability in parameters of microspot-based thrombus formation, we aimed to determine the platelet factors contributing to this variation. Blood samples from 94 genotyped healthy subjects were analyzed for conventional platelet phenotyping: i.e. hematologic parameters, platelet glycoprotein (GP) expression levels and activation markers (24 parameters). Furthermore, platelets were activated by ADP, CRP-XL or TRAP. Parallel samples were investigated for whole-blood thrombus formation (6 microspots, providing 48 parameters of adhesion, aggregation and activation). Microspots triggered platelet activation through GP Ib-V-IX, GPVI, CLEC-2 and integrins. For most thrombus parameters, inter-subject variation was 2-4 times higher than the intra-subject variation. Principal component analyses indicated coherence between the majority of parameters for the GPVI-dependent microspots, partly linked to hematologic parameters, and glycoprotein expression levels. Prediction models identified parameters per microspot that were linked to variation in agonist-induced αIIbβ3 activation and secretion. Common sequence variation of GP6 and FCER1G, associated with GPVI-induced αIIbβ3 activation and secretion, affected parameters of GPVI-and CLEC-2-dependent thrombus formation. Subsequent analysis of blood samples from patients with Glanzmann thrombasthenia or storage pool disease revealed thrombus signatures of aggregation-dependent parameters that were subject-dependent, but not linked to GPVI activity. Taken together, this high-throughput elucidation of thrombus formation revealed patterns of inter-subject differences in platelet function, which were partly related to GPVI-induced activation and common genetic variance linked to GPVI, but also included a distinct platelet aggregation component

    Maintenance of murine platelet homeostasis by the kinase Csk and phosphatase CD148.

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    Src family kinases (SFKs) coordinate the initiating and propagating activation signals in platelets, but it remains unclear how they are regulated. Here, we show that ablation of C-terminal Src kinase (Csk) and receptor-like protein tyrosine-phosphatase CD148 in mice results in a dramatic increase in platelet SFK activity, demonstrating that these proteins are essential regulators of platelet reactivity. Paradoxically, Csk/CD148-deficient mice exhibit reduced in vivo and ex vivo thrombus formation and increased bleeding following injury rather than a prothrombotic phenotype. This is a consequence of multiple negative feedback mechanisms, including downregulation of the immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM)- and hemi-ITAM-containing receptors glycoprotein VI (GPVI)-Fc receptor (FcR) γ-chain and CLEC-2, respectively and upregulation of the immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibition motif (ITIM)-containing receptor G6b-B and its interaction with the tyrosine phosphatases Shp1 and Shp2. Results from an analog-sensitive Csk mouse model demonstrate the unconventional role of SFKs in activating ITIM signaling. This study establishes Csk and CD148 as critical molecular switches controlling the thrombotic and hemostatic capacity of platelets and reveals cell-intrinsic mechanisms that prevent pathological thrombosis from occurring

    High-throughput measurement of human platelet aggregation under flow: application in hemostasis and beyond

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    In recent years, considerable progress has been made in understanding the mechanisms involved in platelet activation during hemostasis and thrombosis. Parallel-plate flow chambers and other microfluidic devices have markedly contributed to this insight. Conversely, such flow devices are now increasingly used to monitor the combined processes of platelet aggregation, thrombus formation, and coagulation in human blood. Currently, by combining microspotting and multi-color fluorescence microscopy, this technology offers the capability of high-throughput measurement of platelet activation processes, even in small blood samples. Here we review the potential of flow chamber devices for complex (multiparameter) platelet and coagulation phenotyping, focusing on patients with (genetic) platelet- or coagulation-based bleeding disorders as well as monitoring of antithrombotic medication. Animal studies are not discussed

    Impact of Deficiency of Intrinsic Coagulation Factors XI and XII on Ex Vivo Thrombus Formation and Clot Lysis

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    The contributions of coagulation factor XI (FXI) and FXII to human clot formation is not fully known. Patients with deficiency in FXI have a variable mild bleeding risk, whereas FXII deficiency is not associated with bleeding. These phenotypes make FXII and FXI attractive target proteins in anticoagulant therapy. Here, we studied the mechanisms of fibrin clot formation, stability, and fibrinolytic degradation in patients with severe FXI or FXII deficiency. Thrombin generation was triggered in platelet-poor (PPP) and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) with the biological FXII trigger sulfatides. Intrinsic and extrinsic thrombus formation and degradation in whole blood were determined with rotational thromboelastometry (ROTEM). Clot formation under flow was assessed by perfusion of whole blood over collagen microspots with(out) tissue factor (TF). Thrombin generation and clot formation were delayed in FXII- and FXI-deficient patients triggered with sulfatides. In FXI-deficient plasma, this delay was more pronounced in PRP compared to PPP. In whole blood of FXII-deficient patients, clots were smaller but resistance to fibrinolysis was normal. In whole blood of FXI-deficient patients, clot formation was normal but the time to complete fibrinolysis was prolonged. In flow chamber experiments triggered with collagen/TF, platelet coverage was reduced in severe compared with moderate FXI deficiency, and fibrin formation was impaired. We conclude that quantitative defects in FXII and FXI have a substantial impact on contact activation-triggered coagulation. Furthermore, FXI deficiency has a dose-dependent suppressing effect on flow-mediated and platelet/TF-dependent clot formation. These last data highlight the contribution of particularly FXI to hemostasis