62 research outputs found

    Insight into the magnetic behavior of Sr2_2IrO4_4:A spontaneous magnetization study

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    Sr2_2IrO4_4 is a weak ferromagnet where the spin arrangement is canted anti-ferromagnetic (AF). Moreover, the spin-structure coupling plays and important role in magnetic behavior of Sr2_2IrO4_4. In this concern the magnetization under zero applied field i.e. spontaneous magnetization would be interesting to study and would give insight into the novel magnetic behavior of Sr2_2IrO4_4. Sophisticated techniques like neutron diffraction, μ\mu \textit{SR} etc has been used to understand the magnetic behavior of Sr2_2IrO4_4 under zero applied field. To understand the magnetic behavior we have performed detail field and temperature dependent magnetization study, the measured field and temperature dependent magnetic data is analyzed rigorously. We have attempted the understand the temperature dependance of spontaneous magnetization, remanent magnetization and coercive force. We observe that the spontaneous magnetization extracted from Arrott plot shows that the Sr2_2IrO4_4 is not an ideal ferromagnet. The temperature dependent coercive field is found to follows Guant's model of strong domain wall pinning. Our investigation explicit the temperature dependence of various magnetic properties shows the magnetic transitions from paramagnetic to ferromagnetic phase with TcT_c around 225 K and a low temperature evolution of magnetic magnetic moment around TMT_M ∼\sim90 K

    Critical behavior in itinerant ferromagnet SrRu1βˆ’x_{1-x}Tix_xO3_3

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    SrRuO3_3 presents a rare example of ferromagnetism among the 4dd based oxides. While the nature of magnetic state in SrRuO3_3 is mostly believed to be of itinerant type, recent studies suggest a coexistence of both itinerant and localized model of magnetism in this material. Here, we have investigated the evolution of magnetic state in doped SrRu1βˆ’x_{1-x}Tix_xO3_3 through studying the critical behavior using standard techniques such as, modified Arrott plot, Kouvel-Fisher plot and critical isotherm analysis across the magnetic transition temperature TcT_c. The substitution of nonmagnetic Ti4+^{4+} (3d0d^{0}) for Ru4+^{4+} (4d4d^4) would simply dilute the magnetic system apart from modifying the electron correlation effect and the density of states at Fermi level. Surprisingly, TcT_c does not change with xx. Moreover, our analysis show the exponent Ξ²\beta related to spontaneous magnetization increases while the exponents Ξ³\gamma and Ξ΄\delta related to initial inverse susceptibility and critical magnetization, respectively decrease with Ti substitution. The estimated exponents do not match with any established theoretical models for universality classes, however, the exponent obey the Widom relation and the scaling behavior. Interestingly, this particular evolution of exponents in present series has similarity with that in isoelectronic doped Sr1βˆ’x_{1-x}Cax_xRuO3_3. We believe that site dilution by Ti leads to formation magnetic clusters which causes this specific changes in critical exponents.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Spin-phonon coupling and dielectric spectroscopy in nano-crystalline Pr2_2CoMnO6_6 double perovskite manganite

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    In this paper, we present the spin-phonon coupling and dielectric response of nano-crystalline Pr2_2CoMnO6_6 employing Raman and dielectric spectroscopic study. Pr2_2CoMnO6_6 is a manganite compound , it undergoes a paramagnetic to ferromagnetic (PM-FM) phase transition around TcT_c ∼\sim172 K. Temperature-dependent Raman scattering experiment is carried out across TcT_c to study the spin-phonon behavior in this material. The results from Raman study reveal an obvious softening of the phonon mode involving stretching vibrations of the (Co/Mn)O6_6 octahedra in ferromagnetic temperature regions, indicating a close correlation between magnetism and lattice in Pr2_2CoMnO6_6 and conform the spin phonon coupling. Further, we have carried out detailed study on dielectric response, impedance spectroscopy, electric modulus and AC conductivity of Pr2_2CoMnO6_6 ceramics in the temperature range of 20 K - 300 K and frequency range of 1kHz - 5.5MHz. We found Pr2_2CoMnO6_6 shows strong frequency dependence with large dispersion and large dielectric constant. It is found that thermally activated relaxation mechanism is involve and material is deviated from Debye's model which is confirmed by Nyquist plot and complex modules behavior.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2004.1347

    Critical behavior and magnetocaloric effect in ferromagnetic nano-crystalline Pr2_2CoMnO6_6

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    To understand the nature of magnetic phase transition in nano-crystalline Pr2_2CoMnO6_6, in present study we have investigated the critical behavior and magnetocaloric effect. To estimate the critical exponents, various methods have been adopted like; the modified Arrott plots (MAP), the Kouvel-Fisher method (KF) and the critical isotherm analysis. This material shows a second order type a paramagnetic (PM) to ferromagnetic (FM) phase transition around 160 K. The critical exponents obtained from modified Arrott plots are Ξ²\beta = 0.531, Ξ³\gamma = 0.935 and TcT_c = 160 K. Kouvel-Fisher method gives the exponents as Ξ²\beta = 0.533Β±\pm0.001 with TcT_c = 160.72Β±\pm0.03 K and Ξ³\gamma = 0.932Β±\pm0.003 with TcT_c = 160.15Β±\pm0.05 K. The third exponent Ξ΄\delta = 2.763Β±\pm0.005 obtained from critical isothermal is in agreement with Wisdom scaling rule. The estimated critical exponents do not exactly match with any established universality class, however, the deduced exponent values suggest that spin interaction in the present material is close to mean-field model which suggests the existence of long-range ferromagnetic order in nano-crystalline Pr2_2CoMnO6_6. The reliability of critical exponents is checked by universal scaling hypothesis on magnetic data across Tc_c. We have calculated the magnetic entropy change from magnetic data and found maximum value of -Ξ”\DeltaS = 2.05 (J kgβˆ’1^{-1} Kβˆ’1^{-1}) for 50 kOe at 180 K. Moreover, field dependent change in magnetic entropy obeys scaling and also indicates that the magnetic interaction is close to mean-field type.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Effect of Cu2+^{2+} substitution in Spin-Orbit Coupled Sr2_2Ir1βˆ’x_{1-x}Cux_xO4_4: Structure, magnetism and electronic properties

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    Sr2_2IrO4_4 is an extensively studied spin-orbit coupling induced insulator with antiferromagnetic ground state. The delicate balance between competing energy scales plays crucial role for its low temperature phase, and the route of chemical substitution has often been used to tune these different energy scales. Here, we report an evolution of structural, magnetic and electronic properties in doped Sr2_2Ir1βˆ’x_{1-x}Cux_xO4_4 (xx ≀\leq 0.2). The substitution of Cu2+^{2+} (3d9d^9) for Ir4+^{4+} (5d5d^5) acts for electron doping, though it tunes the related parameters such as, spin-orbit coupling, electron correlation and Ir charge state. Moreover, both Ir4+^{4+} and Cu2+^{2+} has single unpaired spin though it occupies different dd-orbitals. With Cu substitution, system retains its original structural symmetry but the structural parameters show systematic changes. X-ray photoemission spectroscopy measurements show Ir4+^{4+} equivalently converts to Ir5+^{5+} and a significant enhancement in the density of states has been observed at the Fermi level due to the contribution from the Cu 3dd orbitals, which supports the observed decrease in the resistivity with Cu substitution. While the long-range magnetic ordering is much weakened and the highest doped sample shows almost paramagnetic-like behavior the overall system remains insulator. Analysis of resistivity data shows mode of charge conduction in whole series follows 2-dimensional variable-range-hopping model but the range of validity varies with temperature. Whole series of samples exhibit negative magnetoresistance at low temperature which is considered to be a signature of weak localization effect in spin-orbit coupled system, and its evolution with Cu appears to follow the variation of resistivity with xx.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, appeared in Phys. Rev.

    Temperature evolution of magnetic and transport behavior in 5\textit{d} Mott insulator Sr2_2IrO4_4: Significance of magneto-structural coupling

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    We have investigated the temperature evolution of magnetism and its interrelation with structural parameters in perovskite-based layered compound Sr2_2IrO4_4, which is believed to be a JeffJ_{eff} = 1/2 Mott insulator. The structural distortion plays an important role in this material which induces a weak ferromagnetism in otherwise antiferromagnetically ordered magnetic state with transition temperature around 240 K. Interestingly, at low temperature below around 100 K, a change in magnetic moment has been observed. Temperature dependent x-ray diffraction measurements show sudden changes in structural parameters around 100 K are responsible for this. Resistivity measurements show insulating behavior throughout the temperature range across the magnetic phase transition. The electronic transport can be described with Mott's two-dimensional variable range hopping (VRH) mechanism, however, three different temperature ranges are found for VRH, which is a result of varying localization length with temperature. A negative magnetoresistance (MR) has been observed at all temperatures in contrast to positive behavior generally observed in strongly spin-orbit coupled materials. The quadratic field dependence of MR implies a relevance of a quantum interference effect.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    Magnetism and electrical transport in Y-doped layered iridate Sr2_2IrO4_4

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    Here, we report an investigation of structural, magnetic and electronic properties in Y-doped layered iridate (Sr1βˆ’x_{1-x}Yx_x)2_2IrO4_4 (xx ≀\leq 0.1). The parent Sr2_2IrO4_4 is a well-studied spin-orbit coupling (SOC) induced insulator with an antiferromagnetic ground state. The Y-doping here equivalently acts for electron doping without altering the vital parameters such as, SOC and electron correlation. Experimental results show a minute change in structural parameters and an equivalent charge conversion from Ir4+^{4+} to Ir3+^{3+}. Unlike similarly other electron-doped system, the low temperature magnetic and electronic state in present series is minimally influenced. The charge conduction mechanism follows 2-dimensional hopping model in whole series. Magnetoresistance (MR) data show an interesting sign change with both temperature and magnetic field. The positive MR both at low temperature follows weak antilocalization behavior where the sign change in MR is believed to be caused by an interplay between SOC and magnetic moment.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Physical properties in nano-crystalline Ho2_2CoMnO6_6

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    3dd based double perovskite materials have received much attention in recent years due to their exotic magnetic structure and magneto-electric coupling. In this work we have prepared and studied the nano-crystalline sample of Ho2_2CoMnO6_6. Structural, magnetic, Raman and dielectric properties have been studied in detail. The structural analysis shows that the sample crystallize in monoclanic crystal structure with \textit{P2_1/n} phase group. The X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy have been employed to confirms the charge state of cations presents in the material. Magnetic study shows that the sample undergoes a paramagnetic to ferromagnetic phase transition around TcT_c ∼\sim85 K. The isothermal magnetization measurements shows hysteresis curve hence confirm ferromagnetic behavior at low temperature. Temperature dependent Raman study reveals that there is spin phonon coupling in the sample marked by deviation in phonon mode from anharmonic behavior. Dielectric response of Ho2_2CoMnO6_6 shows the large dispersion and large dielectric constant. Impedance spectroscopy and electrical modulus study reveal that system shows deviation from ideal Debye model. AC conductivity have been studied as a function of both temperature and frequency. We found that the conduction mechanism is obeyed by Jonscher's model. The exponent factor nn is suggest that the material deviates from ideal Debye model.Comment: 13 pages, 17 figure

    Suppression of magnetic phase transition at high magnetic field and non-Debye's nature of nano-crystalline Gd2_2CoMnO6_6: a detail study of physical properties

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    Structural, magnetization, phonon behavior, and dielectric response of nano-crystalline Gd2_2CoMnO6_6 have been presented in this paper. The study shows that the material crystallizes in \textit{P2_1/n} phase group of the monoclinic crystal structure. XPS measurement shows Co2+^{2+} and Mn4+^{4+} oxidation states are present in the sample. Magnetization study reveals that the sample undergoes a ferromagnetic ordering of Co2+^{2+} and Mn4+^{4+} magnetic ions around TcT_c ∼\sim132 K. However we have seen that with the application of external magnetic field the phase transition is largely suppressed. Raman study reveals the presence spin-phonon coupling in Gd2_2CoMnO6_6. Dielectric study reveals that the sample shows large dielectric constant and strong dispersion in mid frequency range. The dielectric loss shows there are two relaxation processes present in the material with different relaxation time and which are driven by thermally activated relaxation mechanics. Further, the Nyquist plot and AC conductivity study show that this sample is non-Debye's in nature.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figure

    Site dilution and charge disorder effect on physical properties in SrRu1βˆ’x_{1-x}Gax_xO3_3

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    Here, we report an evolution of structural, magnetic and transport behavior in doped SrRu1βˆ’x_{1-x}Gax_xO3_3 (xx ≀\le 0.2). The nonmagnetic dopant Ga3+^{3+} (3d10d^{10}) not only acts for magnetic site dilution in SrRuO3_3 but also it modifies the Ru charge state and electronic density. Our studies show that Ga3+^{3+} substitution does not affect the original orthorhombic-\textit{Pbnm} structure of SrRuO3_3 which is due to its matching ionic radii with Ru4+^{4+}. However, Ga3+^{3+} has a substantial effect on the magnetic behavior of SrRuO3_3 where it decreases both magnetic moment as well as magnetic transition temperature TcT_c. Further, this dilution induces Griffiths phase behavior across TcT_c and cluster-glass behavior at low temperature with higher concentration of doping. The magnetic critical exponent Ξ²\beta increases with xx due to this site dilution effect. The Ga3+^{3+} induces an insulating state in SrRuO3_3 with xx >> 0.05. The charge transport in paramagnetic as well as in insulating state of samples can be well described with Mott's modified variable-range-hopping model. The metallic charge transport just below TcT_c in SrRuO3_3 obeys Fermi liquid behavior which, however breaks down at low temperature. We further find a correlation between field dependent magnetoresistance and magnetization through power-law behavior over the series.Comment: 12 figures, To appear in JPC
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